I can't personally say what I think about him, because I don't have an hour to kill, but it has been hilarious to watch some of my conservative friends slowly transition from "Fuck yeah liberal party" to "Oh god what have we done?"
I think the bigger question we all want answered is how he got so far in Australian politics?
I think the bigger question we all want answered is how he got so far in Australian politics?
Same way so many other politicians get so far - he repeatedly lied through his fucking teeth and floated his campaign on a raft of empty promises.
Well, that, and the fact that he had the explicit backing of one of the most powerful media players in the country(Murdoch and Newscorp - who, to be fair, did the same thing in 2007 for Kevin "The Milky Bar Kid" Rudd, who is a moon-headed sociopath, but is still somewhat of an improvement by comparison), as well as an extremely well conducted FUD and Attack campaign(Which they're still doing in lieu of...well, just about anything that makes much sense) and general dissatisfaction with the Labor party, who to be fair, were in rather a shambles, thanks to their antics since 2007.
That blanket is the dumbest thing. Useless, tactically horrible. People should be ashamed for thinking about it. Someone looking to cash in on govt purchase contracts.
But someone is free to make it just as we are free to not buy into it. On its own, I don't call it indicative of our nation as a whole, just another shit idea that comes from opportunists with questionably noble intentions. One can probably compile it with a bunch of other examples of BS tho, and find reason to criticize where the US is going and I think many within will feel the same.
But I'm certain no-one actually thinks these are a good idea.
My WTF of the last 24 hours is that one of my HDDs is alive and dead at the same time. It won't read, but it will read. It won't write, but it will write. I can't access files off it, but, sometimes I can.
It's like Schrödinger's Hard Disk.
At any rate as I was a 'doofus' who was trying to split a windows install between an SSD for the essential OS and the content/programs folders on a platter drive... I'm gonna have to basically do a clean slate install to continue on without that drive.
First time I've actually had a drive go bad on me.
The Washington Post calls this "a unique approach to collecting evidence," and I guess that's one way to put it. The approach is to forcibly inject a 17-year-old boy with something that would cause an erection so they can take a picture of that to compare with the picture he allegedly texted to his girlfriend.
Each of the characters are moe anthropomorphisms of World War II naval warships which are depicted as cute girls, known as "Fleet girls" (艦娘 kanmusu?).
Sigh. Seriously japan? If you like Porn, fine, but you don't have to turn everything into porn!
Each of the characters are moe anthropomorphisms of World War II naval warships which are depicted as cute girls, known as "Fleet girls" (艦娘 kanmusu?).
Sigh. Seriously japan? If you like Porn, fine, but you don't have to turn everything into porn! What part of rule 35 did you miss?
Genetics are a helluva drug.
Well, that, and the fact that he had the explicit backing of one of the most powerful media players in the country(Murdoch and Newscorp - who, to be fair, did the same thing in 2007 for Kevin "The Milky Bar Kid" Rudd, who is a moon-headed sociopath, but is still somewhat of an improvement by comparison), as well as an extremely well conducted FUD and Attack campaign(Which they're still doing in lieu of...well, just about anything that makes much sense) and general dissatisfaction with the Labor party, who to be fair, were in rather a shambles, thanks to their antics since 2007.
But someone is free to make it just as we are free to not buy into it. On its own, I don't call it indicative of our nation as a whole, just another shit idea that comes from opportunists with questionably noble intentions. One can probably compile it with a bunch of other examples of BS tho, and find reason to criticize where the US is going and I think many within will feel the same.
But I'm certain no-one actually thinks these are a good idea.
Running is a better idea, and it's free.
It's like Schrödinger's Hard Disk.
At any rate as I was a 'doofus' who was trying to split a windows install between an SSD for the essential OS and the content/programs folders on a platter drive... I'm gonna have to basically do a clean slate install to continue on without that drive.
First time I've actually had a drive go bad on me.
You win, world. I surrender.
Seriously, what the fuck did I just watch?
What part of rule 35 did you miss?