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WTF of Your Day



  • Mel Gibson stars in: The Beaver.
  • edited May 2011
    Best way to sell cars to Americans? Hatsune Miku, of course!
    Oh god, certainly not the best supercell has done. Still, the concert in that commercial is based on a real concert and thats fucking cool.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I was at the photographer's to get my yearbook photo taken, and the two girls behind the counter were crazy (not batshit, but in the teen-girl way). One of them said "I have a really, really good idea... you should totally give me a dollar. " They both found this hilarious and started cracking up. Evidently they had recorded this, because I hear it play over computer speakers. They both start cracking up. Then one of them says it again, as if it had Lready become a meme. They both crack up. Then they play it again. It seemed like this must have been the funniest thing either of them had ever heard.
  • So my neighborhood has a lot of little kids and two babies that were born while I was away at school. I love playing with the kids and hanging out with the parents (they're all younger parents). I spent an hour or so chasing after the kids, carrying them around, and tickling them and all of a sudden, one of the new babies is brought out. I love kids, so I really want to hold and meet him. So as I'm holding him, Jack, my three-year-old neighbor walks up and demands that I play with him. I tell him that I'm holding Owen and that he's going to have to wait.

    Little fucker punches me right in the mean bean machine.

    It didn't really hurt that much (he's three, how much damage could he possibly do), but seriously, what the fuck? I love the kid to death, but if I wasn't holding a baby...
  • So my neighborhood has a lot of little kids and two babies that were born while I was away at school. I love playing with the kids and hanging out with the parents (they're all younger parents). I spent an hour or so chasing after the kids, carrying them around, and tickling them and all of a sudden, one of the new babies is brought out. I love kids, so I really want to hold and meet him. So as I'm holding him, Jack, my three-year-old neighbor walks up and demands that I play with him. I tell him that I'm holding Owen and that he's going to have to wait.

    Little fucker punches me right in the mean bean machine.

    It didn't really hurt that much (he's three, how much damage could he possibly do), but seriously, what the fuck? I love the kid to death, but if I wasn't holding a baby...
    Toddlers do go through stages like that. If the parents aren't working on it, the behavior will absolutely continue. If you want to do something yourself, keep it simple. Try something like telling him that you won't play with him anymore if he hits you, because it hurts you. If he doesn't understand that, try explaining in simple terms. Little kids really don't understand sometimes, and don't know how to act when dealing with frustration or anger. If he doesn't care, then it's a possible red flag of other social/mental issues.
  • Fact: Necrophilia is allowable under Islamic law.
    As it should be. The only time necrophilia is wrong is when you're making the bodies yourself.
  • image
    He has an RTL (right-to-left) override character in his username, which makes everything after his username appear backwards. Try quoting a post he makes or viewing the source of his user page and you'll see the same weirdness.
  • I'm pretty sure that this Jeep ad just implied that Jeeps are "genetically engineered." No commentary.
  • He has an RTL (right-to-left) override character in his username, which makes everything after his username appear backwards. Try quoting a post he makes or viewing the source of his user page and you'll see the same weirdness.
    Just copy and paste the text, then drop in cite tags and type his name. I can see potential for a "witty" comment about how it's not really his name without the override character, but I don't give a shit.
  • He has an RTL (right-to-left) override character in his username, which makes everything after his username appear backwards. Try quoting a post he makes or viewing the source of his user page and you'll see the same weirdness.
    Just copy and paste the text, then drop in cite tags and type his name. I can see potential for a "witty" comment about how it's not really his name without the override character, but I don't give a shit.
    Everything works just fine if you quote it - The text isn't actually backwards, it just displays backwards. It's confusing, but otherwise harmless.
  • edited May 2011
    Everything works just fine if you quote it - The text isn't actually backwards, it just displays backwards. It's confusing, but otherwise harmless.
    I know it works, it's just annoying. Which was pretty much the intention.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Quote from a person on Facebook.
    "Our ancient ancestors were much smarter than us. They didn't have internet, or government, or electricity, and they survived just fine. Now we rely entirely on other people, and are in perpetual fear of nuclear war that most the world's population don't have any say in. We're fucking idiots."

    Yea ok.... Sounds good dude.. Whatever you say.
  • Yea ok.... Sounds good dude.. Whatever you say.
    It's crazy and Ron Paul for me!
  • Yea ok.... Sounds good dude.. Whatever you say.
    It's crazy and Ron Paul for me!
    You've been waiting for so long to use that, haven't you.
  • I'm still trying to pin down what age of human existence was better to live in then now... So far he said Pre-historic. Not very specific so I'm trying to get him to say whether he wants to live Neolithic? Bronze Age?
  • I'm still trying to pin down what age of human existence was better to live in then now... So far he said Pre-historic. Not very specific so I'm trying to get him to say whether he wants to live Neolithic? Bronze Age?
    Life was generally pretty awesome at any point when you were the king.

    That's really what Libertarian politics comes down to: "Fuck you peasants. Just be rich and everything will be fine."
  • edited May 2011
    Life was generally pretty awesome at any point when you were the king.

    That's really what Libertarian politics comes down to: "Fuck you peasants. Just be rich and everything will be fine."
    I'm waiting to tell him that his natural cures and living with nature would probably mean that he and his mother would already be dead from health reasons, and his father most likely have died hunting or in a tribal fight and his sister would be about 5 years away from child raising... (she's 8). That will be fun to post.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • It sounds to me like he's talking about nomadic hunter-gatherer band societies in Paleolithic and Mesolithic times. To be fair, if I had to live at any time before the last century or so I would probably go back to the days of band societies. They were extremely egalitarian, had no concept of ownership and shared everything with everyone in the band, had a bunch of free time because there weren't many mouths to feed, and everyone was pretty happy despite their short lifespans. They way a small nomadic group of people lives in the wilderness is actually a lot closer to how we live now than pre-industrial state-level societies with kings and peasants and whatnot. Of course, everything from horticulture to industrialism are just natural, sensible ways of maintaining larger populations. Band societies are literally impossible for most of us, and wishing to go back to those times is kind of like a middle-aged man wishing he could still ride his childhood tricycle.
  • edited May 2011
    To torture the analogy, that would be like a geekband in the ruins of Detroit.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited May 2011
    "Our ancient ancestors were much smarter than us. They didn't have internet, or government, or electricity, and they survived just fine. Now we rely entirely on other people, and are in perpetual fear of nuclear war that most the world's population don't have any say in. We're fucking idiots."
    Yeah, survived until we were et by a wild mountain lion at 25, because we were slow one day because we had a toothache from our teeth falling out, or we died at 14 from appendicitis, or we starved to death in the winter.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Yeah, survived until we were et by a wild mountain lion at 25, because we were slow one day because we had a toothache from our teeth falling out, or we died at 14 from appendicitis, or we starved to death in the winter.
    Ahh... The good ol' days...
  • image
    Sorry my first attempt at cutting and pasting a facebook conversation..
  • Yeah, survived until we were et by a wild mountain lion at 25, because we were slow one day because we had a toothache from our teeth falling out, or we died at 14 from appendicitis, or we starved to death in the winter.
    Death for most women while giving birth must have been real fun.
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