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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • I'm... not quite sure what you said, but thanks?
    Well, it's propably a bit harsh, but then again, the term bunny boiler has become softer over time - Essentially, someone who does that sort of thing, and shovels a ton of emotional investment and clingyness over an ex, ranging from that sort of stuff at the lower end, right up to practically stalking, but not quite. I'm sure you can figure out the rest pretty easy, after that.
  • Yeah, that was the confusing part. How did the term come to be? Also, that's definitely going into my vocabulary.
  • Yeah, that was the confusing part. How did the term come to be? Also, that's definitely going into my vocabulary.
    I think it was something to do with a movie, where a woman who was dumped by her lover gets her lover's daughter's pet rabbit, kills it, and then chucks it in a pot of boiling water for them to discover, for revenge. I did say it had become a softer term, I wasn't kidding.
  • Booy-Yah: My man on the inside at Barnes & Noble tipped me off that all of this season's clearance items were dropping to the "it's $2 or it's going in the dumpster" level on Friday morning. Scored multiple copies of The Adventurers, Call of Cthulhu LCG starter set, Cirkus, and Don Quixote (a Carcassonne-ish tile-laying euro that I've never heard of). Real boo-yah is that trade demand for Adventurers and Cthulhu is huge on BGG. I sent an offer out to hopefully do a 2-for-1 and score a copy of Survive: Escape from Atlantis.
    Fail: Nobody else has heard of Don Quixote either and the trade demand on BGG is quite low. I checked BGG on my phone to see that the game was rates in the 6s somewhere, which isn't very promising, but didn't scroll down to see how many users were wanting in trade. Only 12, and half of them not in the USA! Guess I'm keeping one copy for myself and taking whatever I can get with the other. Oh well it was only $4!
  • edited August 2011
    Yeah, that was the confusing part. How did the term come to be? Also, that's definitely going into my vocabulary.
    It's from the film Fatal Attraction, and like Churba said, it was referring to a horrible bunny murderer. I hate that word and that movie. In the 80's It was used by people to refer to feminists in many cases. I think it should be phased out of the general lingo because it is a word that makes me mad.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I have a hard time figuring out whether this is awesome or shows the pitiful state of the internet, thus it's in this thread as it may be Fail and Boo-Yah simultaneously: Template:Nopenis.
  • Fail: Laptop I'm borrowing got virus, cause it was old and it still had McAfee. @_@ So was panicked, felt like my heart was gonna run out of my mouth, because this has a lot of my mom's files.

    Boo-yah: Cured within an hour with System Restore, Removal of Program, and updating GOOD Virus Software. I wanna feel Like A Boss, but I dunno. ^^;
  • What type of virus? Botnet-spam virus, or "I go delete your file huehuehuehuehuehue" punk kid virus?
  • What type of virus? Botnet-spam virus, or "I go delete your file huehuehuehuehuehue" punk kid virus?
    More like, fake 2012 XP Protection Virus.
  • That doesn't delete files unless you manually delete the ones it pretends are viruses. Its main purpose is to scam money from people who don't know computers.

    Also, tell your mom to back up her important files. It wouldn't be your fault, it's only a matter of time before something happens that endangers them.
  • I have a backup SD Card that was given to me, I can save all of her photos and files no problem.
  • Boo-Yah: Karaoke Jack and Jill Party!
    Fail: Worrying about not being able to get the room for free if we don't send 210 dollars
    Boo-yah: Spent 900 dollars in 3 hours. (heh.) (and Karaoke got extended for an extra 45 minutes!, MORE POWER BALLETS PLEASE ;-p)
    Boo-yah: Lots of drinking
    Fail: Lots of puking (apparently only me :-P)
    Boo-yah: Because of that, no hang over! Woooo!
    Fail: Chuck got denied entry to the last bar for being too drunk :-p
    Boo-Yah: Noone got hurt that night in Philly
    Fail: One of the Girls slipped in the bathroom and nailed herself in the head causing her to be rushed to the Emergency room.
    Boo-Yah: Completed Check list of awesome party, 1. ring up awesome bill at Karaoke. 2. Drink to much 3. Get thrown out of bars. 4. Someone gets sent to the Emergency Room (she's fine:-p)
    Boo-Yah: Got to eat at the Reading Terminal Market! (which apparently only I could appreciate because everyone else felt a little hung over :-p
  • Booyah: I can finally listen to music again without having my mind wander to...recent events.
    Fail: took far too long, and I haven't touched my instruments in weeks.
    Failx2: I feel like an angsty teenager for taking a break-up like this. I mean, I had trouble eating and sleeping, hell, I still have trouble sleeping. But as long as I can distract myself long enough, I'm on a good path.
    Boo-yah: I still have Doctor Who to Cheer me Up/
    Fail: Fuck you, Doomsday.
  • Booyah; Nailed some awesome stuff skating today.
    Dobule-Booyah; Met some really cool people.
    Tripple-Booyah; Pulled super crazy out of the bag.
    Fail; Screwed up both my knee and back
    Double-fail; Tided the house then the dog messed it up
    Tipple-fail; Leg has swollen up...
  • I'm volunteering at my school's computer department over the summer for service time, to put on my resume, and because I know the tech director pretty well.
    Fail: forgot to bring lunch or money on Friday.
    Booyah: Tech director happens to decide to order pizza that day.
    Fail: Get caught biking home in a horrible fucking rain storm.
  • Fail: Both the games stores that sell classic games in Marquette are closed/closing.

    Boo-Yah: The one that isn't closed yet is selling off all of their classic games for $1 each starting tomorrow, and the woman at the desk was nice and let me have that deal early so I just got like 30 new games for practically nothing.
  • Boo-Yah: My new computer is fully assembled...
    Fail: ...Almost. My power supply won't arrive until Wednesday.

    Now I have to drool over the shiny newness for almost an entire week before it's even possible to turn it on.
  • Fail: Get caught biking home in a horrible fucking rain storm.
    Biking in the rain is awesome.
  • Fail: Get caught biking home in a horrible fucking rain storm.
    Biking in the rain is awesome.
    I agree, except when your brakes fail due to moisture. Happened to me once. Fuck that noise.
  • edited August 2011
    Fail: Get caught biking home in a horrible fucking rain storm.
    Biking in the rain is awesome.
    I agree, except when your brakes fail due to moisture. Happened to me once. Fuck that noise.
    You clearly don't know how to ride in the rain, then. You tap your brakes occasionally to get the water off and keep em warm and dry. Then, when you actually want to brake, you tap them like ABS. If your front brakes are insufficient, use your rear brakes too.

    On the other hand, If you need to corner and you think you're going too fast to slow down in time, turn into the corner hard, slam your rear brakes to kick into a slide, and counter-steer like your life depends on it (because, at that point, it does). If you do it right, you can drift safely around the corner.

    Oh, and be ready to jump off if you need to... you know, just in case.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Boo-yah: PAX starts in just over 8 hours.
    Fail: Really, really wish my girl could be here to have a blast with all our other friends.
  • Fail: I backed into another car today...was at a BBQ Stand, and the parking got so bad and cramped, I hit against a van which caused a really tiny paint scratch to the van and broken tail-light to me.

    Boo-Yah: Issue was settled without insurance getting involved, and I paid the woman 200 dollars.

    Fail: Still shaking, still going to pay for car damage...
  • My birthday today!

    Annoying travel day with a flight to Rome. €240 in excess baggage charges. Have a bit of a cold and spent the majority of the afternoon and evening in bed asleep.

    Noticed friends are on the ship, so I'll be out for drinks in various bars later!
  • Boo-yah: I went mountain biking yesterday for the first time. It was amazing, we went down some thrilling hills, saw some wonderful sights (including a bear), and enjoyed some excellent weather.
    Fail:My body is now officially jello. Also, I borrowed a bike from a friend and it was a bit ghetto (two different kinds of pedals, horrible seat, etc.). My bum does not like me today.
  • edited August 2011
    Fail: After biking to school for my ballroom dancing class, I discovered that the chicken nuggets I had for lunch had given me very mild food poisoning. No bargling, but a bitchin headache.
    Boo yah: My class has Female to Male ratio of 26:4. We learned two figures each of Waltz and Cha-Cha tonight. Throughout the semester, we'll be learning the Waltz, Tango, Cha-cha, Rumba, Samba, and Jive (swing).

    Boo-Fail?: Earlier today, I went to office max with my dad to get some ink. While I was waiting near the registers for him to pay for his stuff, I saw these little flower bookmarks that let you record a message on them and then press a button to play it back. What do I do? I grab nine or ten of them and record a sample on each, then proceed to play a bastardized version of "Harder Better Faster Stronger". It takes me a little while of playing the song before I notice that my dad and the cashier have stopped ringing up items and are instead watching me... along with the store manager and several people in line.
    According to my dad, I got a look like a puppy who's been caught peeing on the carpet when I realized I was being watched. Then the store manager went behind the register and took off $2 because he, apparently, got a kick out of it.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • My class has Female to Male ratio of 26:4.
    You are a lucky man. I was roped into one of those with the promise of there being "a lot of girls there" only to show up to about 15 really confused guys and 4 girls who were already spoken for. Much like kung fu treachery, ballroom dancing treachery runs deep.
  • Boo-Fail?: Earlier today, I went to office max with my dad to get some ink. While I was waiting near the registers for him to pay for his stuff, I saw these little flower bookmarks that let you record a message on them and then press a button to play it back. What do I do? I grab nine or ten of them and record a sample on each, then proceed to play a bastardized version of "Harder Better Faster Stronger". It takes me a little while of playing the song before I notice that my dad and the cashier have stopped ringing up items and are instead watching me... along with the store manager and several people in line.
    According to my dad, I got a look like a puppy who's been caught peeing on the carpet when I realized I was being watched. Then the store manager went behind the register and took off $2 because he, apparently, got a kick out of it.
    I couldn't find the fail here.
  • I was a bit embarrassed.
  • Boo-Yah; found all 1800 pictures I took whilst traveling that I though that been lost to the ages.
    Fail; They are on my sisters ipod and I have no clue how to get them off. I apparently have become a colossal retard in seconds over something that should be trivial...What has happened to me.
  • You can probably just sync in itunes, or at least mount it as a flash drive if ipods can still do that
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