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Heroes of Newerth - I have beta keys available to give.



  • I found the option to make your hero shut the fuck up. It's a checkbox at the bottom of the audio settings. Highly recommended.
  • Is anyone going to play soon?
  • edited November 2009
    I just got my account and installed the game. I'll be a total newbie, but I'm up for a game. My screen name is TGrover.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Adam and I will play tomorrow. Tonight we have other plans.
  • Adam and I will play tomorrow. Tonight we have other plans.
  • edited November 2009
    Me and Viga are about to get a game goin if anyone wants in.

    Edit: Gunter has joined! One more for a good 2v2!
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • The game keep making problems for my comp. It always restarts when I play and I have the specs needed. The forums are pretty much useless and the problem thread I found are about the linux version. Help?
  • The game keep making problems for my comp. It always restarts when I play and I have the specs needed. The forums are pretty much useless and the problem thread I found are about the linux version. Help?
    It's beta? What can you expect.
  • The game keep making problems for my comp. It always restarts when I play and I have the specs needed. The forums are pretty much useless and the problem thread I found are about the linux version. Help?
    Does it just die or does it give you an error? If it just dies, does it flash black or just go away instantly?
  • edited November 2009
    The game keep making problems for my comp. It always restarts when I play and I have the specs needed. The forums are pretty much useless and the problem thread I found are about the linux version. Help?
    Does it just die or does it give you an error? If it just dies, does it flash black or just go away instantly?
    It just shut off the comp. Then I have to turn it back on.

    Theory: Is it because a type of hardware is different from the recommended ones?
    Post edited by Viga on
  • edited November 2009
    The game keep making problems for my comp. It always restarts when I play and I have the specs needed. The forums are pretty much useless and the problem thread I found are about the linux version. Help?
    Does it just die or does it give you an error? If it just dies, does it flash black or just go away instantly?
    It just shut off the comp. Then I have to turn it back on.

    Theory: Is it because a type of hardware is different from the recommended ones?
    This almost surely means your computer is overheating. This is bad. You need to take steps to ventilate the computer better.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • The game keep making problems for my comp. It always restarts when I play and I have the specs needed. The forums are pretty much useless and the problem thread I found are about the linux version. Help?
    Does it just die or does it give you an error? If it just dies, does it flash black or just go away instantly?
    It just shut off the comp. Then I have to turn it back on.

    Theory: Is it because a type of hardware is different from the recommended ones?
    This almost surely means your computer is overheating. This is bad. You need to take steps to ventilate the computer better.
    What if it's a laptop? Special lap fan?
  • edited November 2009
    The game keep making problems for my comp. It always restarts when I play and I have the specs needed. The forums are pretty much useless and the problem thread I found are about the linux version. Help?
    Does it just die or does it give you an error? If it just dies, does it flash black or just go away instantly?
    It just shut off the comp. Then I have to turn it back on.

    Theory: Is it because a type of hardware is different from the recommended ones?
    This almost surely means your computer is overheating. This is bad. You need to take steps to ventilate the computer better.
    What if it's a laptop? Special lap fan?
    This could actually be worse, because it's possible one of your fans has stopped working, especially if you've never had your laptop shut off randomly before this last week or two. Still, it'll only take a few minutes to change out the fan, it's just a nuisance.

    Does the laptop feel oddly hot when you're playing the game? A cooling pad is good for any laptop anyway, and I always use one, so it wouldn't hurt to try that out.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • I normally never have my laptop on my lap so I don't notice if it's unusually hot. I'll try a cooling pad anyways.
  • Oh, could you invite me to the clan, I wanna get some games going!
  • I have never tried DoTa or Warcraft 3, Heroes of Newerth looks quite interesting. When does the full game come out?
  • Anyone still have any beta keys? I would love to play this game.

    I gots an email at greywolf330 @
  • Adam and I will probably play for a bit tonight. We were busy with chores and cuddlin' last night.
  • edited November 2009
    I have never tried DoTa or Warcraft 3, Heroes of Newerth looks quite interesting. When does the full game come out?
    It says Q4 2009, but judging by what has been released so far, missing sounds, crash issues (a particularly annoying K2 error), the fact that they are still in closed beta, and a probable memory leak, I'd say they probably won't make a Christmas release.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • If someone wants to give me a beta key, I will shower you with Internet praise. ^_~
  • If someone wants to give me a beta key, I will shower you with Internet praise. ^_~
    Perhaps a million space dollars?
  • edited November 2009
    Ok, so gordotheman, average joe and Rym want keys? I'll try to get some. Wake up, California.
    Edit: My key giver only had 2 keys left. Gordotheman didn't exactly say he wanted a key so I'll try to get him one from someone else. Rym and Joe should get emails.
    Post edited by Mankoon on
  • I'd like a key if there are any more floating around. I've tried my hand at DotA-ish games in the past, but it's usually been with a bunch of kids who are mad clicking all over the place. It would be nice to start with some people who are equally as nooby.
  • Ok, I have another friend with keys. PM me your email addresses.
  • edited November 2009
    I am online now so could someone add me to the clan? (ElJoe0 is my username)
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • I am online now so could someone add me to the clan? (ElJoe0 is my username)
    We all have jobs. :P
  • Oh, damn my punkkidness
  • You are a punk-kid? What? What? WHAT?
    Get a jerb.
  • Well, whoever got me a beta invite,I thank you.
  • You are a punk-kid? What? What? WHAT?
    Get a jerb.
    They took his JERB! Jey da dis JERB!
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