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What movie have you seen recently?



  • edited October 2011
    All 2D animated movies are relegated to direct to video.
    How wrong you are, let me count the ways:

    Budget: $105,000,000
    Box Office Gross: $267,045,057

    Disney wants a hand drawn animated movie every 2 years.

    Their next film (November of 2012) is Wreck-it Ralph, and will be CG. The one after that is the King of the Elves (2013) and I can't actually find anything online definitively saying whether or not it's going to be hand drawn or CG, but the concept art seems to be leaning towards the former:

    Other studios are not making 2D animated films, but under the reign of John Lasseter, the Walt Disney Animation Studios is making large efforts to go back to it's roots.

    Edit: Also, Scott, it's Pooh. Not Poo.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • He's not wrong, he pointed out Disney as the exception. 2D animated features in the US are largely being thrown to the wayside. Hopefully if the new Disney movies do well we can turn that around.
  • Just watched Spaceballs for the first time. Yes, I'm a bad, bad person for taking this long to watch it. It is freaking hilarious.

    Also watched Red State afterwards. That is an example of a good movie that I just didn't care for. It felt much more like a movie the Coens would do rather than Kevin Smith, and I didn't really like it for the same reason I tend to not like Coen films. Well done movies being made about people that I don't really care about getting into messed up situations.
  • edited October 2011
    I guess this is the best place to put this. It's been known for quite a while that Kevin Smith has been working on making a full on hockey movie based on the Warren Zevon song Hit Somebody. Smith is a big time hockey fan and his movies often have references to the sport (like the demon minions in Dogma, playing hockey on the roof in Clerks, etc.). However, now I've read that Smith actually wants to turn this into two movies and plans to retire as a director afterwards. Not sure what to make of this.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I guess this is the best place to put this. It's been known for quite a while that Kevin Smith has been working on making a full on hockey movie based on the Warren Zevon song Hit Somebody. Smith is a big time hockey fan and his movies often have references to the sport (like the demon minions in Dogma, playing hockey on the roof in Clerks, etc.). However, now I've read that Smith actually wants to turn this into two movies and plans to retire as a director afterwards. Not sure what to make of this.
    Should have based it on this song instead.
  • Should have based it on this song instead.
  • Watched Greedy last night. I remember watching that movie several times because it always seemed to be on. It's not a great movie, but fairly amusing. I still laughed out loud for many of Phil Hartman's lines. I miss that guy.
  • Got two more movies off my "WTF, you seriously haven't seen this?" list this weekend, the first two Alien movies. The people I was watching them with all prefer the second one to the first. I completely disagree. Aliens is a fun, highly quotable movie, but Alien is actually good.
  • Got two more movies off my "WTF, you seriously haven't seen this?" list this weekend, the first two Alien movies. The people I was watching them with all prefer the second one to the first. I completely disagree. Aliens is a fun, highly quotable movie, but Alien is actually good.
    You are right, your friends are wrong. Alien is actually a great movie. An all-time great. Aliens is awesome and a ton of fun, but does not rank as a great film.

    According to my friend Chase, the turret scene in Aliens with the ammo running out was added later and was only in a director's cut or something. I've never seen that movie without that scene.

  • Got two more movies off my "WTF, you seriously haven't seen this?" list this weekend, the first two Alien movies. The people I was watching them with all prefer the second one to the first. I completely disagree. Aliens is a fun, highly quotable movie, but Alien is actually good.
    Both are masterpieces for different reasons. Alien *is* a better movie. But Aliens just fucking nailed the badass space marines so well! Surely one of the greatest action movies.

    Watched Limitless. I really like the artistic style of the movie. Some cool idea's but never really goes where I thought it would. ie. If you were the smartest guy in the world, what would you do?

  • Oh, I watched Rebecca this past weekend. It's the bestest.
  • Alien is a slasher film on an space oil rig. Aliens is a Vietnam War story in space. Both are very well made, and I hesitate to compare them directly to one another.

    I recently watched Jacob's Ladder and The Thing (1982) for the first time. Both were very good and very unnerving - I can see why they're classics.
  • Attack the Block is an incredible monster/Halloween movie. Love the aliens and characters, and I feel like it's very practically handled and in a good perspective. Totally worth seeing.

    X-Men First Class was great and on-par with Thor and Captain America. It's exposition ho, but really great story, acting and I love the effects. There are only two issues I have with it, spoiler-wise, but I think it's solid and easily better than the other X-Men movies.

    Rio is a pretty fun animated movie. Not really funny, only a handful of memorable characters, but gorgeous to look at. (3D and Flying Animals is an amazing combo) Also, the songs are really good and catchy, however's presence nearly takes the film down a notch.
  • Rio is a pretty fun animated movie. Not really funny, only a handful of memorable characters, but gorgeous to look at. (3D and Flying Animals is an amazing combo) Also, the songs are really good and catchy, however's presence nearly takes the film down a notch.
    I can't bring myself to watch that movie, the trailers just made it looks so horribly mediocre.

  • Rio is a pretty fun animated movie. Not really funny, only a handful of memorable characters, but gorgeous to look at. (3D and Flying Animals is an amazing combo) Also, the songs are really good and catchy, however's presence nearly takes the film down a notch.
    I can't bring myself to watch that movie, the trailers just made it looks so horribly mediocre.
    They did the same for me, that's why I waited for Redbox. God damn Black Eyed Pea...
  • My buddies and I snarked our way through Paranormal Activity. It was glorious.
  • edited November 2011
    That golden retriever is awesome.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Airborne.
    That golden retriever is awesome.
    This is how you can tell that Jason is sleep deprived.

    Airborne with in-line skating and hockey from a Cali surfer dude that goes to Ohio with Seth Green as his awkward cousin. Also has Jack Black as a side character.

    Not Air Bud.

    Gorramit, Jason. BORNE not bud.
  • edited November 2011
    No, Airborne, the one with the dog. It wore a uniform and could slam dunk.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • I hate you.
  • I gave it two paws up.
  • Bad Teacher was horrible.
    Horrible Bosses was awesome.
  • X-Men First Class is very good.
  • Valhalla Rising is a strange and interesting film. It's hard to say whether or not I liked it, but I found it intriguing.

    It's very artsy, and definitely a film with a message (or several). There were a couple of moments where I thought, "OK dude, I'm pretty sure I got it. You can go to the next scene now," but they were pretty rare overall.

    It's fucking slow, and often uncomfortable. You've been warned.
  • edited November 2011
    Valhalla Rising is a strange and interesting film. It's hard to say whether or not I liked it, but I found it intriguing.

    It's very artsy, and definitely a film with a message (or several). There were a couple of moments where I thought, "OK dude, I'm pretty sure I got it. You can go to the next scene now," but they were pretty rare overall.

    It's fucking slow, and often uncomfortable. You've been warned.
    I watched it when I was fever sickly and falling in and out of sleep. All I really remember is: artsy, slow, uncomfortable, and OH GOD! THE VIKINGS ARE GONNA EAT ME!
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • It's things like that that make me loves the Internets.
  • Well, that's in my head canon now.
  • edited November 2011
    Valhalla Rising is a strange and interesting film. It's hard to say whether or not I liked it, but I found it intriguing.

    It's very artsy, and definitely a film with a message (or several). There were a couple of moments where I thought, "OK dude, I'm pretty sure I got it. You can go to the next scene now," but they were pretty rare overall.

    It's fucking slow, and often uncomfortable. You've been warned.
    Valhalla Rising may Rank lower on my list then Doom Generation as pretentious artsy movies that are trying to deliver some whatever message and in the end just sucked ass.

    I mean I think I knew what was going on, but the freaking movie just wanted to make you not really care.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Anyone seen a movie called "9"? I had never heard of it until I was searching through a mates HD dump. Kind of post apocalyptic, steam punk, kids movie??? Didn't seem very child like with it's dark war themes and brutal action scenes. Cool movie.
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