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Santa Row Crew (Forum Secret Santa Sign-up)



  • I eagerly await my Santee's receipt of their gifts. ^_^
  • I my gift arrives during next two weeks I won't know about it until after year has changed. Tomorrow I leave to have Christmas with family and I'll be back after new year. During that period I will have no idea what enters my mail slot.
  • I apologize if my santee's gift arrives late, life has been pretty hectic as of now.
  • I apologize if my santee's gift arrives late, life has been pretty hectic as of now.
  • So... as it turns out, post office near me is not open on Sat like I originally thought. Must have read the site wrong. I'll ship it Monday, pinky swear!
  • Hey, Santee, I am real sorry if your gift does not reach you before x-mas. I'll spare you the excuses and just wish you a wonderful, wonderful holiday instead! Hope you like your gift when it arrives.
  • Due to international shipping, I opted to go with the electronic gift. My santee was rewarded with Super Meat Boy via Steam. Level editor coming in January for free, the gift that keeps giving!
  • I might have to go through that route, every attempt I have made at hand-made goodness has ended in failure this year. Well, I don't think I'll make another Cthulhu clay figure. =w=

    BTW, I still haven't received pictures from that, my santee from last year forgot. .__.
  • So just sent my gift. Let's see how long it takes the airplane to get to the US.
  • So, even though I ordered my gift, like, a week ago, it only just shipped yesterday... Sorry Santee, hope it arrives on time!
  • I, personally, don't mind my gift arriving after Xmas, so if my Santa is stressin', don't sweat it.

    Also, since it doesn't seem as if we're keeping our identities hidden anymore, glad you dug the book, Pete!
  • I sent out my Santee's gift today and it should arrive between Christmas and New Years. It really shouldn't be hard to guess who the gift is from, it's something that I'm pretty sure that only I would send.
  • I just realized I asked for a bunch of bad anime on a forum that would totally send me a burnt copy of Apocalypse Zero for fun.
  • So, my gift says that the estimated delivery date has come and gone, but I am unsure if it was actually delivered. I will need to knock some vendor heads if it isn't delivered soon.
  • My gift should be coming in a day or two. Should be there on the 23 or 24th. I hope they don't already own it.
  • So I'm home sick today because my throat is all bleh. I hear UPS come. I'm thinking it's secret santa because I haven't ordered anything. I go get the box, and it's obviously something big and electronic. I'm like WTF? Who spent this money?

    I'll tell you who spent the money. Teh Googles.

    I've applied for pretty much every pilot program/beta everything, and never expected to ever actually get anything. Just figured it couldn't hurt. Well, it can't. Someone does get one. It could be you. This time, it's me! Free computer, bitches!
  • Free computer, bitches!
    Sweeeeeeeeet. Run a Minecraft server on it.
  • Free computer, bitches!
    Sweeeeeeeeet. Run a Minecraft server on it.
    Uhhh...yeah that's impossible.
  • Free computer, bitches!
    Sweeeeeeeeet. Run a Minecraft server on it.
    Uhhh...yeah that's impossible.
    I don't know. I'm going to try my damnedest to mess with it.
  • Scott, enjoy your new gadget! We'll be waiting for a review of this glorious item on the next monday show.
  • @Apreche: Read the CR-48'ssafety notice.
    I did, it's just corny.
  • Soooooo... with only a few days until Christmas, the whole process of shipping the gift I had gotten ended up being so frustrating that I've given up on it. As it is, I opted for an alternative couple of gifts, which my santee should have received by now. On the plus side, I get to keep the gifts I had ordered, but I do feel bad about it. I just draw the line at being foiled three times trying to go to the stupid post office.

    SIde note: USPS, update your stupid locator. I went to two, TWO, locations you claim to exist, yet both of them had been taken over by other businesses.
  • I got my gift! I got my gift! Lydia got me some Prismacolors, pens and yummy treats! Yay! Thank you so much! Your note was sweet too!
  • Thank you Santa for thousand times.

    Mass Effect 2 and Just Cause 2 were both on my list of games to get and not I have them. Though Just Cause 2 I was going to get for my 360, but if I get it to run with my laptop then I save those euros too.

    I was kinda waiting for a packet, just for the excitement of getting one, but this is a great gift and I'll get some packet type presents too.

    One more time thank you.
  • Free computer, bitches!
    And the rich get richer.

    Well, happy holidays anyway, you lucky bastard.
  • And the rich get richer.
    If you think I'm rich, you have a lot to learn.
  • I got my gift! I got my gift! Lydia got me some Prismacolors, pens and yummy treats! Yay! Thank you so much! Your note was sweet too!
    Yay! I'm glad you like it! :D

    Note for my own Santa:
    I probably should've mentioned this earlier, but I am leaving town tomorrow and won't be back till like Jan 4. If it doesn't come by today, I won't see it for awhile, so don't be alarmed if I don't post that I've gotten it yet. :P
  • If you think I'm rich, you have a lot to learn.
    I'm just sayin' you already got more computers and tech than the average Joe, dig?
  • If you think I'm rich, you have a lot to learn.
    I'm just sayin' you already got more computers and tech than the average Joe, dig?
    And a carpenter has more hammers.
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