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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited July 2011
    Sheesh, why did you even start there? From the sound of it, even for a crappy summer job, this is terrible. I would have been there a day and said "fuck you, I'm going home." And I drove a freaking UPS truck for a summer.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Mostly because employers like that just lie to you to get them to work for you. Or at the very least bend the truth. Six Flags did very much the same thing with me for a while, while dicking me over with the worst shifts possible for a while until I finally quite
  • Boo-yah: played some fun ultimate frisbee with some kids in the quad during my lunch break.
    Boo-yah: they told me that they play there a lot and I'm welcome to join them whenever.
    Fail: I have to wear pants because I work in the chem department and it was a really hot day and thus got really sweaty.
  • Sheesh, why did you even start there? From the sound of it, even for a crappy summer job, this is terrible. I would have been there a day and said "fuck you, I'm going home." And I drove a freaking UPS truck for a summer.
    It took me a year to find this job. Even though the main job market in Canada has mostly recovered, the suburban service jobs are still filled with laid off workers, and employers like to hang on to such workers rather than hiring punk kids. Add onto that that all applications to basically everywhere is digital now, which means I'll get filtered out immediately vs people with tons of work experience or higher education, to the point where everyone working the local Chapters have degrees in literature and the like... yeah. Until the new people were hired to replace the guy with playoff sickness (he missed a day of work every week for ten months, then nearly even shift during the playoffs) I was the youngest person working there at 21.
  • Boo-yah: Got my android tablet/ereader yesterday. Its an Entourage Pocked eDGe I got on woot for $120.
    Fail:I can't get Android to upgrade to 2.2 even.
    Boo-yah:Still nifty
    Fail: A lot of apps won't work on this version of Android. Man I gotta upgrade this thing.
  • Boo-yah: Got my first advance on some writing I did for the next GeekDad book.
    Fail: Came via PayPal, so I have had a nice balance, making it all too easy to buy way too much during this Steam sale.
  • Boo-yah: Got my first advance on some writing I did for the next GeekDad book.
    Fail: Came via PayPal, so I have had a nice balance, making it all too easy to buy way too much during this Steam sale.
    But then you can review the games for even MORE money, and it all evens out, right?
  • Boo-yah: Got my first advance on some writing I did for the next GeekDad book.
    Fail: Came via PayPal, so I have had a nice balance, making it all too easy to buy way too much during this Steam sale.
    But then you can review the games for even MORE money, and it all evens out, right?
    Written as I am working on a Frozen Synapse post, lol.
  • edited July 2011
    Crash my blog upgrading it. Go straight to fix.
    Generally feeling good about life.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • The place... Connecticon.

    The time... Saturday night.

    A fireworks show was going on over the river outside the convention center for an unrelated event. Pretty, but there was business to take care of: Neito and I had to set up for Craziest Mecha Moments. Eventually, I noticed that there was no recording equipment present, so I track Rym down to find out that Craziest Mecha Moments will not be recorded due to a collection of problems. Disappointing, but hey, these things happen. What friends of mine haven't been able to attend a Craziest Mecha Moments can wait a while longer. Hell, I'll probably be doing a private showing of it for them come next PAX East, but I'm getting off-track. I got back to the room and continued setup, when the man who ended the last panel in that room early to watch the fireworks came back in to collect his things.

    This wouldn't be such a thing to be concerned about if this man weren't Jon St. John, voice of Duke Nukem.

    So Jon St. Jon was up there on stage, and he asked what the panel was. Neito immediately blurted out "Giant robots punching each other in the face". I quite nearly facepalmed, but then Jon leaned down to a microphone and Duke Himself spoke: "And now, Giant Robots Punching Each Other in the Face, with THESE GUYS".

    I wished all the more that the panel was getting recorded, so that moment could be immortalized in internet form.
  • edited July 2011
    Shitty vermouth tastes like hatred. Hatred is a good way to motivate myself. Tonight I drank shitty vermouth, listened to black metal, and spent three hours on a hate-fueled kitchen cleaning binge because the people I live with are slobs. That shit is spotless.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Goddammit. I just want my DS. That is all I want. I miss playing Pokemon and Dragon Quest. I've talked to the seller and nothing.

    So today I called customer support, after discovering that my order doesn't exist on my profile outside of the Amazon databases (or something). The person was friendly and put in an A to Z claim for me, which I didn't know existed. Hopefully I'll get the damn thing, or get credit and order a new(er) one.
  • Boo-yah: beat basic note lesson in Rock band 3
    Fail: tried a song on easy. "fret 5? Where the fuck is that???"
  • Win: rocked out last night, juggling in front of a thousand other jugglers at the French Juggling Convention! I'm awesome at my job!

    Fail: the other night, at the comedy club in Berlin, I had a nightmare on stage, completely blanking on the second verse of my first song. I felt the worst Ive felt on stage in a looooong time. And as I was doing music, not juggling, I was totally out if my comfort zone, and didn't recover smoothly at all.

    When I do workshops, I always say "before you know how to do a good show, you're going to do twenty bad shows." this is true for performing juggling on stage, and true for street shows, and even true for podcasting.

    But for some reason I didn't think the rule applied to me any more. Except it does, of course. Performing comedy music with singing and piano is totally a new thing for me. I'm going to have to do another 19 bad shows before I *really* know what I'm doing. And depressingly I know that half of those will be worse than the show I did last Thursday.

    I'll just push through, and keep learning from my mistakes.

    (sent from my iPhone, no proof reading)
  • Boo-yah: got a cute female friend to come over and hang out after I finish work tomorrow.
    Fail: her mom is uncomfortable with her driving alone at night so she is bringing a mutual (male) friend.
  • Fail: After a year and a half of fighting the journalism department to retake one of the crucial classes needed transfer into the journalism department, I find out from a passing Journalism Adviser that whoever told me that the journalism department was where I needed to be to get the training to be a radio show host DIDN'T KNOW JACK SHIT and that I should be in CTVA ("Cinema and Television Arts" and, apparently, Radio). I "GRAGH" out loud and go to the CTVA department to confirm. It's true. I have effectively wasted the past 3 years of my college career.

    Booyah?: One of my journalism classes equals one of the required CTVA courses and I managed to get one of the other two classes I'd need. I'm going to set up a meeting with the Radio Program adviser.
  • edited July 2011
    You should see if it's possible to submit FNPL as classwork in some form or fashion. With securing the permission of the people on the episodes you use, I suppose, to be polite. Not that it would be hard to get.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • You should see if it's possible to submit FNPL as classwork in some form or fashion. With securing the permission of the people on the episodes you use, I suppose, to be polite. Not that it would be hard to get.
    Oh, I wholly intend to bring up FNPL when meeting with the adviser as she's also the manager of our radio station KCSN.
  • Booh-Yah: Saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 last night at midnight and it was honestly the best cinema going experience I have ever had. My friends and I goofed off for two hours in the theatre (seriously, we were early, but the 24 theatres at the movie theatre we saw it at were all playing the movie at midnight and ALL OF THEM were sold out). We had wizard duels, got the theatre chanting and singing the Potter Puppet Pals Mysterious Ticking Noise song. A lot of people were in costume (including a guy who was dressed up as Naked Time Dumbledore from Potter Puppet Pals) and it was so, so fun.
    Fail: Got back home at 3:30 AM and only got to sleep until 8:30. My mom called and woke me up to take care of an insurance problem with my school.
    Booh-ya: Fixed the problem.
    Fail: Have to go to work at 10:30 and work for around 12 hours.

    Booh-Yah (or Fail?): I regret nothing.
  • Long post coming up to cover my week-long trip to California for a robotics competition.

    Boo-yah: California!
    Fail: We probably took last place
    Even More Fail: Our performance was not improved at all by us actually having robots.
    Booh-yah: Disneyland!
    Even More Boo-yah: Disneyland again!
    Yet More Boo-Yah: I overcame some of my fear of fast rides and rode the Tower of Terror
    Fail: Backed out at the last minute on the California Scream (I don't like rollercoasters)
    Fail: We had already checked out of our rooms and didn't have a car (we took a cab) so I was carrying my carry-on bag, with my DSi XL + Pokemon, camera, mp3 player, and good headphones, with me in the park, and proceeded to leave it on the back of my chair after lunch
    Fail: We couldn't check with security to see if they had it; I had to call later and they would ship it for free
    Fail: I was leaving for a ~20 hour car trip the day I got back and didn't have my DS or mp3 player
    Boo-yah: Terry Pratchett has put out at least two books since I last checked my local library
    Boo-yah: My library's comic section has been expanding very quickly recently, and even though it's mostly crap (as far as I'm concerned), they had Claymore
    Boo-yah: I did a lot of reading
    Fail: I called Disneyland and they said my bag hadn't come in
    Boo-yah: Literally while I was typing this up, I recieved a call from Disneyland that they found my bag, and they will be shipping it for free via UPS to a relative I'm visiting, where I will pick it up and have it for the drive home!

    TL;DR I suck at robots and baggage, but the second one worked out ok
  • Too much vodak.
  • Suicidal thoughts becoming more noticeable, though I think this is my mind beginning to reject them.
  • edited July 2011
    Booh-Yah: Saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 last night at midnight and it was honestly the best cinema going experience I have ever had. My friends and I goofed off for two hours in the theatre (seriously, we were early, but the 24 theatres at the movie theatre we saw it at were all playing the movie at midnight and ALL OF THEM were sold out). We had wizard duels, got the theatre chanting and singing the Potter Puppet Pals Mysterious Ticking Noise song. A lot of people were in costume (including a guy who was dressed up as Naked Time Dumbledore from Potter Puppet Pals) and it was so, so fun.
    Fail: Got back home at 3:30 AM and only got to sleep until 8:30. My mom called and woke me up to take care of an insurance problem with my school.
    Booh-ya: Fixed the problem.
    Fail: Have to go to work at 10:30 and work for around 12 hours.

    Booh-Yah (or Fail?): I regret nothing.
    Manly men, live without regret!
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • My brother's first ever RPG character is going by the name "Chesterfield Chives, Gentleman Pimp." Presumably, it's like A Tribe Called Quest. You say the whole thing.
  • Boo-Yah: I went to an amazing wine fest this weekend.

    Fail: I hate wine...
  • My brother's first ever RPG character is going by the name "Chesterfield Chives, Gentleman Pimp." Presumably, it's like A Tribe Called Quest. You say the whole thing.
    Where is the fail? This seems to be all boo-yah as far as I read it :)
  • Fail: No new DS...
    Boo-Yah: Amazon refunded me all the money, so now I have $57.98 back in my checking account.
    Bonus Boo-Yah: I accidentally spent too much money this month, and now my refund will help me not stress about paying for libsyn and such.
    Fail: The money, it burns holes in us!
  • Boo-Yah: Finally getting my retention pay at work with retro pay of an additional 2 months.
    Fail: Also worked overtime so I got taxed pretty hard.
  • Fail: A month or so ago I found a bruise on the very tip of my elbow, a tiny thing, but super dark and super painful. It's amazing how many times your elbows come into contact with things, and you don't notice until every contact results in various levels of uncomfortable pain.

    Fail: As of Tuesday morning I noticed the exact same bruise again. I've worked out what causes this nasty little bruise.

    Boo-Yah: Sexy fun times with my girlfriend in the HUGE bath at her parent's house. The bath is so big it easily fits two people, laying side by side. It's awesome. But the surface is very hard, and so when I was supporting some of my weight on that elbow while kissing, it was mashing the skin in ways that are totally harmless on the couch or in bed.

    Fail: Ouch.
  • Bruises from sexy rumpus that doesn't involve the sexy parts are worth it.
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