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WTF of Your Day



  • edited April 2011
    I'm pretty sure that's actually Corn Smut with a different label stuck on.
    It is.

    Fun fact: Those assholes are Chicagoans, and I'd stake a few bucks that my uncle (an art professor in the city) has met at least one of them in passing.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Do not googleimage this man's name if you want to sleep soundly tonight.
    What are you talking about? His stuff is AWESOME.
  • Do not googleimage this man's name if you want to sleep soundly tonight.
    What are you talking about? His stuff is AWESOME.
  • edited April 2011
    I'd like to build a 3D version of AA78 in Minecraft.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Do not googleimage this man's name if you want to sleep soundly tonight.
    What are you talking about? His stuff is AWESOME.
  • Do not googleimage this man's name if you want to sleep soundly tonight.
    What are you talking about? His stuff is AWESOME.
  • Do not googleimage this man's name if you want to sleep soundly tonight.
    What are you talking about? His stuff is AWESOME.
    This shit is brain candy to people like me.
  • Re: Zdzislaw Beksinski, I actually really like his work. Some of it is creepy, but only in a slightly unsettling way. That sort of odd surrealism really appeals to me.
  • Re: Zdzislaw Beksinski, I actually really like his work. Some of it is creepy, but only in a slightly unsettling way. That sort of odd surrealism really appeals to me.
    I will agree that the works that depict inorganic things like buildings are awesome. However, the corpses are still creepy as all shit to me. I should probably get inured to this.
  • Naw, a bit of revulsion in the face of a corpse is always better than austere indifference.
  • His work is pretty amazing. I dig him in the same way I dig H.R. Geiger.
  • edited April 2011
    A manga all about meat: Nature Jimon.
    Seems this is a manga about an actual dude. He has a website and everything.

    Is it bad that I can recognise all the cuts from 2 to 5?
    Post edited by Omnutia on

  • Can't. Wrap. Head. Around.
  • image
    Apparently they're making an American live action Space Adventure Cobra movie. Don't know if want.
  • How they make "ocular prosthetics".
  • edited May 2011
    "Hey Churbs, my mate wanted to send along his thanks for teaching him about journalism and writing Sunday night."
    "Hey that's alrig...I did fucking what?"

    Dear self, drink less.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Apparently, when I was a child, I was known for putting oil in the toaster.
  • I have no idea what's going on there, but the highlight is clearly Wallace Breen screaming "HAAAAAAAX!"
  • edited May 2011
    I have no idea what's going on there, but the highlight is clearly Wallace Breen screaming "HAAAAAAAX!"
    Also: I can half read the top two lines as "Last year, Sony removed Linux install. However, [somethingly] hackers hacked it back in.".
    I can translate the rest if anyone wants me to go and get the dictionary.

    I find it interesting that Xbox is depicted as having boobs of a size usually reserved for XP. This is probably because it's seen as the western console.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited May 2011
    Also: I can half read the top two lines as "Last year, Sony removed Linux install. However, [somethingly] hackers hacked it back in.".
    I can translate the rest if anyone wants me to go and get the dictionary.

    I find it interesting that Xbox is depicted as having boobs of a size usually reserved for XP. This is probably because it's seen as the western console.
    Well, that's good, because it actually looks like he's somehow giving a young woman cosplaying as a PS3 an orgasm using his laptop and an inventively employed USB cable, who appears to be so immensely satisfied that two businessmen have attempted to capture him for further use, presumably because if they can patent this lad's technological breakthrough they'll be fucking billionaires. And Wallace breen looks on through the window, because he's a pervy old git. He's then taken away to a featureless white room where one of the businessmen interrogates him, and the other yells at some asian dudes wearing guy fawkes masks in the background, while a young woman with pendulous breasts cosplaying as an xbox 360 offers him her iphone in exchange for showing her his trick with the usb cable. This transaction is interrupted however, because PS3 cosplayer girl suddenly lapses into another round of toe-curling orgasms due to the folk dance performed by the masked asian men, while the dismayed and enraged businessmen flail about angrily, and the shaggy-haired young man laughs so hard that another masked man needs to hold him up, as in the far background, our Xbox cosplayer is sheepishly trying to think of a way to get her phone back.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Also: I can half read the top two lines as "Last year, Sony removed Linux install. However, [somethingly] hackers hacked it back in.".
    I can translate the rest if anyone wants me to go and get the dictionary.
    I'll do it! It's to racy for work, though.
  • I took a lunch break at worth the other day, and this is what I did with my time:

    (To be sung to the melody of “Do You Hear the People Sing?” from Les Miserables)

    Can you smell the people’s feet?
    They are the feet of sweaty men.
    They are the feet of a people
    Who will not be bathed again.
    When the stench of their feet
    Smells like the sewage in the street
    We will drown out all the farts
    When tomorrow comes!

    Will you join in our stampede?
    Who will be strong and reek like me?
    Beyond the stinky Swede,
    Is there a smell far worse than brie?
    (Then join in the funk and bathe in your own pee!)

    Can you smell the people’s feet
    They are the feet of sweaty men
    They are the feet of a people
    Who will not be bathed again
    When the stench of their feet
    Smells like the sewage in the street
    We will drown out all the farts
    When tomorrow comes!

    Will you stink all you can stink
    So our odor may advance?
    Some will swoon or hold their nose,
    While others poop their pants.
    The stench of our brood
    Will fumigate the streets of France!

    Can you smell the people’s feet
    They are the feet of sweaty men
    They are the feet of a people
    Who will not be bathed again
    When the stench of their feet
    Smells like the sewage in the street
    We will drown out all the farts
    When tomorrow comes!
  • So I've been playing those time-waster DS games before I go to bed. The game that I'm currently playing has the character searching in a weird Asian herbal shop/market. The market owner is an old Asian guy who had me look for fruit and herbs to make his special "Black Lotus" tea to give me special powers to be able to see better.


    This screenshot had me feel very awkward. I don't know if I want to continue playing this game.
  • This screenshot had me feel very awkward. I don't know if I want to continue playing this game.
  • Best way to sell cars to Americans? Hatsune Miku, of course!
  • Best way to sell cars to Americans? Hatsune Miku, of course!
    That is some pretty shitty Hatsune Miku Right there. By comparison, this is the sort of thing we get -
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