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PAX Prime 2010



  • I'll bring some 5 minute rice! We can have a nice little salmon meal!
  • If anyone is hosting panels late Friday, Anytime Satuday, or Sunday morning or Afternoon, I'd be happy to fill any time you have before the panel commences with some DJ-ing. Just email me and let me know.
  • For those who are flying in, a quick reminder:
    Also, for those traveling to Seattle, the Link Light Rail is active. For $2.50 you can take a 37 min ride from the airport to Westlake Center, which is 2 blocks away from the convention. It's also the place of the best food court in the world. ^_~
    So you don't have to waste your money on taxis or shuttles.
  • So you don't have to waste your money on taxis or shuttles.
    What time does the shuttle stop/start, or is it 24/7?
  • What time does the shuttle stop/start, or is it 24/7?
    Scroll up on the page and the times are there. :P
  • So you don't have to waste your money on taxis or shuttles.
    What time does the shuttle stop/start, or is it 24/7?
    Link to SeaTac Light Rail info:

    Whaaaaaaaat. Wonder what this thing will actually be like. Also wonder if I can make it to this and still get in line for the Late Show.
  • We'll be in town Wednesday night, but we'll likely just go to bed after getting some dinner.

    We'll be about all day Thursday, with asides to buy Utilikilts and get some materials for PAX Late Night.
  • Looks like we picked a good weekend to leave the NYC area. Hurricane coming right up the coast. May not make landfall ever but it will come close, and bring tons of shitty weather with it. Very glad I am flying out ass-early Thursday morning. Not so excited about my wife having to fly out after work on Friday. Hopefully the storm stays way offshore.
  • We'll be about all day Thursday, with asides to buy Utilikilts and get some materials for PAX Late Night.
    I know it's probably too much to hope for, but does this mean you'll be wearing utilikilts during PAX late night?
  • I'm off Thursday through Tuesday. I'm down for hanging out on Thursday, when I'm not doing Enforcer type things.

    Weather should be decent. Partial clouds, mid 70s to upper 60s.
  • I'm off Thursday through Tuesday. I'm down for hanging out on Thursday, when I'm not doing Enforcer type things.
    We should play games on Thursday.
  • We should play games on Thursday.
    That can be arranged. Any requests?
  • We should play games on Thursday.
    That can be arranged. Any requests?
    Whatever. I think the only games we are bringing are Freemarket and Jungle Speed, so bring whatever else.
  • *sigh* Shame we'll be missing out on all that pre-PAX gaming. We'll be setting off early Thursday morning, so we should get there Friday afternoon.
  • so we should get there Friday afternoon.
    Ooof, you'll miss the keynote and Q&A; #1 which are the big kickoff. Rough.
  • so we should get there Friday afternoon.
    Ooof, you'll miss the keynote and Q&A; #1 which are the big kickoff. Rough.
    Yeah, I know... If it were just my dad and I, we could leave Wednesday night and gain a little time, but my little brother is coming too so we have to be mindful of him.
  • You can always get the DVD later on or just watch it on YouTube.
  • You can always get the DVD later on or just watch it on YouTube.
    I heard a rumor that they will stop doing the DVDs. Not sure.
  • edited August 2010
    I heard a rumor that they will stop doing the DVDs. Not sure.
    Haven't heard anything about that, but at the same time I'm not really having my ear to the ground.

    However, the rumor about the Queue room having streaming video of Main Events is a "not true" on an official capacity. ^____~
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • You can always get the DVD later on or just watch it on YouTube.
    Yeah. Personally I don't mind not seeing the keynote. I'm really just happy enough to be going, to be able to experience all I'll be experiencing there, and to be able to hang out with all you awesome people.
  • However, the rumor about the Queue room having streaming video of Main Events is a "not true" on an official capacity. ^____~
  • Noooos.
    I said "official capacity" and used quotations. :P Think about that.
  • I said "official capacity" and used quotations. :P Think about that.
  • Yeeeeees??
    Mayyyyybeeeeee. ^__________^
  • Mayyyyybeeeeee. ^__________^
    From what I personally gather, it's "not true" in the sense that it can't be announced until it's set up and tested at the venue. If they'd announced it, and then the tech failed at-con, it would be mega-fail. If they don't announce it, and the tech fails at-con, no big deal. If they don't announce it, and it DOES work at-con, epic win.

    So, my understanding is that so long as they get it to work in the next few days, then it will happen. Otherwise, we'll never hear of it again.

    /not speaking on behalf of PAX or any particular person
  • If what Rym says is true, then I am 50/50 on the technology working. Otakon made the simulcast work, but that was within the same building. Live streaming video from all the way down the road is an entirely different problem. If it works, I'm very curious as to exactly how it would be done.
  • It's more of a Benaroya Hall "rules" thing. Another thing about Benaroya, you can bring bags and coats in there, however food and drinks are not allowed in the actual concert theater.

    Rym does bring up a good concern that I didn't think about. I was under the assumption that PAX could figure it out, but there have been many past occasions where there was some tech fail. Hope it does work.
  • edited August 2010
    You can always get the DVD later on or just watch it on YouTube.
    I heard a rumor that they will stop doing the DVDs. Not sure.
    I remember it being announced prior to PAX East that there would no longer be DVDs of PAX events.

    As far as gaming before/after PAX, I'm still trying to figure out what I should bring. I only brought the casual line-game type stuff to East cause I had such a tight schedule, but with Prime I've got Thursday, Sunday, Monday to game it up with people. Don't have a lot of bag room for big box games, but I've got one of those travel-sized Fantasy Flight games which I will bring. It's called Red November, a co-op game of drunken gnomes on a sinking submarine that must stave off disaster until rescue arrives. It has a cool risk/reward mechanic where you can take as many actions as you want on your turn, but have to draw event cards accordingly. There is also a traitor option at the end which is nice. Haven't played a full game of it yet just cause it never gets picked, but this is probably a good situation for it.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • It's more of a Benaroya Hall "rules" thing.
    Ahh, shit. Most conventions have to deal with crazy, out-dated union rules about streaming media in any form. PAX Prime always seemed immune to that sort of BS, but I guess the new venue may possibly be stupid.

    Technically, we were prohibited from streaming anything out of Otakon on our own, even if we used aircards and entirely our own infrastructure.
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