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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • If you can't get it into disc mode from itunes, there is a button combination you can press after resetting it that will force disc mode.
  • Thank you. I just sat there expectant with a derp expression on my face. I still can't believe I had a moment where I turned to my brother with puppy eyes that I couldn't to something that symple. Boy this is what Uni teaches you!
  • BooYah: My principal is totally behind my ideas about games in education and put me on the Positive Behavior In School board.
    Fail: Increased responsibility means more after-school hours.
    BooYah: I can influence policy at my school.
    Fail: Increased responsibility and hours does not include pay raise.
    BooYah: I can now push to get new computers for the school.
    Fail: There is no money for new computers at the school.
  • Sonic, I fail to see any fail in ballroom, because it's fucking awesome.
  • Boo-yah: Went to awesome juggling event at MIT and was complimented heavily.
    Fail: Forgot that I promised to have dinner with some people who are likely a bit mad at me.
    Part of the story: Introduced someone to Radio Free Equestria.
  • Had my niece and nephew (two-year-old twins) ravage my Lego collection for the very first time. They're so adorable. So they were in the kitchen after my niece had picked out a car, and in the kitchen there are metal and plastic bowls lying around because that's what we put out so they can bang around on. My niece put the car on the ground, picks up a bowl, unintentionally drops it, smashes the car, and looks up with an expression halfway between crying and "it wasn't me".

    You can decide what the fail and boo-yahs in that story are yourself.
  • Is the boo-yah that was a Lego car, so they could just put it back together?
  • My Greek mother and her cousins are trying to setup me up with a Greek girl. However, they're utterly failing at finding me on facebook. And my mom doesn't seem to know how to spell her name exactly so I can't find her.

    Oh the lols.
  • George's Big Fat Greek Set Up coming Fall 2011.
  • Boo-Yah: Have an interview on Wednesday for a new job within the government that I've been actually interested in.
    Fail: I haven't interviewed in years. I'm beyond nervous, and with a short notice I need to make sure I have my resume updated along with any information they may need. Also, I may need to go shopping for clothes. I have some, but it's more of a fall type and it's summer and hot right now.
  • Fail: I got a parking ticket on campus.
    Boo-Yah: I've never registered this car with the uni so they can fuck off.
  • Boo-Yah: My friends are visiting for the weekend.
    Fail: I have to rent a car to accommodate them. I ended up with a Toyota Corolla, the whitest of the white good cars.
    Boo-Yah: It's costing me less than $50 to rent for the whole weekend and it should avg well over 30 mpg.
  • Fail: Overtime
    Boo-Yah: Overtime
  • So, my days off at work have been changed from Thursday/Sunday to Wednesday/Thursday. On the one hand, hells yeah, two days of rest in a row. On the other, now I'm working both weekend days, thus ruining my plan for getting the most out of my time off for going to conventions by only having to request Friday and Saturday off, which would've been hard enough as it is, seeing as those two are the roughest days of the week.

    They also appear to be ready to hire me into the company once my time there as a temp is up, so I guess that balances out the Fail Scale the previous news tilted.
  • Booh-Yah! : I'm in England!
    Fail: This exchange rate is highway robbery. I may as well have been mowing lawns all summer. Also, I might need a local bank account.
  • Also, I might need a local bank account
    Worth it they do deals for students. I will tell you now. Do not bank with Nat-west. They are shitty and the staff are dicks. Lloyds TSB arnt to bad. Where did you go to get it exchanged?
  • Fail: Desktop is fucked. It won't even reach the boot menu.
    Boo-Yah: We might finally get a new computer. The current one is crap. Windows breaks every few months, and parts seem to break all the time. The motherboard is too old to support DDR3 or PCIe2+.
  • Fail: Quit a roleplaying group.
    Booh-yah: Did it directly (when I could have done nothing) and did it for myself.
  • Fail: Quit a roleplaying group.
    Booh-yah: Did it directly (when I could have done nothing) and did it for myself.
    Did you kill the party on your way out, Boba Fett?
  • Booh-yah: Cute girl across the hall is really cool and into videogames almost as much as me. Hell, she even asked ME if I'd played Zombies ate my neighbors.
    Fail: I'm pretty sure she's a lesbian, especially since all of her friends seem to be. I mean I'm not shallow and going to stop hanging out because of that, but it sucks if I wanting it to be anything more than friendship.
  • edited September 2011
    Booh-yah: Cute girl across the hall is really cool and into videogames almost as much as me. Hell, she even asked ME if I'd played Zombies ate my neighbors.
    Fail: I'm pretty sure she's a lesbian, especially since all of her friends seem to be. I mean I'm not shallow and going to stop hanging out because of that, but it sucks if I wanting it to be anything more than friendship.
    Try the following
    Ask: I'm sorry because I hate to ask such a personal question, but I'm in a position where a very important decision must be made and it needs this specific information from you. Do you mind?
    "What is it?"
    Are you lesbian?
    Depending on how she reacts, give an answer along these lines: Oh, alright. I just wanted to know so I could figure out if I should consider myself lucky to have found a new awesome friend, or lucky to have found an awesome possible girlfriend.

    If this works, I take full credit. If it doesn't, I'm going to assume you did something wrong.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I feel like even if she isn't a lesbian, that could end very awkwardly.
  • I feel like even if she isn't a lesbian, that could end very awkwardly.
    You cannot escape awkwardness, embrace it instead, and by doing so, be content.
  • I feel like even if she isn't a lesbian, that could end very awkwardly.
    You cannot escape awkwardness, embrace it instead, and by doing so, be content.
    That sounds like a Chinese proverb.
  • Okay, I'm just gonna step in before things go horribly wrong, since I'm under the impression that "are you single" is significantly more tame as an opener to asking someone out than "are you a lesbian." Worst-case scenario, she is, and you get "sorry, I'm a lesbian" or some variation.
  • But what if she is a lesbian, says she is single. But doesn't mention that she is a lesbian? What then?
  • You could just ask her out. If she doesn't swing that way, you'll find out.
  • Also don't take it awkwardly. Be confident in your actions and response. If you act awkward, more than likely she'll reciprocate.
  • You could just ask her out. If she doesn't swing that way, you'll find out.
    Let's face it, it might end up as a bit of a shoddy date, but it's still better than "d'ya like cock?"
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