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Heroes of Newerth - I have beta keys available to give.



  • Hasn't happened to me yet, sorry! I wonder why that happens...

    Either way, Viga. You're a fast learner! Sorry I have to jet early, but I hope I was able to teach you a few of the fundamentals!
  • Thank you so much! I was getting nowhere 'til you came around.
  • If anyone has a beta key to give out I'd be very interested in giving this a try.
  • I'd also be interested in trying this out if anyone has an extra beta key that they'd be willing to send me.
  • Looks like I need to wake up earlier.
  • I've still got two you can have, Rappe and GÜNTER. Which email addresses should I send them to?
  • Are there any spare beta keys left? Kate has mentioned she is interested.
  • Yeah, because someone never mentioned the game to me at all and then posted on the forum offering keys to everyone else before even considering his wife.... :P

    I was actually interested in the game when I heard that most people would be almost as noobish as I was, so I could keep up with the learning curve a bit better.
  • Because someone's in-law's daughter generally doesn't play video games so someone's sister-in-law's sibling didn't think they'd be interested.

    ...who are we talking about again?
  • Yeah Kate, I just realised I read 2/5 as 'Two remaining; three used' instead of 'Two used; three remaining' so yes, I have a spare key now if you still want it - let me know the address.
  • I can nag my friends who have keys. Give me email addresses. I shall work my magic once again.
  • Thank you, Farragar!
    I look forward to playing this tonight or tomorrow.
  • We set up an FRC clan yesterday. Let me know what your name is and if you are online so I can invite you to it.
  • I've been practicing today, so I can't wait to play with you guys.
  • edited November 2009
    Thank you, Andrew! Once I have a name I will let you know immediately.
    I am so excited and I just can't hide it!
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I need another invite for my brother. He played the original DotA a lot for reals back in the day.
  • edited November 2009
    I'm probably playing for the next hour or two. (Some friends might be coming by to cut it short.)

    Anyway, I can also invite to the clan, so message me in game, or message me on Skype. :D
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • I'm probably playing for the next hour or two. (Some friends might be coming by to cut it short.)

    Anyway, I can also invite to the clan, so message me in game, or message me on Skype. :D
    GET A JOB.
  • edited November 2009
    I am currently logged in as lackofcheese, and I'd like to be in the clan. However, I'd also like to go to sleep soon. When do I need to be logged in to play with some of you people?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I need another invite for my brother. He played the original DotA a lot for reals back in the day.
    What's his email? I have a key giver.
  • I am currently logged in as lackofcheese, and I'd like to be in the clan. However, I'd also like to go to sleep soon. When do I need to be logged in to play with some of you people?
    Likely after 7 pm EST.
  • Alright, the game rocks, but the community behind this game is worse than Xbox Live. I joined three "Noobs only" games. Every one I played in I got yelled at for not doing the perfectly right thing. Really Stupid. None of them would listen to reason or tell me what I was doing wrong. I think I'm only playing with you guys on the forum from now on.
  • The learning curve is steep and most of the community are morons. They're not really noobs since many of them played DotA, and have forgotten how the game takes time to figure out. That's why I want to help the forumites learn some of the tricks and strategies.
  • Sounds like we have enough people to get some 5 v 5 internal games going. Could be fun...
  • only count me as 1/2 of a player. Seriously, I am the newbiest newb that ever newbed.
  • Sounds like we have enough people to get some 5 v 5 internal games going. Could be fun...
    Hells yeah.
  • edited November 2009
    Alright, the game rocks, but the community behind this game is worse than Xbox Live. I joined three "Noobs only" games. Every one I played in I got yelled at for not doing the perfectly right thing. Really Stupid. None of them would listen to reason or tell me what I was doing wrong. I think I'm only playing with you guys on the forum from now on.
    That's what happened to me yesterday. I only got better when VentureJ was on teaching me. Everyone just wanted to kick me. I'm going to play a while.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Kate, try Scout and Andromeda. Most of their damage comes from auto attacks. Scout goes invisible and Andromeda can stun for a long time.
  • Thanks, Mankoon. I appreciate any advice you have to offer! ^_^
  • No problem :3 . I wish I had time to drop in for a game but I'm getting a steady stream of freelance at the moment.
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