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What movie have you seen recently?



  • Baseketball is on Netflix instant watch. That is all.
  • Baseketball is on Netflix instant watch. That is all.
    Well, I know how I'm spending the afternoon after I finish finals.
  • I'm about 99% sure that it's the *SPOILERS* which would fit in with the next Marvel movie that's coming out soon.
    That makes a lot of sense now, and after reading the Wikipedia article I really want Thanos to be in the Avengers movie, but I already know that Loki is going to be the villain. I just hope that Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet will be the subject of a future Avengers film.
  • KICK ASS is on NETFLIX!!!!! So fucking money!
  • Aladdin and the King of Thieves is a movie where John Rhys-Davies is Aladdin's father, Lumiere is the villain, and the Genie makes an obscene amount of references to other Disney movies. All and all, it's better than Return of Jafar and is definitely one of the few good, non-canon Disney sequels.
  • edited May 2011
    I just watched "Collapse" it is a really good documentary and I would recommend it to anyone that cares about energy comsuption, and it is on Netflix streaming.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Im watching a movie from 2006 called The Tooth Fairy. Its a pretty bad horror movie. But they just said this line. "Its been a pretty cold July. I hope she is warm enough."...... Its summer. In America... In the south...
  • I thought "The Tooth Fairy" was a dumb comedy with The Rock playing a washed up hockey player.
  • Loved the little teaser at the end of Thor. I almost didn't know what it was at first, but then it hit me.
    At first I thought it was a piece of the Bifrost Bridge, but that is definitely not the case. What do you think it is?
    I'm about 99% sure that it's the *SPOILERS* which would fit in with the next Marvel movie that's coming out soon.
    Oh, see, I had no idea what the hell that thing was. Certainly makes sense. Hell, that could even be alluding to a second Avengers film if they don't want to deal with the whole infinity story arc from Marvel.
  • Loved the little teaser at the end of Thor. I almost didn't know what it was at first, but then it hit me.
    At first I thought it was a piece of the Bifrost Bridge, but that is definitely not the case. What do you think it is?
    I'm about 99% sure that it's the *SPOILERS* which would fit in with the next Marvel movie that's coming out soon.
    Oh, see, I had no idea what the hell that thing was. Certainly makes sense. Hell, that could even be alluding to a second Avengers film if they don't want to deal with the whole infinity story arc from Marvel.
    Actually, the item I was referring to might be in the new Captain America movie, not the Avengers. The Red Skull has tried to get it numerous times in the comic, especially lately, before Cap died (which hopefully they don't touch with a 6 foot pole), and would be a great plot device in Captain America.

    Personally, I always hated the Infinity Arcs (Gauntlet, gusset, gstring, girdle, belt, suspenders, whatever). Thanos would be cool though, but my money is on Loki/Ultron for the Avengers, at least the first one.
  • They'll never introduce the Infinity Gems into a movie, because Thanos and Adam Warlock are completely unknown to anyone but nerds.
  • They'll never introduce the Infinity Gems into a movie, because Thanos and Adam Warlock are completely unknown to anyone but nerds.
    While I agree with you, the Infinity Gauntlet was actually already in a movie. It was an easter egg in Thor, one of the "items of power" in Odin's basement or whatever.

  • While I agree with you, the Infinity Gauntlet was actually already in a movie. It was an easter egg in Thor, one of the "items of power" in Odin's basement or whatever.
    Doesn't exactly count.
  • No, you're right, I was just being pedantic. That said, the Avengers movie might run into the "Superman" problem. If you're going to have this team of awesome powerful superheroes, you need a villain that suitable threatening and dangerous. Thanos would certainly fit the bill, even if he is unknown.

    I would LOVE a Kree/Skrull war, but that's never going to happen.
  • I would LOVE a Kree/Skrull war, but that's never going to happen.
    I'd actually say there's a pretty good chance of them using the Kree/Skrull war or at least sorta-Kree-Skrull-war like Ultimates, maybe mixed with the Secret Invasion "holy shit, everyone is a Skrull" thing.
  • So what is the formula for sufficiently powerful villains? Just have someone else turn bad and recreate the exact same powers. See Hulk and Iron Man. Also Superman 3.
  • So what is the formula for sufficiently powerful villains? Just have someone else turn bad and recreate the exact same powers. See Hulk and Iron Man. Also Superman 3.
    That's a good question. There's always something, I don't know, mythic or epic about having the hero fight a villain with the same powers, but that get's old. The problem with the Avengers is that you're going to have, what... at least 5 superheroes (Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, more?) and one villain probably just won't cut it, unless he/she's Galactus, and two, you can't have mirror powers of so many superheroes.
  • So what is the formula for sufficiently powerful villains? Just have someone else turn bad and recreate the exact same powers. See Hulk and Iron Man. Also Superman 3.
    There's no such thing. A sufficiently powerful villain would actually win, for reals. Every villain in fiction fails due to internal conflict, actually being good in the end, not being as strong as the good guys, being stupid, being insane, etc. It's just like real life, as per the discussion in the terrorism thread. The bad guys are stupid in fiction and in real life. If there actually were a smart bad guy, we'd all be fucked.

    Sometimes you'll see some fiction about a bad guy who is temporarily smart, but loses in the end. All Hail Megatron is a good example of that.

    Pick your favorite fictional story of good guys vs. bad guys. Now imagine the bad guy being intelligent and evil. They want to win, and they don't give a fuck about killing or anything. They also don't do stupid bad guy shit like telling the good guy their plan, or using slow methods of killing with possibility of escape. Imagine if Dr. Evil's son was in charge and just filled Austin Powers full of lead. Imagine if Storm Troopers could aim.

    It would be really boring really fast.
  • Watched Marwencol recently. Got bored after 20 minutes and shut it off, feeling like it was some sort of pop psychology outsider-art BS. Went back a few days later and watched the rest. By the end I found it pretty amazing in unexpected ways.

    Also recently watched Can't Stop the Music and The Wizard.
  • Since I've been reading through the Prince of Nothing series, I've watched Kingdom of Heaven again. I feel the movie doesn't get a fair shake, it's quite well done and the acting is brilliant. GOD WILLS IT!

    What is Shimeh worth?

    An average meeting with the Great and Lesser names.
  • So what is the formula for sufficiently powerful villains? Just have someone else turn bad and recreate the exact same powers. See Hulk and Iron Man. Also Superman 3.
    There's no such thing. A sufficiently powerful villain would actually win, for reals. Every villain in fiction fails due to internal conflict, actually being good in the end, not being as strong as the good guys, being stupid, being insane, etc. It's just like real life, as per the discussion in the terrorism thread. The bad guys are stupid in fiction and in real life. If there actually were a smart bad guy, we'd all be fucked.

    Sometimes you'll see some fiction about a bad guy who is temporarily smart, but loses in the end. All Hail Megatron is a good example of that.

    Pick your favorite fictional story of good guys vs. bad guys. Now imagine the bad guy being intelligent and evil. They want to win, and they don't give a fuck about killing or anything. They also don't do stupid bad guy shit like telling the good guy their plan, or using slow methods of killing with possibility of escape. Imagine if Dr. Evil's son was in charge and just filled Austin Powers full of lead. Imagine if Storm Troopers could aim.

    It would be really boring really fast.
    I haven't read it yet, but isn't Irredeemable, by Mark Waid, pretty much this? His mini-series, Empire, a couple years ago, about a world where the villain won and ruled the planet, was pretty good.
  • I haven't read it yet, but isn't Irredeemable, by Mark Waid, pretty much this? His mini-series, Empire, a couple years ago, about a world where the villain won and ruled the planet, was pretty good.
    DId the villain ever get unseated? How bad was the villain really?
  • In Empire, no, the villain never gets unseated and eventually ends up killing his closest "friends" and allies because they plotted against him, ending up ruling the world alone. It's actually very bleak.
  • In Empire, no, the villain never gets unseated and eventually ends up killing his closest "friends" and allies because they plotted against him, ending up ruling the world alone. It's actually very bleak.
    Is he sad in the end? Does it portray him as actually losing even though on paper he rules the world?
  • In Empire, no, the villain never gets unseated and eventually ends up killing his closest "friends" and allies because they plotted against him, ending up ruling the world alone. It's actually very bleak.
    Is he sad in the end? Does it portray him as actually losing even though on paper he rules the world?
    I honestly don't remember. It's been a couple of years since I read it. Even though it appears to be out of print, and the sellers have marked it up on Amazon, it's definitely worth a read if you can get your hands on it.
  • In Empire, no, the villain never gets unseated and eventually ends up killing his closest "friends" and allies because they plotted against him, ending up ruling the world alone. It's actually very bleak.
    Is he sad in the end? Does it portray him as actually losing even though on paper he rules the world?
    I honestly don't remember. It's been a couple of years since I read it. Even though it appears to be out of print, and the sellers have marked it up on Amazon, it's definitely worth a read if you can get your hands on it.
    Cool. I'm just saying I can't think of a single piece of fiction where a truly bad bad guy wins, keeps winning, is happy about it, and can't be beat. I'm pretty sure it's because such a thing would be ridiculously boring and/or depressing. What story are you going to tell? Every good guy who tries to save the world from the incredibly smart and powerful bad guy is eliminated almost immediately. There's no conflict. It's like watching a baseball game where the score is 25 to 0 in the first inning. Most people just go home rather than wait for the end.
  • The Dark Knight Strikes Again?

    Lex Luthor is only deposed after many years because of Batman's resolve.
  • Lex Luthor is only deposed after many years because of Batman's resolve.
    He's still deposed. Also, why was Batman still alive? If Lex was a truly evil and smart an knew Batman was still around, he would have just nuked or space-lasered Gotham City and taken Batman out. If you're really evil, you don't give a fuck. You just kill all the opposition without hesitation or mercy.
  • Lex Luthor is only deposed after many years because of Batman's resolve.
    He's still deposed. Also, why was Batman still alive? If Lex was a truly evil and smart an knew Batman was still around, he would have just nuked or space-lasered Gotham City and taken Batman out. If you're really evil, you don't give a fuck. You just kill all the opposition without hesitation or mercy.
    Batman faked his own death at the end of The Dark Knight Returns... c'mon, Scott.
  • edited May 2011
    Batman faked his own death at the end of The Dark Knight Returns... c'mon, Scott.
    If you get fooled by a faked death, then that's extremely weak sauce.

    How about this. I'll pretend to be Superman, only evil, smart, and ruling the world. I'm loving it! I live in luxury every day. I have pleasure slaves and untold riches. I hear everything that is happening in the entire world with my super ears. I see everything in the whole world with my X-Ray vision. If anyone opposes me at all, I just fly over there and punch them in the head, which then explodes more violently than it would with Hokuto Shin Ken.

    Keep in mind I was acting like a good guy before I became evil. The day I turned evil everyone was hanging out in the Justice League space station, and without any warning I killed them all including Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, the Flash, etc. Everybody even remotely dangerous I ripped their brains out of their heads and crushed them before they even knew anything happened because I'm fucking evil Superman.

    How can anyone stop me? Deus Ex Machina? A whole team of guys more powerful than me show up from outer space with kryptonite?
    Post edited by Apreche on
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