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WTF of Your Day



  • What is that from?
  • shy, cute girls are sexy.
  • edited March 2011
    Only Johnny Jimmy Urine could spawn something so serenely insane. That's my jam.

    Edited since it's obviously been a while since I talked about about any of the members of MSI. Also, "Fuck an Xbox 360, fuck a PS3// I rock a 32X, Sega CD."

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited April 2011

    That is Nathan Gerbe, 23 years and 5 ft 5 in, and Tyler Myers, 21 years old and 6 ft 8 in. Both play for the Buffalo Sabres. I don't think I've seen such a size discrepancy on the same sports team since Muggsy Bogues retired.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • image
    Dawwwwww! =3
  • edited April 2011
    I grabbed a Tyler The Creator album and when I went to play it iTunes played Neutral Milk Hotel instead. I was really, really confused for a minute or so.

    EDIT: Upon closer inspection it appears that somebody uploaded Airplane Over The Sea and renamed everything to make it look like Goblin. I can only assume that /mu/ is behind this. Well played, gentlemen.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Yeah, they were making a ton of fake leaks around the time Tomboy leaked.
  • EDIT: Upon closer inspection it appears that somebody uploaded Airplane Over The Sea and renamed everything to make it look like Goblin. I can only assume that /mu/ is behind this. Well played, gentlemen.
    That particular one was actually the Collected Animals forum April Fool's joke. But yeah, can't wait for Goblin. Odd Future played two of the new tracks from it on Friday when I saw them and they were dope.
  • Apparently, rape constitutes sexual harassment. Really? I think I could've figured that part out. Of course, I know when one of my employees rapes another, my first concern is whether or not that constitutes sexual harassment.
  • Isn't there a difference between harassment and assault?
  • The jail time.
  • edited April 2011
    Isn't there a difference between harassment and assault?
    The jail time.
    I think the jail time stacks.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited April 2011
    I think the jail time stacks.
    However, the Armor Class bonus from wearing a condom doesn't.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I think the jail time stacks.
    I don't think you usually get nailed for both harassment and rape. You'll get charged with both, but I believe you are usually sentenced by the worse standards.

    Of course, the sexual harassment question is more directed at the work environment. To their credit, I believe the training materials are trying to point out the morale rebuilding types of things that you'll have to do after such an incident. Obviously, rape is not your usual sexual harassment case, but workplace morale will suffer like it would in other cases.
  • edited April 2011
    I think the jail time stacks.
    I don't think you usually get nailed for both harassment and rape. You'll get charged with both, but I believe you are usually sentenced by the worse standards.
    This is because it's a lesser, included offense. They charge you with both in case the worst one doesn't fly, so the jury/court has an option. It's the same reason you can't get convicted with both murder and assault for the same killing. If you are guilty of murder, then you are definitely guilty of assault, but since it is the same crime we just pick the worst. Otherwise it's like punishing you twice for the same thing.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Right. That's why I thought it was kind of silly to point out that rape is also sexual harassment; sexual harassment includes "unwanted touching of a sexual nature," and, well, that's what rape is.
  • "As we can clearly see, the defendant was jay walking she fled the scene of the bank robbery."
  • Right. That's why I thought it was kind of silly to point out that rape is also sexual harassment; sexual harassment includes "unwanted touching of a sexual nature," and, well, that's what rape is.
    It's actually only sexual harassment if it happens in a professional capacity. Your average dark-parking-lot rapist is not committing sexual harassment unless he happens to work for the company that owns the parking lot, or is a customer of the company and rapes an employee.
  • edited April 2011
    Right. That's why I thought it was kind of silly to point out that rape is also sexual harassment; sexual harassment includes "unwanted touching of a sexual nature," and, well, that's what rape is.
    It's actually only sexual harassment if it happens in a professional capacity. Your average dark-parking-lot rapist is not committing sexual harassment unless he happens to work for the company that owns the parking lot, or is a customer of the company and rapes an employee.
    No. The context of a workplace or a professional relationship is not necessary for sexual harassment to happen.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited April 2011
    There is a female cosplayer from Poland who HAS THE SAME FREAKING FACE AS ME.
    Polish Cosplayer:
    It's creepy as hell!
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • @Li_Akahi That's a woman?
  • @Li_Akahi That's a woman?
    Yup, and that is one of the reasons that I am so creeped out.
  • edited April 2011
    @Li_Akahi That's a woman?
    Yup, and that is one of the reasons that I am so creeped out.
    Wait, never mind the picture of the cosplayer wasn't loading before you labeled them so all I saw was that picture of you.

    For all people in the same predicament I uploaded it to imgur. Here it is.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • Another creepy thing about it is that she is cosplaying as Momohime from Muramasa: the Demon Blade, and I cosplay as Kisuke from the same game. Luckily they are not romantically tied in the game, otherwise I would have thrown up in my mouth a little.
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