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PAX Prime 2010



  • watching the sat concerts from the queue room. Awesome idea.
    Oh, the Saturday concert did actually end up getting simulcasted in the queue room? I heard that it wasn't.
  • Best. PAX. Ever.
    This is pretty much my thoughts as well. I think I finally got a really good balance this year. There are still a good amount of things I wish I could've done, like play Duke Nukem Forever (those lines were insane at times) or talk with more industry people, but I don't have any regrets. Well, aside from still not formally meeting Ro (my bad more than anything).

    Some highlights of my weekend:

    The events in Benaroya were all a blast. Keynote was good, though not my favorite. Q&A; with Jerry and Mike was very entertaining, especially with the special appearance by Jon St. John. And the Omegathon final round was pretty much the best one yet. (D-T-P! D-T-P!)

    Expo hall was very impressive as always, but not really much to grab my attention. Most of the big games were all sequels to games I don't care about or ones I just haven't played yet. I am super stoked for Kirby's Epic Yarn though, I was really amazed at how good it looks, and it really feels like a return to Kirby Superstar. Also, the demo for Firefall was a big surprise. If they really pull off what they intend, that game will be epic. It was fun playing and watching Rock Band 3, of course. That was pretty much all I really saw, but I don't feel bad about not spending much time there. It did seem like there were more booth babes than in previous years also, not that it matters, just observing.

    Did see the Late Show and the Game Mechanics panels. Rym and I discussed the former briefly, and we agreed that the first half could've been better, but the second half was good. The Game Mechanics panel was very good, as have been all their other panels I've seen in the last couple years.

    But the majority of my weekend was spent playing tabletop and hanging out with my friends, which was my goal for this year. Played several games of Shiperio on Friday. Managed to find Rym and Scott on Saturday and had a good time learning Freemarket with Frank and Dromaro. I'm still convinced that paper and pencil RPGs are not for me, but I enjoyed that session more than any I've done thus far. My friend popped in a couple times and was surprised to see me playing it at all (and later it was funny when we went to the Game Mechanics panel and he said, "Hey, weren't you playing a game with those guys earlier?", pointing up to the stage).

    But the best time I had, by far, was playing a game called Ultimate Werewolf. O.M.G. Very well could be the greatest party game ever made. We played a few games on Saturday night with several friends. First game we had 7 people, and by the last game we had 13. Literally, most of us had headaches by the end we were laughing so hard. When we started, we were squeezed in with other groups around us, but by the time we finished we had completely cleared out the tables around us we were being so loud. And then last night we played a few more games with about 10 of us, and it continued to be amazing even when everyone was sober. Highly, HIGHLY recommended if you have a large group of friends over and don't mind disturbing your neighbors.

    What was really amazing to me though, was that this year I was constantly spotting people I knew, or at least recognized. It's nice seeing how my circle has grown since my first PAX in 2007. Anyway, it was great seeing Rym, Scott, and Emily again (though I'm not entirely sure they knew who I was beyond someone they recognized), and also meeting Dromaro and Sonic. Very likely, if I'm able to do PAX East next year, I'll spend more time with forumites since my regular friends won't be around at all. If I can, I'll probably also do some Enforcing, since the Enforcers really do make the con amazing, and I've wanted take up the black/blue/red for a while.

    Until next year!
  • though I'm not entirely sure they knew who I was beyond someone they recognized
    I knew who you were because you met us in the Elephant & Castle last year.
  • Was the late show recorded like you thought it would be?
  • Was the late show recorded like you thought it would be?
    Yes, waiting for URL.
  • though I'm not entirely sure they knew who I was beyond someone they recognized
    I knew who you were because you met us in the Elephant & Castle last year.
    I figured you guys remembered me from that, it's just that I'm used to people saying, "Hey, name!" or "Hey! Sorry, I remember meeting you, but I forgot your name," at cons. Granted I didn't say anything about it.
  • I figured you guys remembered me from that, it's just that I'm used to people saying, "Hey,name!" or "Hey! Sorry, I remember meeting you, but I forgot your name," at cons. Granted I didn't say anything about it.
    Yeah, I tend not to ask people's names since I forget anyway. I also wasn't about to call you knoxinator IRL. That's just weird.
  • edited September 2010
    watching the sat concerts from the queue room. Awesome idea.
    Oh, the Saturday concert did actually end up getting simulcasted in the queue room? I heard that it wasn't.
    Yeah they had them up using Ustream. We missed Frontalot but got there for beginning of Paul & Storm. Didnt know is was happening but an enforcer came around and told us so we picked up and moved our game. I noticed ustream links getting tweeted out from main theater throughout the show so I guess people stuck at home finally got some entertainment this year.

    Hoping to check out the main theater events I missed if the broadcasts are still up.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Awesome.
  • Well, aside from still not formally meeting Ro (my bad more than anything).
    It's cool. One day. One PAX. We shall meet. ^__^

    As for my PAX. Being an Enforcer was as always a blast. I worked most of my shifts in the library check out, either recommending games or manning the PAX XP Table Top booth where people had to make a saving throw. I had quite the spiel whenever people had to roll against "Paxistrasza" the red dragon of PAX. Enforcers have this special area called Enforcerland, where we get to relax, have some snacks, and just chill and hang out. It was fun meeting other Enforcers, especially when it came to the coloring books on the table. We had some pretty hilarious ad-libs to the Star Wars coloring book. I'll have to upload the images some other time to share with the lols.

    For most of PAX, I spent it playing games in tabletop. However, I did spend some time in the Exhibition center. I was more impressed this year than last year. There are a lot of interesting games coming out on XBLA that piqued my interest. As for the major games where people waited in line for hours, I don't even bother. Why waste your time waiting in line for a game you pretty much know you're going to buy just for a shirt? Not my thing. I stopped by the Onipress booth and the guy there gave me free Scott Pilgrim wristbands which made me smile. I also bought the "Scott, Scott, Scott" shirt from them.

    I spent more money at the Behemoth booth, getting really cute Castle Crashers animal phone charms, the Behemoth chicken stress ball, and a Castle Crashers shirt. At the PA Merch, I got the Prime Shirt and a book. Funny thing as I was unpacking, I noticed that all 3 shirts I bought were all gray. The booth next to Onipress was Ankama Games. I didn't know anything about it, but saw really cute plushies. I bought their blue platypus plushie and got a free graphic novel of Dofus, which is based on the free tatical MMORPG. I also picked up an artbook for it and got a second free artbook. I bought it on a whim and also because it's the french art. They also had a demo for their new game Wakfu, which I might actually check out on XBLA. It looks like it's right up my alley.

    It was great meeting Dromaro & Sonic. I wish I had more time to hang out with you guys! Sonic, your lil' bro is way too adorable.

    As for panels, I only went to Scrym's late night panel. The guys from Rooster Teeth were very awkward and kinda douchebags, but they were drunk. Molly23 was awesome singing a System of the Down song. The rest of the show was enjoyable. I did miss out on the Of Dice And Men play. If they go to PAX East, I will have to try to catch it there.

    I played so many new games and bought a few. A guy was play-testing his own game, S'Quarrels: A Game of Absolute Nuts. It's a simple, fast, easy-to-learn card game of basically collecting nuts. You have a few action cards where it can lead to war with other players other devices to help you collect and hoard the most nuts. This game was being demoed right outside of Table Top HQ, and it had a cute squirrel plushie to attract me. I talked to the guy about it and after my shift I played it with him and some other random PAX dude and won both games. I bought it and had it autographed.

    I also bought Villa Paletti and No Thanks. I played a lot of new games among friends. I did play a lot of games with Scott, Rym, & Emily. I have to say the game of Bohnanza was quite enjoyable.

    These are the few games I do recall playing at PAX: Dixit, Dominion, Villa Paletti, S'quarrels, No Thanks, Jungle Speed, Roll Through the Ages, Citadels, Bohnanza, Kingsburg (I need to buy this.), Powerboats, Zooleretto, Dweebies, Forbidden Island, and possibly others. If only I had more time for trying out new games.

    Anyhoo, as always PAX Prime was an absolute blast. It is always true that every PAX will always be the best PAX. I plan on going to PAX East and Enforcing again.
  • I also bought the "Scott, Scott, Scott" shirt from them.
    What is this shirt, for some reason I want to buy it :-p
  • What is this shirt, for some reason I want to buy it :-p
    Rym said he was going to get one for you, I don't remember if he did or not.
  • edited September 2010
    The gray one:

    The girls from top to bottom that make the "O": Ramona, Knives, & Kim.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • My wife got the "Scott Rockin" shirt and the wristbands. Only thing I didn't like was that they charged her $3 each for them, and they have San Diego Comic Con printed on them.
  • It was nice meeting Rym and Scott, and the game mechanics panel was pretty sweet. I only got to see the first half of the Late Show but what I did get to see was epic, especially Molly 23.

    Also did anyone get a chance to check out Dwarfs? It which seems like a very simplified Dwarf Fortress. Its being published by Tripwire and apparently they have a demo available at . I played it at the show and it was enjoyable although it doesn't allow you to replay the same map with your old dead settlement on it.

    I also have to say John Saint John performing Balls of Steel and Freebird in the JAMSPACE was pretty amazing.
  • Also did anyone get a chance to check out Dwarfs? It which seems like a very simplified Dwarf Fortress. Its being published by Tripwire and apparently they have a demo available at . I played it at the show and it was enjoyable although it doesn't allow you to replay the same map with your old dead settlement on it.
    I also saw the Dwarfs game and thought it was Dwarf Fortress, but it isn't. However, the user interface would be excellent for a Dwarf Fortress.

  • I also have to say John Saint John performing Balls of Steel and Freebird in the JAMSPACE was pretty amazing.
    Ahhh, I missed that. We hung around with Jon for much of Friday, but we left him out to do his own thing after that.
  • Just read through the longer recaps (knoxinator, Ro) of PAX. There's so much to do there I enjoy seeing what other people where up to. I've posted mine in bits and pieces but here are the parts I missed:

    Glad to hear the late night show got better after halfway. My wife's plane came in late Friday so we left after Molly23's System of a Down performance (which was amazing) to meet her at hotel. I was a good husband and paid a fancy man to stand there with her name on a card at the baggage carousel, but still wanted to make sure she got in OK. The first half of the show was... not very good. I do not admire Rym and Scott's position of being forced to keep a crowd amused for over a half hour of technical difficulties. The Roosterteeth guys where not a very good interview either. You couldn't hear what they were saying in the back, nor could you see the visual humor of the guy molesting the candy bowl. Again, glad to hear it got better after I left. Jon St. John's plug for the show during the first Q&A was amazing, and was the final bit of convincing I needed to go there instead of the Friday concerts, so I can't wait to see the re-broadast for his portion. Do you guys desire to continue doing this sort of panel? It's definitely got potential if all the kinks got worked out.

    Saturday's make-a-strip was awesome. Got a video recording of Mike drawing a dickwolf for the crowd, which brought the house down. Really wanted to go play Freemarket when I saw you guys where meeting up for it, but schedule just did not permit. After that I had a string of appointments in the expo hall, and played tabletop at night.

    On Sunday, we woke up at dawn and explored the Pike Place Market area, then made our way over to the convention center. The other guys I was with went to play the D&D delve (not my thing), and my wife wanted to wait in line at the Disney booth for a sketch from an animator (sort of a once in a lifetime opportunity for a disney fan), so I played in the Small World tournamnet, and then we went to the closing ceremony. Afterwards we went up and saw the Space Needle. Was cool to use the telescopes to look down at the Bumbershoot stages.

    Places we ate:
    - Top Pot Doughnuts: next to our hotel (the Ramada, $96 a night! unbeatable!), and the smell of these baking donuts when walking back at 2AM meant there was nowhere else we would go for breakfast the next morning
    - Elephant & Castle: mmm meatloaf for dinner on Friday
    - The Night Kitchen: cool hole-in-the-wall hipster bar with fancy yet delicious food. Only open at night, as the name suggests.
    - Serious Pie: good lord this pizza was delicious.

    Games I got to play:
    - Citadels
    - Red November
    - Carcassone
    - Revolution
    - Formula De
    - Chez Cthulhu
    - Poo
    - Back the the Future: the Card Game
    - Hecho
  • edited September 2010
    Nice choice of games there. I actually didn't play Citadels, but I watched my friends play. I enjoy Formula De but would rather get Snow Tails instead.

    Top Pot Doughnuts: I've actually never been there. I will need to remedy this.

    Also, I forgot to mention I met and hung out with AaronC, another awesome forummite and uber Enforcer. You can pull off a kilt like no other!

    I miss PAX already. :(

    Edit: Also free Sumo bags for Enforcers is awesome. I might get rid of our love seat couch just for the Sumos.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Wow, free Sumo bags. I'm glad they are taking good care of the enforcer staff! Those things are awesome, yet expensive, so all the better to get one on the house. I always wondered what happened with them after PAX, and always and figured they were just there on loan as free advertising for Sumo. Did they give you new ones, or hand out the ones used over the weekend? If the latter, I suggest a trip to the laundramat ; )

    You should go to Top Pot right now. I don't want to oversell it, as they're not going to change your life, but they are rather good doughnuts.

    I grabbed a hotel reservation for PAX East already. I know there is a Westin attached to the BCEC, but the Renaissance Waterfront is a Marriott property, and one of the few other good hotels in walking distance. I travel a lot for work and have achieved Marriott elite status, so I'm gonna wind up staying there anyway. Any PAX travel desk discount would probably be equivalent to the discount I get as a frequent-stayer.
  • Edit: Also free Sumo bags for Enforcers is awesome. I might get rid of our love seat couch just for the Sumos.
    *looks at his D&D; 4 edition book and his magic cards* hope that occurs with East..
  • I think the Sumo bags were too old or used for PAX. So it looks like new ones for PAX East. I plan on cleaning them thoroughly. The cats are already fascinated by them.
  • Yeah, I was about to suggest that. Nerd filth is in a league of its own.
  • Yeah, I was about to suggest that. Nerd filth is in a league of its own.
    Suprisingly, I did not encounter really any nerd/geek funk at PAX. But then again, I didn't frequent high populated areas.
  • I don't know if this story is true, I heard it from a random dude, but he had this to say pertaining to the sumos.

    PAX got the Sumos from the Sumo company at a discounted rate because it is good marketing for them. However, it was too expensive to store the Sumos all year, and too expensive to transport them across the country. Therefore they would have enforcers take them home and bring them back, and also buy new ones each year. However, now it seems that having the Sumos at PAX wasn't really giving the company a big sales boost at all, so they might stop giving PAX the discount. Thus, they gave away all the Sumos this year and will perhaps get something new next year.

    Not sure how much, if any, of this story is true. Just heard it from some random guy in the hotel lobby.
  • I never actually got to lay on one of those, they were all always taken.
  • - The Night Kitchen: cool hole-in-the-wall hipster bar with fancy yet delicious food. Only open at night, as the name suggests.
    I was really excited when this place opened a long while ago, but haven't really had a need to go back since then. The food is pretty fancy and kinda pricy, but really good. I remember last time I was there, there was some drunk guy trying to drive the wrong way down the street, ended up parking on the sidewalk outside, and then got arrested by the time my meal was done.
    - Red November
    My friends and I tried to play this. Didn't really have a good time with it. I think it's one of those games that's really fun and fast-paced for 4 or less players, but with the 8 people that we had, it was just slow and boring for those who weren't taking their turns. We ended up scrapping our game and switching to Betrayal at House on the Hill. That's a fun game, but definitely not one I'd play seriously since luck is too much of a factor in it. I would know since I ended up being the betrayer and got screwed because of two bad dice rolls.
  • I basically refused to wait in any of the longer lines in the Expo hall but I did poach a few short ones at the smaller booths so here is what I got to play at PAX:\

    -Raskulls (Mr. Driller meets Mario Kart as the booth guys said)
    -Retro/Grade (uses guitars to play a shooter backwards)
    -Wakfu (similar to Disgaea but with really pretty graphics)
    -Darkspore (Diablo meets spore?)
    -Rift (just another shitty MMO)
    -Civ 5
    - Agricola
    - La Havre

    probably some other ones, if I was to recommended one it would be Raskulls, only played for about 15 minutes but the 4 player platformer racing was pretty sweet and most of the games came down to epically close finishes.
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