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PAX Prime 2010



  • image

    Second Place in Small World. The medals are awesome! Engraved on the back.
  • We ended up scrapping our game and switching to Betrayal at House on the Hill. That's a fun game, but definitely not one I'd play seriously since luck is too much of a factor in it. I would know since I ended up being the betrayer and got screwed because of two bad dice rolls.
    I've recommended this game a lot over the weekend, and most people enjoyed it.

    Yeah, there really is not a lot of strategy in the game, but what I enjoy about the game is that anyone can be the betrayer. There are a lot of different stories/scenarios which makes the game interesting and last long. I know the game will be rereleased soon with more stories/scenarios. I plan on picking it up.

    Grats gundabad! Those medals are pretty snazzy. I believe I actually set up the Small World boards for that tourney. ^___~
  • Ro and Emily already know this, but on the last day of PAX, My dad and I found a SEGA VIP All Access badge. It was so awesome.
  • -Raskulls (Mr. Driller meets Mario Kart as the booth guys said)
    Next time I'm at the mana bar, I'll get a game play video for you - I'm well practiced now, I'll whoop all'yall at Drunk Raskulls.
  • Edit: Also free Sumo bags for Enforcers is awesome. I might get rid of our love seat couch just for the Sumos.
    *looks at his D&D; 4 edition book and his magic cards* hope that occurs with East..
    Enforcer perks are sweet. I'll never use the book, but I appreciate the recognition they give the staff.
    You can pull off a kilt like no other!
    WTF! is that about?!?! :P
  • WTF! is that about?!?! :P
    He rocks the real kilt, not the Utilikilt.
  • Enforcer perks are sweet. I'll never use the book, but I appreciate the recognition they give the staff.
    Indeed. I really don't mind being an Enforcer. It's a lot of fun and really not that difficult.

    What really gets to me is reading the Enforcer thread post-PAX and seeing what people are saying about us and their appreciation. Makes me tear up a bit.

    It's something to be said when people refer to going to PAX as "Returning home" or one of the PAX slogans is "Welcome Home".
  • It's something to be said when people refer to going to PAX as "Returning home" or one of the PAX slogans is "Welcome Home".
    I think of PAX as my second or third home. Like a summer home. If it's your first home, that's a little bit sad.
  • I think of PAX as my second or third home. Like a summer home. If it's your first home, that's a little bit sad.
    I think the slogan "Welcome to your other home" or "Welcome to your second home" isn't as affective.

    Yes, it is kind of sad if a person can only fee that PAX is the only place they feel comfortable or themselves, however PAX has that effect.

    You can feel it all around. When you see people once a year and greet eachother with a big hug. Whenever you hug a random awesome person, it's there. The love. The love people have for gaming and the love that we can all get together to celebrate that.

    One example was at PAX East, during the Q&A; a girl was up there just thanking Gabe & Tycho for Child's Play because she could relate to all those kids in the hospital. She then started to talk about how she was in the hospital a lot when she was a child. She started to cry as she was showing her gratitude to Gabe & Tycho. Then Gabe came off the stage and gave her hug. She never actually benefitted from Child's Play, but was touched because she saw how two people can make a change.

    This was a video I saw after PAX East and was tearing up from it.

    If anything, PAX is my Mecca.
  • If anything, PAX is my Mecca.
    That's a decent metaphor, actually.
  • edited September 2010
    That's a decent metaphor, actually.
    To be fair, I do get down on my knees and Pray facing PAX five times a day.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • To be fair, I do get down on my knees and Pray facing PAX five times a day.
    What direction do you face to pray into the past/future?
  • What direction do you face to pray into the past/future?
    To Prime, always. Bitch PAX is a colony, even if it will eventually eclipse its founding city as happened with Rome.
  • To Prime, always.
    What direction do you face to pray into the past/future?
    I always park my Deloran between me and Seattle.
  • I always park my Deloran between me and Seattle.
    Oh, so that was your Delorean in Seattle over the weekend? Awesome.

    I was too lazy to take a pic of it. Now, I wish I did.
  • edited September 2010
    PAX was great, you guys rock, thanks for a great dinner afterwards. Now think of some good/effective/easy anti-scalper technologies!
    Post edited by AaronC on
  • Now think of some good/effective/easy anti-scalper technologies!
    We're working on it. ;^)
  • Now think of some good/effective/easy anti-scalper technologies!
    We're working on it. ;^)
    Off-Duty police: Article on scalping of Mariners tickets
  • Unfortunatly the Convention Center isn't inside the anti-scalping or anti-reselling zone. That needs to change.
  • edited September 2010
    It's something to be said when people refer to going to PAX as "Returning home" or one of the PAX slogans is "Welcome Home".
    Yeah, you know what, when I walked into the convention center, I looked around and I immediately felt a sense of belonging.
    Now think of some good/effective/easy anti-scalper technologies!
    We're working on it. ;^)
    You guys are talking like scalpers should be verboden. Why? Sure, it's a rip-off for those who are buying, but isn't scalping just a secondary market, like GameStop?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • You guys are talking like scalpers should be verboden. Why? Sure, it's a rip-off for those who are buying, but isn't scalping just a secondary market, like GameStop?
    That's what makes this problem so difficult. PAX could raise badge prices, but they keep them artificially low for the benefit of the attendees. That's also why they don't do individual ticketing for events like concerts even though many are willing, in fact begging, to pay more money. Instead they opt to have lines, since everyone has time, but not everyone has money.

    PAX wants people to be able to buy and sell their badges. If I accidentally buy one extra badge, it would be better to give to to a PAXer than to have one less person go.

    The problem is that these scalpers are hurting the convention. I heard that one guy found some way to buy 500 badges. The convention sold out. Because of that one guy, there are people who wanted to go to PAX, but could not. Also, some of the scalpers are selling counterfeit badges. One guy was selling badges from last year that he painted over. Of course its your responsibility not to be fooled, but it's just annoying to even have these guys there taking advantage of PAX peoples.

    I think one way to solve the problem is to just drown the scalpers out. This year there were the Assassin's Creed "protesters" and they sort of distracted from the scalpers. What if PAX just did something of their own on that corner basically physically blocking out the scalpers? It could work. Maybe if it just made scalpers uncomfortable so they left?
  • This year there were the Assassin's Creed "protesters" and they sort of distracted from the scalpers
    I think they were fake protesters. If you got the paper they were handing out, it had a ESRB rating on the back.

    At first I thought those people were really fucking crazy, but then it ended up they are just actors getting paid.
    You guys are talking like scalpers should be verboden. Why? Sure, it's a rip-off for those who are buying, but isn't scalping just a secondary market, like GameStop?
    I approached some scalpers and a took a pic with my camera. They started to walk away. Assholes.
  • You guys are talking like scalpers should be verboden. Why? Sure, it's a rip-off for those who are buying, but isn't scalping just a secondary market, like GameStop?
    Morally, I have no problem with scalpers: the sad answer is that they exist only because PAX keeps the price of entry artificially low for altruistic reasons.

    I don't think scalping should be illegal or directly prevented. But, there are ways to indirectly prevent people who have no utility for the badges beyond resale from substantially affecting badge availability.

    One is with different con culture. The only people affected by scalpers were people who did not immediately pre-register once it became available. In fact, it took long enough for PAX to sell out that the only people affected had waited until the last possible minute. Anyone who wants to attend PAX should pre-reg straight away. Unlike anime cons, they can always re-sell the badge if they end up not being able to come. Space is limited, and interest continues to grow. I foresee a day when PAX sells out within minutes of reg going online. If one could purchase a lifetime pass, I would in a heartbeat (irrespective of the free Speaker passes we get).

    Another way is with clever technology. We were discussing this with AaronC, and we have some neat ideas together that may near fruit.

    A third way is shame. Film the scalpers. Post their pictures on 4chan. Refuse to buy their passes. Ignore them or call them out. Make it a sad, lonely, difficult experience to re-sell outside the doors of PAX.

    Most important, we need to stop scalpers who are selling counterfeit badges. That's fucked up, and also constitutes fraud.

    Personally, were I PAX, I would do away with the single-day badges. The con would sell out if only three day ones were offered, and it was obvious that many, many people had 2/3 single-day badges. Each non-weekend badge basically denies a more dedicated fan access to PAX, or else causes them to pay more for less. (buying two or three single-day badges). People are likely less willing to travel to PAX and show up at the door relying entirely on a scalper selling 3-day badges to make their trip worthwhile. It's more unwieldy to scalp weekend badges than day badges.
  • I think they were fake protesters. If you got the paper they were handing out, it had a ESRB rating on the back.
    Hence my quotes.
  • If one could purchase a lifetime pass, I would in a heartbeat (irrespective of the free Speaker passes we get).
  • Maybe if it just made scalpers uncomfortable so they left?
    Unlikely. It would take an army of cloned Sailor Bubba's to keep a conman away from his money. Even then. I doubt they have enough dignity to feel shamed.
    Unfortunatly the Convention Center isn't inside the anti-scalping or anti-reselling zone. That needs to change.
    PAX can't be the only convention having this issue. I'm surprised the CC hasn't lobbied the city to get that changed already.
  • edited September 2010
    If one could purchase a lifetime pass, I would in a heartbeat (irrespective of the free Speaker passes we get).
    The only con I know that does this is Dragon*Con. They are called Eternals. Any similar offering by PAX must have a similar badass title.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • PAX can't be the only convention having this issue.
    It likely is. Most cons don't sell out, or don't have legally transferable badges. It's a nonissue.
  • Oh, so that was your Delorean in Seattle over the weekend? Awesome.

    I was too lazy to take a pic of it. Now, I wish I did.
    It's okay, I got your back.

  • A third way is shame. Film the scalpers. Post their pictures on 4chan. Refuse to buy their passes. Ignore them or call them out. Make it a sad, lonely, difficult experience to re-sell outside the doors of PAX.
    Or be awesome like R. Khoo and email all the scalpers through Craiglist to meet up on the same day and same time to buy their overpriced badges. ^__~
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