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WTF of Your Day



  • Flushing toilets are a very recent invention and are in no way assisted by nature.
  • Flushing toilets are a very recent invention and are in no way assisted by nature.
    In fact, part of it actually hinders nature.
  • This man has not thought his clever plan through.
  • Scott, where the hell do you find these crazy idiots.
  • Chemtrails?



    Oh, and "what do you think the murder rate was back then?" Um, Vikings? Inquisitions? How about back when Hammurabi wrote down some laws? Has he read that shit? Brutal times.

    Unless he's talking about the times before all that, when we were nomads. Y'know, the times for which we have no records. I heard we rode fucking unicorns and had fairy magic.

    Really Scott, you need to de-friend some bitches.
  • Unless he's talking about the times before all that, when we were nomads. Y'know, the times for which we have no records.
    It's safe to say that the murder rate was pretty low, though. Considering that everything from tribe to state-level societies follow similar patterns, we can extrapolate what an ancient band society would probably have been like by studying modern ones. What anthropologists have found is that there isn't much internal conflict because their relationships are very personal, and everyone is essential to the group. Not only would killing somebody in your band be like killing a brother or sister, it would mean seriously hurting your chances of survival. There also would have been very little conflict between bands since there's plenty of land to go around with so few humans in the world.
  • edited May 2011
    I think the main delusion here is the romanticizing of "living off the land". I don't care how advanced it gets, hunting, gathering, horticulture, and farming are all ugly, dirty, hard ways to live. I can imagine being perfectly happy if you grew up in a nomadic band society, but the idea of moving from an industrial way of life to a nomadic one is fucking ridiculous. We're probably not even physically built for it at this point, let alone psychologically ready to deal with the realities of persistence hunting, losing all concept of personal ownership, and living less than half as long.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I think the main delusion here is the romanticizing of "living off the land". I don't care how advanced it gets, hunting, gathering, horticulture, and farming are ugly, dirty, hard ways to live. I can imagine being perfectly happy if you grew up in a nomadic band society, but the idea of moving from an industrial way of life to a nomadic one is fucking ridiculous. We're probably not even physically built for it at this point, let alone psychologically ready to deal with the realities of persistence hunting, losing all concept of personal ownership, and living less than half as long.
    Yeah, Dump these yahoos in the middle of nowhere - even a relatively benign middle of nowhere - even with some modern tools like Knives, entrenching tools, and good rope, and they'd be dead within a month, if not from nature, from simply killing each other. They love these ideas in Principle, but having to live it, they'd never want to. After all, you can't post about how much you love nature on facebook with a rock, and there's no heading down to costco for food when you're in the middle of nowhere - and frankly, I can't see the majority these sorts being willing, let alone able to hunt and kill their own food - but unfortunately, the vegetarian or vegan lifestyle doesn't work so well outside of our modern society.
  • Suitcase full of blood.

    Anyone who knows will know.
  • edited May 2011
    Suitcase full of blood.

    Anyone who knows will know.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • No. No, Sail. You do not know. You cannot know.
  • but unfortunately, the vegetarian or vegan lifestyle doesn't work so well outside of our modern society.
    Even I'll admit that.
  • Even I'll admit that.
    It's fair, really. It's just really hard to get any decent calorie intake without eating meat when you're in the wilderness - at least, if you're living off the land rather than bringing your own food along - in most environments. However, I give most vegetarians and vegans credit, they would recognize this fact, and temporarily suspend their habits for the purpose of survival. The ones who are mad enough about it that they won't? Well, they're essentially committing slow suicide, but if they want to do that, it's not worth the trouble to force them to do otherwise. Either they act smart, or they die - there's no room for such stupidity for people living in the wilderness.
  • Suitcase? No. Train-car full of blood, Sonic.
  • I'm just amused that they are advacating for a way of life that would only be able to support a significantly smaller population of humans and at the same time saying the government is trying to depopulate the world...
  • I'm just amused that they are advacating for a way of life that would only be able to support a significantly smaller population of humans and at the same time saying the government is trying to depopulate the world...
    Well, just like many things, it's okay if it's THEIR ideas that cause it. They just want to be the ones in control so that they can assure their own survival - it's not about worry for other people, they just don't want to not be the ones able to chose if they themselves live or die.
  • The WTF of my day is this small "discussion" with this guy I know from another forum. He's totally Anti-Sony/Companies or whatever, simply because they do not include the HDMI cable inside the box of an HDTV or even inside the box of the PS3.

    And apparently I'm a sheep/idiot consumer just because I don't think it's really that big of a deal, and I didn't mind shelling out the 'extra' 10-15$ for the HDMI cable.

    "It all adds up, and the more people like you go along with it, the worse it will get, and that's the sad thing =/" or so he says.

    He can afford to shell out the "extra" money for sure, but "I'm not an idiot consumer" he says. He also states that "Plus games these days suck and don't warrant any effort to make my gaming experience what it once was. =)"

    ...Right. Does anyone side with this guy? Or... is he being a bit too extreme in his views?
  • Stuff like that has been going on for years. It's been a while since I bought a computer printer, but it certainly used to be as far back as at least the 1980's that printers didn't come with cables. Personally, it only slightly bugged me then (since I'd often have to go back to the store later to buy a cable if I forgot) and it doesn't bug me now. Hell, VCRs often only came with coax cables instead of the better RCA composite video cables.

    Personally, I think he's just another garden variety internet nutjob. He also probably only thinks you can buy overpriced Monster cables and whatnot.
  • He also probably only thinks you can buy overpriced Monster cables and whatnot.
    That's my guess. He probably doesn't realize that HDMI cables go for about $2.14 (with free shipping).
  • He also probably only thinks you can buy overpriced Monster cables and whatnot.
    That's my guess. He probably doesn't realize that HDMI cables go for about $2.14 (with free shipping).
    They're that cheap now? And I thought the $3.60 (alas no free shipping) my preferred cable supplier charges was a good price...
  • edited May 2011
    2$? Wow. I paid like 10$ for mine. Then again it's been a year now, so they probably got cheaper as time went on.

    Well, I told him about how cheap I got mine for (well...10 was cheapest at the time on Amazon) and he's under the impression that if it's cheap it's probably cheap quality or whatever.

    But anyways.. that whole 'discussion' just made me go "Really?....Really?" Lol

    Edit: I think his whole issue with the separate cable/TV crap, is that it's "the greed of Sony that made it be this way." And it's like... whatever you say dude.
    Post edited by VickyVonKarma on
  • Click for whole infographic.
  • 2$? Wow. I paid like 10$ for mine. Then again it's been a year now, so they probably got cheaper as time went on.

    Well, I told him about how cheap I got mine for (well...10 was cheapest at the time on Amazon) and he's under the impression that if it's cheap it's probably cheap quality or whatever.

    But anyways.. that whole 'discussion' just made me go "Really?....Really?" Lol

    Edit: I think his whole issue with the separate cable/TV crap, is that it's "the greed of Sony that made it be this way." And it's like... whatever you say dude.
    Well, for the most part, unless you're doing a crazy long run (like over 50 feet), the cheapest cable will be just as good as the most expensive cable. There are a few other considerations, such as being rated for in-wall use (fire codes and all that) where you may want to get a slightly more expensive cable, but even so you can get these in-wall rated or 50' capable cables for significantly cheaper than what Monster charges. Just take a look at my favorite cable supplier's price list. For really, really niche applications (like over 100' runs), they also have some fancier stuff, but it's still a fraction of the cost of Monster's prices. I mean, yeah, these guys do sell a $315 HDMI cable, but it's 100 feet long!

  • I'm conflicted on whether or not to like this or be a bit weirded out by it.
  • Damn it, Ro. I can't stop giggling like an idiot now.
  • I have to give him credit for that giant poptart. Looks pretty realistic.
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