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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • BooYah: AC now functional in my art room.
    Fail: It took 100 degree heat and health warnings to get the damn thing fixed.
  • Boo-Yah: Fever is broken! Just in time for the almost-100-degree weather!
    Fail: oh god what happened to my throat help me
  • Haven't heard from the global warming nuts in a while.
  • Haven't heard from the global warming nuts in a while.
    It's because everyone is in a heat induced coma.
  • Fail: oh god what happened to my throat help me
    Had any weird sex in your dreams?
  • Had any weird sex in your dreams?
    No, but I DID have a fever dream where my body had been turned into an unidentifiable manufacturing plant.
  • edited July 2011
    That is awesome. I don't have cool dreams like that. The most interesting one I've had lately was a friend of mine reading off all of my flaws to me in alphabetical order.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • That is awesome. I don't have cool dreams like that. The most interesting one I've had lately was a friend of mine reading off all of my flaws to me in alphabetical order.

    The potatoes are your dreams.
  • No, but I DID have a fever dream where my body had been turned into an unidentifiable manufacturing plant.
    Was it something like this?
  • Boo-yah: Despite living three hours away from each other, my girlfriend and I have managed to see each other at least once each week for the past month.
    Fail: Now that we're used to such frequent encounters, it sucks knowing that we won't have a chance to meet again until a month from now.
  • Minor Fail: An older woman who was a frequent customer at my family's restaurant finally kicked it. She was almost 95. (It's minor because I hardly knew her)
    Boo-yah: She left me her Clarinet.
  • Fail: Broken nose playing team combat on Tuesday.
    Boo-yah: won the point anyway.
  • Minor Fail: An older woman who was a frequent customer at my family's restaurant finally kicked it. She was almost 95. (It's minor because I hardly knew her)
    Boo-yah: She left me her Clarinet.
    Some old people are really nice.
  • Boo-yah: I've finally snapped, things must be clean!
    Fail: I've been a fucking pig for so long.

  • How is your colon doing?
  • Boo-Yah: Fast internet! I have never known these speeds.
    Fail: Even though I have repeatedly told my mom that we need a wireless router from the company, at least 5 times within the past week because I wasn't going to be here when everything was getting installed, she did not get a wireless router. This OSX airport shit is awful at connecting to anything other than a another Mac, and now I've been blamed for the problem. Terriffic.
    Boo-Yah: Getting a wireless from the compny today.
  • Boo-Yah: My grandparents were using some bags that said they preserved the freshness of fruits and vegetables, but I noticed that at no point did the bags claim they were not just green-tinted plastic bags. Because of this, we set up an experiment, where we put two bananas in those bags, and two bananas in a green-tinted plastic bag from whole-foods (I decided to trust them that it extended the life of fruits and vegetables that were in no plastic bag).
    Fail: Due to extenuating circumstances, the bananas had to be left alone for a week, so both bananas rotted equally.
  • Boo-Yah - Google Music invite!
    Fail - "Google Music is only Available in the United States."

    Boo-Yah! - Google then proceeds to do literally nothing to stop me using Google music.
  • Hate to act so whiney, but...

    ...getting on the front page of Reddit and starting an uber popular group is pretty boo yah. Having idiots misinterpret the message is very fail. I feel like I'm the protagonist in a Hey Arnold! episode and there's a subtle message about politics as a moral...

    However, having a constant stream of flamewars that I know I'm correct in is pretty sweet. It's like being Mohammad on a forum populated by Shiites and Sunnis.
  • Hate to act so whiney, but...

    ...getting on the front page of Reddit and starting an uber popular group is pretty boo yah. Having idiots misinterpret the message is very fail. I feel like I'm the protagonist in a Hey Arnold! episode and there's a subtle message about politics as a moral...

    However, having a constant stream of flamewars that I know I'm correct in is pretty sweet. It's like being Mohammad on a forum populated by Shiites and Sunnis.
    Oh shit, that was you? I already promoted that here once, Niiiice.
  • I hope your game community is better than Reddit's BC2 community, which tends to teamstack and baserape at every available opportunity.
  • Boo-Yah: New puppy.
    Fail: New puppy.
    Last night was the worst night of sleep I've had in years.
  • Fail: Waiting for cool but slightly third-wheeling friend to go to sleep so my girlfriend and I can have some privacy. Send her a text asking if she thinks he is asleep and it is safe for me to come over. She was in the bathroom and he was setting her phone as an alarm for her. My text popped up.
    Boo-yah: He gracefully said nothing about it and I got four solid hours of cuddling with her.
  • I woke up at 3:30 a.m. and I can't get back to sleep.

    Also, I am really tired of doing a thankless, unfulfilling, and tedious job.
  • Drank to much wine last night.
    Awesome day of skating and hanging out to make it better.
  • Had personal bests as a spy in TF2, with an 11 and a 12 backstab run. And then the replays of them failed to save :X
  • edited August 2011
    Fail: I didn't know Masinger SKL was out in the USA :(
    Booh Yah: Masinger SKL is out in the USA! :D

    Also, someone should really release Shin Mazinger Shougeki Z-Hen in the states
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • I get a text today saying "I'm really upset with you, and really hurt" from The Ex. Oh, I know why, I think. It's because I didn't answer the phone the other day. Even though she knows I can't talk on the phone at the grandparents house (shitty, annoying service). Whatever, I respond with "I'm sorry, it's my grandma's 80th and I've been trying to spend time with her and my family."

    That should do, right? I explained why I can't really talk or anything, not only due to shitty service but due to my grandmother's fucking 80th. A few minutes later, "I know, but you don't have to blow me off to do that." What? That's just how it goes here. We've excepted that it's too much hassle to call me while I'm here. So I respond "I wasn't trying to blow you off, it's just a family thing."

    "It just seems like if you, your mum, and julia all have time to post on fb, you have time to acknowledge me." Mofugga, when have I been on Facebook? Coincidentally, my mom is on Facebook and I see a Foursquare update. Now I'm mildly distracted. Shit, that means I've been accidentally using Facebook after I gave it up! I'll have to stop syncing or something later. Then I realize what it sounds like. Sounds like she's bringing my mom and sister into this. AWWWW FUCK NO. Gotta be the better person, Josh. C'mon. "Leave Julia and Mom out of this. You're mad at me, not them."

    A few minutes later I get this:
    "No, I'm hurt, Josh. There's a difference. I wasn't being aggressive towards them, either. It was just an observation. I'm sick of being the one who calls and texts. Obviously you don't care anymore, so why should I try. I just wish it didn't have to be this way because most people have brought me pain in the last month and you were one of the fucking last I thought I could talk to and trust. I don't feel that way anymore."

    That. Is. It. I'm really fucking mad. You only fucking call me when you're upset, then treat me like shit the entire time! Goddamn, I've been trying so hard to be nice to you because I know how upset your actual friends have been making you, but not anymore. This shit stops now.

    After a few minutes talking to my mom and sister, trying to at least not curse her out, I type out the following:
    "I'm trying to be your friend, but this isn't working out for me. You only talk to me when you need it. When I used to text you? You'd tell me to step off and that we weren't together anymore. When I leave it to you? You only text or call when you're upset, and if I miss those calls you get even more upset. I can't do this. We need to be friends all the time or none of the time, because this is unfair to me. Obviously, we're not friends."

    I stare at it for a bit. It's do or die, Josh. You can do this. I click send.

    "You know what, you're right, Josh. Sorry I relied on you."

    Annnnd... blocked.

    Fail: I was really angry and may have taken it out on my sister. Also, dammit foursquare, I just wanted to grab some friends and see if any more were coming on.
    Boo-yah: I'm no longer speaking to her, I got to test out some Google Voice features, I know my limit when it comes to this shit.
  • Fuck me, Bunny boiler much? Woman, you're an Ex for a reason, be it his reason or your reason, so take the hint from the situation and chill the fuck out.
  • Fuck me, Bunny boiler much? Woman, you're an Ex for a reason, be it his reason or your reason, so take the hint from the situation and chill the fuck out.
    I'm... not quite sure what you said, but thanks?
    Also, another bonus? I get back all my shit I made for her. Good thing, too. Stuffed animals are hard to make, and I don't want them to go to waste.
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