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WTF of Your Day



  • And now, ladies and gentlmen, the video woman this thread was made for:
  • edited November 2010
    She was making fun of Oprah.
    Ah, found the related article.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • She was making fun of Oprah.
    Citation needed.. seriously, I can't find anything.
    It was common knowledge at the time. Maybe if you had seen this six months ago when it was all over the internet... ^_~
  • I didn't get it until it was explained to me, and then I remembered the Oprah Car thing in some little corner of my brain.

  • Gulliver's Travels in 3D starring Jack Black

  • Gulliver's Travels in 3D starring Jack Black
    Jack Black, please go back to making music in Tenacious D.

  • Jack Black, please go make Tenacious D 2.
  • Wow, that's actually really clever. Whoever thought of that, good job.
  • It's WTF to you, but rotationplasty is a big deal. It's the difference between a functional nerve-operated knee, and a stump with a friction-driven mechanical joint coupled to it.
  • That is bizarre yet surprisingly logical.
  • At first I was like...

    But then I was like...
  • That is bizarre yet surprisingly logical.
    Yet, my first thought was "Wouldn't that make sleeping on your back really uncomfortable, with your toes pointing into the bed?"
  • That is bizarre yet surprisingly logical.
    Yet, my first thought was "Wouldn't that make sleeping on your back really uncomfortable, with your toes pointing into the bed?"
    Probably not, it'd be just like sleeping on your stomach, just have to stretch out that ankle.
  • A more difficult proposition is how does one clip their toe nails?
  • edited November 2010
    A more difficult proposition is how does one clip their toe nails?
    They might surgically remove the nails and then ablate the nail root so they don't grow back.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • A more difficult proposition is how does one clip their toe nails?
    They might surgically remove the nails and then ablate the nail root so they don't grow back.
    It's hard to tell, but it looks like she kept her toenails.
  • Joe's knowledge of anatomy is questionable, to say the least.

  • I am NOT talking to myself.
  • edited November 2010
    So, Uwe Boll has released his trailer for his first superhero/Fatsploitation comedy.

    Okay, long story short, here's the summary. It's about an obese dhampir(Half vampire, half human, for those who sensibly avoid this nonsense), who eats constantly, and is absolutely obsessed with food, and also fights Nazis, most likely, for food(I'm not kidding - at one point IN THE TRAILER, she runs a man through because he won't give her a sandwich), while the rest of the cast make fat jokes, since the Lead actress is a well mannered woman who wouldn't make fat jokes with her mouth full. Oh, and it's called Blubberella.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I saw a guy on the Metro today reading a Transforrmers book. Do we really need a Trannsformers extended universe? Who will that benefit?

    Also, Eddie Money is a god.
  • ho will that benefit?
    Whoever that guy gave his money to in order to read that book?
  • edited November 2010
    ho will that benefit?
    Whoever that guy gave his money to in order to read that book?
    Fine. I'll write my own goddam Transformers extended universe story.

    Once upon a time there was agroup of lame robots that could transform into mundane stuff from a planet they had never seen. No one knows why they would want to transform into that stuff, because it didn't really confer any advantage upon them, unless you count looking stupid as an advantage.

    Then one day they all imploded into a black hole of suck because they all sucked too much.

    The End.

    Give me money, Transformers nerds.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited November 2010
    Throw Megan Fox in, then we'll talk.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Throw Megan Fox in, then we'll talk.
    Can we add a chick who's hot but can actually act? Emma Stone okay?
  • Throw Megan Fox in, then we'll talk.
    Can we add a chick who's hot but can actually act? Emma Stone okay?
    You don't need to able to act when you're just going to be thrown into a black hole.
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