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WTF of Your Day



  • edited April 2011
    Another creepy thing about it is that she is cosplaying as Momohime from Muramasa: the Demon Blade
    Three of the costumes this cosplayer has done are the same as things I've done, so we theorize that it's just Ryan stealing my clothes and trying to be a pretty pretty princess. My roommate found this, and we're milking the joke for all it's worth.
    PS: Allison (said roommate) has big things planned.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • PS: Allison (said roommate) has big things planned.
    I was just creeped out before. Now I am scared.
  • edited April 2011
    Three of the costumes this cosplayer has done are the same as things I've done, so we theorize that it's just Ryan stealing my clothes and trying to be a pretty pretty princess. My roommate found this, and we're milking the joke for all it's worth.
    PS: Allison (said roommate) has big things planned.
    Ryan should Cosplay as this polish girl. And then send it to her. SHARE THE CREEPY.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Further proof for my "it's just Ryan in drag" theory is that the girl's DeviantArt page says her Place of Residence is "Your Wardrobe". Hmmmm...
  • Further proof for my "it's just Ryan in drag" theory is that the girl's DeviantArt page says her Place of Residence is "Your Wardrobe". Hmmmm...
    The fact that you are now completely internet stalking this girl is hilarious.
  • edited April 2011
    The fact that you are now completely internet stalking this girl is hilarious.
    Pff, she'll never know. Unless you tell her, in which case you'll have to tell her WHY we're stalking her. We were jokingly wondering how she acts, and I was like, "I should just send her a message to talk about costumes and be like... 'BTW do you like... Disney movies? How do you feel about 80's rock?'" Also her birthday is literally a month before your's, give or take a few days.
    Another creepy thing about it is that she is cosplaying as Momohime from Muramasa: the Demon Blade, and I cosplay as Kisuke from the same game. Luckily they are not romantically tied in the game, otherwise I would have thrown up in my mouth a little.
    I should also note that you were Oswald and she was Gwendolyn. They're married.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • Photoshop Ryan's face onto that picture and send it back to her, see if she notices.

    In seriousness, you should contact her. I'm sure she'll find it funny.
  • In seriousness, you should contact her. I'm sure she'll find it funny.
    Maybe you two will hit it off. I mean you DO have so much in common.
  • In seriousness, you should contact her. I'm sure she'll find it funny.
    Maybe you two will hit it off. I mean you DO have so much in common.
    On a scale of 1-10, 10 being identical to it, how much like masturbation would it be if Ryan hooked up with her?

    Let's assume for the sake of argument that they are both cosplaying characters from the same series at the same con.
  • Not masturbation, awkward, awkward twincest. They're anime fans, so unfortunately it's not unheard of in the fandom.
  • edited April 2011
    Unfortunately this fits better.
    Not masturbation, awkward, awkward twincest. They're anime fans, so unfortunately it's not unheard of in the fandom.
    As it would be posted on 4chan.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • It's not anywhere near incest. Though this does raise the question of whether having sex with your future/past self counts as such.
  • It's not anywhere near incest. Though this does raise the question of whether having sex with your future/past self counts as such.
    I smell Futurama episode!
  • edited April 2011
    I remember reading about a film where a guy goes to another time and ends up having sex with his past/future transgender self who gives birth to a baby which turns out is him as well.
    In Robert Heinlein's "—All You Zombies", a young man (later revealed to be intersex) is taken back in time and tricked into impregnating his younger, female self (before he underwent a sex change); he thus turns out to be the offspring of that union, with the paradoxical result that he is his own mother and father. As the story unfolds, all the major characters are revealed to be the same person, at different stages of her/his life. In another of his stories, By His Bootstraps, the protagonist in a series of twists, interacts with future versions of himself.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I remember an episode of sliders where Quinn is really into this girl that we later find out is that dimensions version of him. Good times....good times.
  • edited April 2011
    It's not anywhere near incest. Though this does raise the question of whether having sex with your future/past self counts as such.
    Gives a whole new meaning to the quote "Would you fuck me? I would fuck me."
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • remember reading about a film where a guy goes to another time and ends up having sex with his past/future transgender self who gives birth to a baby which turns out is him as well.
    wait, they made a short out of that? I read "All You Zombies" in one of my SF collections and it was pretty mind-bending, but I am not sure how well it would translate to film.
  • edited April 2011
    I was probably remembering the book description.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Man, Scott has a nice tan in that photo.
  • what is this I don't even...
  • Best comment: how many hipsters does it take to open a god damn spaghttio's can?

    Also I just skipped to parts and I did not need to see what happened at 4:30.
  • edited April 2011
    Best comment: how many hipsters does it take to open a god damn spaghttio's can?
    21. 20 to watch and 1 to open it and pour it into her vagina.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Try our new shrimp spaghetti-o's.
  • I'm pretty sure that's actually Corn Smut with a different label stuck on.
  • video
    Oh god no not this thing. It just upsets me.
  • Video
    Officially, WTF of the year...I really did not need to see that. No sound right now, not sure I want it, but WTF is wrong with all of them?
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