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What movie have you seen recently?



  • Last night I sat down and watched Heathers again for the first time in what has to be close to 15 years.

    I remember that it was a bit disturbed with the ending and everyone becoming more popular in death than in life but the scenes and what happens in the background is simply insane! Like Heather(the 3rd one?) getting raped by the jock after they go cow tipping and Veronica just walking away with (what's Christian Slater's character's name again?) and not even looking back! Twisted in the greatest way possible.

    I guess this is just another case of going back and watching a movie you loved when you were a kid and finding that as a child your understanding completely missed the mark.

    Anyone else have other movies that they loved as a child for one reason, watched again as a adult and found it entertaining for an entirely different reason?
  • Sexiest womanalive.
    Oddly specific.
    Well, Helen of Troy may or may not have actually lived. Also, Appolonia fromThe Godfathergot .
    That is the most useless redaction-in-the-face-of-context I've seen in a long time.
  • Was taken to despicable me. Fuck that film. It is the shittiest shit that ever was shat out by a cg film studio.
  • Was taken to despicable me. Fuck that film. It is the shittiest shit that ever was shat out by a cg film studio.
    I was actually excited for that film when it was just Steve Carrell VS Jason Segel, but when they started showing off the kids, I completely lost interest. There was a guy at my work who said that it was a better movie than Toy Story 3. I just laughed at him, because that was the funniest joke I heard that day.
  • Repo Man. I have gone far too long without seeing this masterpiece. At last, my shame has ended.

    And thanks to Wil Wheaton for tweeting about it, so that I could watch it on Netflix streaming.
  • Was taken to despicable me. Fuck that film. It is the shittiest shit that ever was shat out by a cg film studio.
    I was actually excited for that film when it was just Steve Carrell VS Jason Segel, but when they started showing off the kids, I completely lost interest. There was a guy at my work who said that it was a better movie than Toy Story 3. I just laughed at him, because that was the funniest joke I heard that day.
    I think Despicable Me is actually a good movie. If anything, it's cute with the little minions and the little kids weren't annoying. And trust me, you may think it's terrible, but just wait until you see Alpha and Omega. Or last year with Planet 51.
  • edited September 2010
    I think Despicable Me is actually a good movie. If anything, it's cute with the little minions and the little kids weren't annoying. And trust me, you may think it's terrible, but just wait until you see Alpha and Omega. Or last year with Planet 51.
    That's okay, I just didn't like it. I was sitting there - having not seen a trailer, or anything else about it, other the poster telling me it was something about a supervillian, who has kids, going "He's going to do this" and ten seconds later, he'd do it.

    Every. Single. Time.

    Oh, He's going to try to park, but the space is to small, so he's going to drive into the other cars. Bam bam bam, he drives into the other cars. Oh, the doorbell rang. It's going to be girl guides selling cookies, and he's going to tell them he's not home. Oh, The girl guide things are trying to sell cookies to the other guy. He's a supervillain, so he's going to try to scare them, they'll have some thin-mints or something, and he'll let them right in. Oh, He's going to the bank to get a loan. There's going to be a secret entrance in the bank, and then he's going to go to the bank of Evil. The lobby will be Psudo-gothic, and have amusing-yet-trying-to-be-evil statuary and a brusque receptionist. Oop, there it goes. He'll be denied for his loan for not having good enough evil schemes. Oops, there it goes. Oh look, three little girls. One will be Bossy, strong, and motherly, taking care of the others, one will like "Gross" things and be rather tomboyish, and the last will be a ditzy or dumb coo-coo cloudlander. Oh look, that's EXACTLY what they are. He's going to essentially achive his scheme, then there is going to be a reversal, propably to do with the effect of the initial macguffin wearing off and reversing the scheme in a contrived manner. Oh look, exactly what happens, after I predicted it while he was standing the the bank of evil.

    It was just predictable, annoying, cliched, stupid to the point of being in insulting, and it plays every single trope in the book of "3d movie meant to appeal to kids and adults tropes" with an absolutely straight face, right down to the last groin-shot. Which is a fine coincidence, because I'd rather be punched right in the nuts than have to watch this soulless, pointless, mindless, unmemorable, boring film again.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Zooey Deschanel
    Sexiest woman alive.
    Me too :P
  • I saw Veronica's Body. It was terrible....
  • I saw The Switch, yet another entry to the list of flaccid Jennifer Anniston vehicles. It's entirely forgettable. It is interesting to see Jason Bateman and Jeff Goldblum operating so closely together -- it highlights that their acting styles, cadence, and timing are nearly identical. They might as well be stutter-brothers. Also, the little kid wasn't that bad for being five or six years old.
  • edited September 2010
    I saw Veronica's Body. It was terrible....
    Do you mean Jennifer's Body? With Megan Fox? I thought it was okay, but Diablo Cody's writing is always kind of weird.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • it highlights that their acting styles, cadence, and timing are nearly identical.
    I never actually noticed that before, but you're right.
  • I saw Veronica's Body. It was terrible....
    Do you mean Jennifer's Body? With Megan Fox? I thought it was okay, but Diablo Cody's writing is always kind of weird.
    Whoops, yeah that is what I meant. Still, I thought it was bad. And I realised Megan Fox cakes on the makeup.
  • Jean-Luc Godard's Breathless. So many jump cuts, so much ennui. Seriously, it was visually inventive and a pretty cool film.
  • Just saw Machete. Without a doubt Rodriguez's best work. Most Ridiculous Moments Per Minute (RMPMs) in any movie this century. Perhaps ever.
  • GeoGeo
    edited September 2010
    I have seen a film that I cannot believe actually exists, and I am so glad it does exist after seeing it. To preface, I had been doing some research on a musician's life for a possible project in the future, and I decided to look up some some biopics of musician's lives. One stuck out like a sore thumb, Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story. The story of Karen Carpenter is sad enough, but this movie takes to the extreme.
    This movie is so unique for one reason, all the characters are portrayed by Barbie and Ken dolls. Like anyone, I balked immediately and thought that was the stupidest thing I had ever heard of. But when I heard that this was the work of the director of the Bob Dylan movie, I'm Not There: I was convinced and sought it out. But the painstakingly detailed "sets" and props are incredible. When I actually saw it, I was stunned, I quickly forgot that I was looking at dolls and was hooked. Even crazier was the fact that you cannot legally own a copy of this movie because there are no actual copies in existence. Richard, Karen's brother, saw this and was irate enough to sue the director and effectively put the lid on future distribution of this. Bootlegs of this now exist and it is the only way you can see it now. If nothing else, see it for the novelty factor.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I just finished watching Halo Legends. I want more. MORE! AND FUCK YOU BUNGIE! We see the faces of every other spartan BUT JOHN-117! Fuck You Bungie!
  • Fuck You Bungie!
    Dude, Not Bungie. 343 Industries, Microsoft's internal division/brand dedicated to handling the Halo brand.

    However, FUCK YES Halo Legends.
  • The Book of Eli was not a good movie. I like post-apocalyptic movies, and this one was just not worth it.
  • The Book of Eliwas not a good movie. I like post-apocalyptic movies, and this one was just not worth it.
    My problem with that movie is that they couldn't really figure out how to end it.
  • Any familiar with Dragon Hunters? I watched this last night and I just want to know what the deal is with all the floating land masses.
  • Easy A was a decent teen drama adapted from a classic work. Kind of like 10 Things I Hate About You in that respect. Good plot, smart writing, and solid acting all around.

    I would now like to take a moment to thank whom ever decided to make parents not suck in teen movies. Dirty Dancing, 16 Candles, The Breakfast Cub... every parent in those movies was either ignorant, neglectful, verbally/physically abusive, or just plain sucked at life. Juno, Easy A and other modern films have smart, caring, interesting, funny and realistically written adult figures. As a consumer, I appreciate this change and would like it to continue.
  • Easy Awas a decent teen drama adapted from a classic work. Kind of like10 Things I Hate About Youin that respect. Good plot, smart writing, and solid acting all around.
    I was wondering about this movie. The previews looked really good. I'll have to check it out when I can.
  • Easy Awas a decent teen drama adapted from a classic work. Kind of like10 Things I Hate About Youin that respect. Good plot, smart writing, and solid acting all around.
    Just got back from it myself. I was very pleasantly surprised. Highly recommended.
  • This Film Is Not Yet Rated is one of the few documentaries I've enjoyed. It was also revealing and infuriating, but hardly surprising.
  • This Film Is Not Yet Rated is one of the few documentaries I've enjoyed. It was also revealing and infuriating, but hardly surprising.
    That was a good one. You might like "Helvetica".
  • Easy Awas a decent teen drama adapted from a classic work. Kind of like10 Things I Hate About Youin that respect. Good plot, smart writing, and solid acting all around.
    How does it compare to Clueless insofar as a modern adaptation of a classic work?
  • edited September 2010
    Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time wasn't a great movie. It was aright. Some good action and a plot that was acceptable until the end. I do have to give it credit though. Of all the video games to movie adaptations, this one is the best.

    @prog: I liked Easy A better then Clueless
    Post edited by Wyatt on
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