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WTF of Your Day



  • Is this just rabid fan speculation?
  • edited October 2010
    Is this just rabid fan speculation?
    Someone clearly never watched the TV series, where the whole thing is very spelled out. Even if you don't take that as canon, the first games make reference to Mewtwo being an escaped genetic experiment.

    Edit: Double-checked that I was right:émon)#In_the_games
    Post edited by Sail on
  • So is ditto just a big pile of stem cells?
  • So is ditto just a big pile of stem cells?
    Wow, can't unsee. Bravo!
  • edited October 2010
    News: Man Tortures and Rapes a woman over four days in Redcliffe. He subjected her to systematic abuse, including punching and urinating on her, threatening her with knives and a meat cleaver, and sexually abusing her with a baseball bat

    Somewhat odd: During the period of the abuse, they also had consensual sex once.

    Total WTF - During the period of the abuse, the also had what the Judge describes as "Bizarre consensual socialising", where they did things such as Host a barbecue, and play board games, after which, the abuse resumed.

    Double edit - Now observe this thread dissolve into postulation as to which games they were and were not playing.

    (As a pure nitpicky little thing about the article - Redcliffe is only part of Brisbane for certain statistical measurements due to conurbation - essentially, cities sprawling enough that they start to physically merge in places, however, it's a separate city about 30 Kilometres north of the Brisbane CBD area, with it's own council - the Moreton Bay Regional Council, the third largest state government behind Brisbane and Gold Coast - transport and sanitation services, and so on.)
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited October 2010
    Somewhat odd: During the period of the abuse, they also had consensual sex once.

    Total WTF - During the period of the abuse, the also had what the Judge describes as "Bizarre consensual socialising", where they did things such as Host a barbecue, and play board games, after which, the abuse resumed.
    Hm. Interesting situation. I think the article is lacking on crucial details that would clarify this.

    I could see someone agreeing to do things under duress, but that doesn't constitute consent. It's possible that the article got that part wrong and that this woman was a prisoner who did whatever her captor wanted in order to spare her life. However, if that's not the case, then the consensual activities don't make any sense. Could be a case of irrational emotional attachment making someone do weird things; I've known a couple of battered wives who kept taking their husbands back.

    It's also possible that the whole scenario was actual consensual, and that this is the result of, say, nosy neighbors. However, that wouldn't explain the rape charge or the guilty pleas.

    It's also possible that this started off as negotiated edge play, and eventually progressed to the point where one person wanted to stop and the other didn't. I've read cases of one party in a BDSM "contract" attempting to actually enforce the contract against the will of the other party. Those situations don't end well for anyone. This is possibly a setup like that.

    So, I reserve judgment until there are more details.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Are the effects of Stockholm Syndrome considered "consensual"?
  • edited October 2010
    Are the effects of Stockholm Syndrome considered "consensual"?
    I don't think so; if they are, they really shouldn't be.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • It's such a grey area though, because in that case the victim may persist I having sympathy for their captor after the fact. The woman may very well be convinced that certain actions were consensual and there's no real way to prove otherwise if that's the case.
  • edited October 2010
    It's such a grey area though, because in that case the victim may persist I having sympathy for their captor after the fact. The woman may very well be convinced that certain actions were consensual and there's no real way to prove otherwise if that's the case.
    I think a qualified psychologist could provide testimony as to the level of psychological trauma endured, and that could suffice to demonstrate the magnitude of the crime. I can see how it could be tough, though. If the person in question never presses charges, then the situation is sort of moot. Still, this is sort of like the use of lethal force in self-defense; if you kill someone in self-defense, you're OK, but if you only maim them, you can be sued. It seems a little wonky that you could be charged for assault and abuse, but not for excessive assault and abuse. What message does that send? If you're going to abuse and rape your partner, make sure you fuck 'em up real good so they don't press charges?

    I guess the question is how this arrest came about. Did the woman call the cops? If so, I think that pretty much takes care of the Stockholm Syndrome problem. If it was someone else, then this situation is very, very muddy.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • From an episode of pokemon that wasn't aired in the US.
  • So as one of the smaller ventures that my boss undertakes is selling stuff on the internet. I were asked by a manager, at the start of the year, to see if we could add in one of those little "Can I Help You?" live chat things on one of the websites.

    I say sure and had a foss solution installed by the end of the day, emailed out all the user names and passwords and such.

    I heard nothing for months.

    Then I get called into the CEO's office with a stern "We should be doing this live chat thing, why arn't we doing it?". So I calmly explained that, yes in fact this feature was already on the website but had only ever been used by myself.

    CEO: "Didn't you tell anyone else?"

    me: "Yes, I sent out emails with the appropriate log in information and I received receipts from everyone that they opened the email."

    Manager: "I must not have gotten it ..."

    Me: "Well here is my email and here are the read receipts for everyone including Manager ... "

    So I sent out the email once again and once again with in a few minutes I received receipt that he opened the email, I asked him if he got it afterwards to which he replied yes.

    Many more months pass, until today.

    I get an email saying we should subscribe to this service that will run a live chat on the website for us.

    Manager: "It will let us send a message to someone who's on our site so we can be proactive about leads."

    Me: "So will the software we have installed already, and it's free."

    Manager: "Really?"

    Me: "Well you've never logged into it so it is understandable you don't know how it works."

    Manager: "Could you send me the login information for it?"

    Me: "Yes, I'll send you the email, again."

    I want to take bets on if he'll bring this up again in a few more months.

  • I want to take bets on if he'll bring this up again in a few more months.
    Five bucks on the idiot manager!
  • I want to take bets on if he'll bring this up again in a few more months.
    I'd put some money on him actually logging in, but I'd expect a large pay out as the odds are clearly stacked against me.
  • Chastity belt
    I <3 her.
  • Chastity belt
    I <3 her.</p>
    Who is that?
  • Chastity belt
    I <3 her.</p>
    Who is that?
    No idea. Chick in a dress.
  • It's from theAIr Sex World Championships.
    There ya go, Knox. They're going to be in Seattle this Sunday. :P
  • It's from theAIr Sex World Championships.
    There ya go, Knox. They're going to be in Seattle this Sunday. :P
    Aw snap! Better yet, it's 10 minutes from my apartment on foot! I think I've got plans for that evening :)
  • During class today a man walked up to the open door, carressed it gently and left without a word. We dubbed him The Door Fondler.
  • I'm moving this here from TotD for reasons that should be very obvious:

  • I'm moving this here from TotD for reasons that should be very obvious:
    Let’s make the enormous pudding of our dreams!
  • I'm moving this here from TotD for reasons that should be very obvious:
    Let’s make the enormous pudding of our dreams!
    I am going to make a ten-gallon concrete mixing bucket of flan and call it Yotta-Pudding.
  • I'm moving this here from TotD for reasons that should be very obvious:
    Let’s make the enormous pudding of our dreams!
    I am going to make a ten-gallon concrete mixing bucket of flan and call it Yotta-Pudding.
    I need this. NEED! Maybe I should make a hint in the secret santa thread. GIGA PUDDIN!
  • Bear in the Sol Heumann quad at RIT.
  • Bearin the Sol Heumann quad at RIT.
    In other news, "Johnny Killings" ranks among the manliest names ever. It's right underneath "Saxton Hale."
  • Bearin the Sol Heumann quad at RIT.
    In other news, "Johnny Killings" ranks among the manliest namesever. It's right underneath "Saxton Hale."
    I was too focused on this to even notice that:
    DEC officials don’t have to worry about that today at RIT because about the only tree nearby is the tree of knowledge.
  • DEC officials don’t have to worry about that today at RIT because about the only tree nearby is the tree of knowledge.
    How punny.
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