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What movie have you seen recently?



  • My only problem with Bronson is that it was too short. I wanted to see more as it was just so damn funny.
  • I just watched Splice, as a scientist it is very disturbing. Specially the end, why did they had to put that at the end?!
    However, if you enjoy horror, and twisted films I would recommend it :O
    I enjoyed Splice as well. It's just nothing I would ever want to watch again. To be honest, I haven't really thought about it since I saw.
  • Fast Five is a cinematic tour de force. This movie has an artistic power that hasn't been seen since The Seventh Seal.
  • edited May 2011
    Bought the box set of Asterix films today, which includes the first 7 animated movies. Still some great animation work from europe to behold.

    Also, I just read that Disney is planning a fifth and sixth Pirates of the Caribbean film. While I really like the films so far, and am somewhat excited for the fourth coming out this year, I'm really not sure what to think of this. With more and more movies, the danger of them simply running out of steam and it becoming a total cash grab with little substance becomes ever higher. I guess the bell will toll when we see the release of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Treasure Island" :X
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • @chaosof99 It looks like they dispensed of all the stuff I hated about the other Pirates movie (Hint: Their names are Will, Elizabeth, and Calypso) and are just keeping the awesome Geffory Rush/Johnny Depp/Assorted other pirates stuff. If they keep these episodic and with only character continuity like the James Bond films, I think we could have a great run of films on our hands.
  • I watched Lost in Translation this weekend and I've gotta say, that's a pretty perfect movie. Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson are both great in their roles, Tokyo's beautiful and the soundtrack's amazing. Some really good surprises on there (MBV? Awesome). I really can't recommend it highly enough. Are all of Sophia Coppola's movies this good?
  • edited May 2011
    I watched Lost in Translation this weekend and I've gotta say, that's a pretty perfect movie. Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson are both great in their roles, Tokyo's beautiful and the soundtrack's amazing. Some really good surprises on there (MBV? Awesome). I really can't recommend it highly enough. Are all of Sophia Coppola's movies this good?
    If you like that movie, then you will like her other work. Personally, I think all of her movies are a bit flat. They come across as if they are really promising student films.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I guess I'll check then out then. Her newest sounds interesting. Though I wonder how much of my enjoyment of Lost in Translation hinged on Bill Murray being in it.
  • I watched Lost in Translation this weekend and I've gotta say, that's a pretty perfect movie. Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson are both great in their roles, Tokyo's beautiful and the soundtrack's amazing. Some really good surprises on there (MBV? Awesome). I really can't recommend it highly enough. Are all of Sophia Coppola's movies this good?
    I respectfully disagree. That movie bored me senseless, and I found it sort of a pretentious and pointless look at two people who spend time together. I suppose that their interactions with each other and their mutual temptation of each other and resistance to temptation helped the characters grow a bit, but I just couldn't get into the story. I agree that the parts were well acted, but I couldn't help but feel disinterested in the characters.
  • Don't listen to Adam. Lost In Translation is one of the great movies of our generation.
  • Don't listen to Adam. Lost In Translation is one of the great movies of our generation.
    I am disagree.

    Hulu Plus is free for one week on XBox, so I'm milking it for all it's worth. Entire Criterion Collection is on there. Watched Kurosawa's "The Idiot." Thought it was over, then it said "End of Part 1" and there were 90 minutes to go. Going to finish it later. It's only three hours long, but it feels longer than any movie I have ever seen.
  • Don't listen to Adam. Lost In Translation is one of the great movies of our generation.
    I found it painfully tedious. It didn't help that the "foreign" culture portrayed didn't seem foreign or isolating at all due to familiarity, minimizing that aspect of the film.

    It was too slow, the characters' motivations were uninteresting, and the end scene was just silly. It felt like every corporate retreat or training event I've ever had the displeasure of traveling for, only with Bill Murray.
  • Subtlety? Nuance? A Scrym craves not these things.

    Look, here you have a melancholy movie with no perfect answers about people who are confused and directionless, trying to find meaning in a place where they don't even a basic cultural anchor. It avoids boy-meets-girl cliches, and instead gives us very three-dimensional characters almost entirely by body language. When you learn something about either Murray or Johanssen's characters, it's almost entirely through non-verbal cues! Non-reliance on dialog is a key theme here: The international language barrier, Bill's spouse and Scarlet's boyfriend not listening to what they have to say, the inaudible ending... they build up this wall of non-communication. Also, if I were the DP on that shoot, I'd be masturbating over how good my shots were.
  • Subtlety?
    Many wonderful movies have subtlety. This one did as well. But that does not a good movie make in and of itself.
    Many wonderful movies have subtlety. This one did as well. But that does not a good movie make in and of itself.
    Look, here you have a melancholy movie with no perfect answers about people who are confused and directionless, trying to find meaning in a place where they don't even a basic cultural anchor.
    Yes, mundane story about everyday life. Extremely well executed with fantastic acting, but not a subject (middle-aged people moping about relationships) that particularly interests me. It's an extremely well-executed, wonderful movie that I personally found boring and irrelevant.
  • edited May 2011
    Everything Rym said.
    The movie didn't speak to me. I didn't care about the characters or their problems. While it hasn't drawn out the venom that I have for other media that deals with similar subjects, it didn't get me invested.
    I understood the nuances and the subtlety, but if you (the creator[s])can't get me to care about the characters then that's on you.
    Most 'slice of mundane life' movies don't really grab me.
    Also, you just said what made the movie bad with the DP/masturbation thing. It was pretentious, and honestly, a bit up it's own ass. Good shots and pretty cinematography do not a good movie make (see The Fountain).
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Brother Bear is an okay movie; it's not amazing, it's not terrible, it's just average. Some of the songs are good, the story is pretty decent, and I like the idea of the villain of the movie not actually being a villain.
  • edited May 2011
    I found it painfully tedious. It didn't help that the "foreign" culture portrayed didn't seem foreign or isolating at all due to familiarity, minimizing that aspect of the film.
    This. I liked it okay, but it was weird to see my commute to school portrayed as this kind of alien landscape. I also understood what everyone was saying. It was odd, because it was like those movies where you are watching NYC being put on display for being weird or scary and all you can think of is "Hey, that's 64th st. I ate at that deli!."
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited May 2011
    On my 5th or 6th night in Japan, I was feeling a bit culture-shocked and decided to take it slow, relax in the hotel, etc. I decided I would watch a movie, and my wife having never seen the flick, recommended Lost in Translation because it was about Bill Murray in Japan and might give me the energy to get back out there and keep exploring. I loved the movie but it was funny to explain to her what the movie is really about. Not the greatest choice of plot, and no, it did not inspire me to go have an affair.

    In other new, saw Top Gun for the first time and it was on the big screen last weekend for the 25th anniversary. I'm glad I saw it in the theater, because the theater experience heightens the action and sound, the only thing the movie has going for it. Otherwise it would have been a laughable experience. I can see how the movie inspired a generation of little boys to want to be fighter pilots, but the movie has not held up. It has some legendarily corny dialogue, and now I am dying to listen to the RiffTrax for it.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Don't listen to Adam. Lost In Translation is one of the great movies of our generation.
    Hulu Plus is free for one week on XBox, so I'm milking it for all it's worth. Entire Criterion Collection is on there. Watched Kurosawa's "The Idiot." Thought it was over, then it said "End of Part 1" and there were 90 minutes to go. Going to finish it later. It's only three hours long, but it feels longer than any movie I have ever seen.
    I'm doing the same. Just going to watch every series I can think of on it during the free week. Still, why are there advertisements going on during Hulu Plus?
  • I'm doing the same. Just going to watch every series I can think of on it during the free week. Still, why are there advertisements going on during Hulu Plus?
    Maybe because they know it's a free trial? If the real Hulu Plus still has ads after you pay for it, then fuck it with a rusty spoon.
  • Maybe because they know it's a free trial? If the real Hulu Plus still has ads after you pay for it, then fuck it with a rusty spoon.
    Well that beef jerky one does say it's a paid advertisement for those with a trial membership or whatever.

    I've been watching The Daily Show and it's nice watching it on the big screen, but there are commercials there too. I really don't understand the point of paying for a membership if you're going to show me commercials. It was pretty unbearable to see them after a long time of not being exposed to them.
  • Maybe because they know it's a free trial? If the real Hulu Plus still has ads after you pay for it, then fuck it with a rusty spoon.
    Well that beef jerky one does say it's a paid advertisement for those with a trial membership or whatever.

    I've been watching The Daily Show and it's nice watching it on the big screen, but there are commercials there too. I really don't understand the point of paying for a membership if you're going to show me commercials. It was pretty unbearable to see them after a long time of not being exposed to them.
    At least for Criterion Collection movies it's just a very short mention of some non-profit group and then an entire uninterrupted movie. Even ludicrously long movies aren't interrupted.
  • I've been watching The Daily Show and it's nice watching it on the big screen
    I watch it on the Daily Show web site. Still full screen on my TV. ;^)

    Note that Hulu Plus doesn't allow many shows to be watched on mobile devices or set-top devices (when it can tell). Archer season 2, for example, is ONLY available in the browser even if you pay.
  • Archer season 2, for example, is ONLY available in the browser even if you pay.
    So it's not a choice on XBox no matter what? I'll look into that.
  • I watch it on the Daily Show web site. Still full screen on my TV. ;^)
    Yeah yeah. Unless I make another computer to hook up to my TV, I will have to watch it on my computer on their website unless I feel like paying for Hulu Plus.

    However, I did get my mother's DVI to HDMI cable from her because she no longer needed it.
  • I don't have a big problem with front-loaded commercials. I'll do something else for a few moments. Interruptions during programming though? Fuck that.
  • I don't have a big problem with front-loaded commercials. I'll do something else for a few moments. Interruptions during programming though? Fuck that.
    Luckily, Hulu ads just don't work for me. I always get an error page saying the ad couldn't load, and then it sits there quietly for x seconds.
  • I don't have a big problem with front-loaded commercials. I'll do something else for a few moments. Interruptions during programming though? Fuck that.
    They bother me if I'm paying fucking money. You can't have the cake and eat it to. Either the advertiser pays or the customer pays. You can't dip into both pots.
  • You can't dip into both pots.
    Except that they have been for almost ever. Cable TV didn't last long before commercials crept in.
  • Finally watched Shortbus. It was... wacky? I think I liked Hedwig and the Angry Inch a lot better, but perhaps that's because it felt more unified as a narrative.
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