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WTF of Your Day



  • I am in no way tempted to look at that. Thank you for the warning.
  • It's the warning I wish I had gotten :P
  • This .gif. If you don't want to see mouse guts, don't click it.
  • edited June 2011
    This .gif. If you don't want to see mouse guts, don't click it.
    Not worse than the thing I got linked to on Reddit last night.

    Fuckin' goreposts. I need to find something that thumbnail previews Imgur links.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • @Trogdor, why is that gif zooming in?

    Not that bothered by the mouse, having had to feed live worms to newts for a long while.
  • I'm just kinda amazed it kept swimming. I thought it would have just passed out from the pain.
  • edited June 2011
    Someone who knows that I love small fuzzy animals linked that GIF to me without telling me what it was and I clicked it. I hated that person for about a week and a half. I've never watched the whole thing and I never plan to.
    Post edited by Diddgery on
  • edited June 2011
    Did not watch GIF, because I knew better, but beware posting animal cruelty/animal gore on these boards. That is against my rule.
    Don't break my rule, or you are in trouble.

    edit: I guess I should just say real gore, because same rule applies to humans. No pictures of deadly injuries please.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • @Trogdor, why is that gif zooming in?
    What else is it gonna do, zoom out? Please.
    I wanted to find a still, but I saw the .gif first, so I went with that.
  • So EA decided to make its own online store called Origin and to celebrate they've removed a bunch of their games from Steam so they can be marketed as "only on Origin" (as long as you things like ignore D2D and Impulse, but honestly you probably were anyways).

    EA is running out of feet to shoot themselves in.
  • As long as I can still use all my need for speed games through steam, I don't give a damn or a fuck.
  • No Alice on Steam makes Omnom a dull boy.
  • I'm taking bets on how long it'll take before EA comes crawling back to Steam. I'm taking the long bet and saying eight months to a year. Any takers?
  • I'm saying they can be pretty stubborn. Maybe they'll move their games across after a certain time.
    They already keep their Steam prices way higher than retail so it's not that important.
  • Considering how much the development of SWTOR has cost I can't imagine Bioware is too happy about it not being allowed on the largest online games retailer in the world.
  • Not that I care about Bioware, but what do you mean they're not allowed on?
  • edited June 2011
    Bioware is owned by EA. I'm guessing they're going to put their big draw titles (Mass Effect 3, Battlefield 3) on Origin first and then have them out on Steam later.

    Well, there's always waiting.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • “
    As a 25-year-old anime and manga fan, I have never watched the original Evangelion and never read a manga by Osamu Tezuka. I’m okay with this. I watch what I find interesting and what is available. I don’t have anything against old anime — I’ve watched more Lupin the Third than is probably healthy, and I have dabbled in some old shows like Cutie Honey. But I don’t see the need to seek out old shows just because all the washed up geezers like to talk about how awesome they were back in the day. Not that I’m saying that you, or the majority of the staff of this website are old, washed up geezers that spend all their time reminiscing about twenty years ago. No, I am not saying that at all.

    And I don’t understand why people would rather spend their time regurgitating the ‘medium’s past masterpieces’ when there are some wonderful modern masterpieces to watch. Angel Beats, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bakemonogatari, I’d take these over your old stuff any day (except Utena, Utena is awesome, even if the art is horribly dated).

  • Are you sure he's not trolling? I've never even heard of Angel Beats or Bakemonogatari.
  • edited June 2011
    Seems relatively sane compared to some of the other stuff you see on Shit Otaku Say.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited June 2011
    Shit Otaku Say.
    I just read the first page of that site *Shudder*... those people are creeping me out.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Angel Beats
    Haruhi rip off with horrible animation mistakes over Osamu Tezuka? GTFO.
  • Seems relatively sane compared to some of the other stuff you see on Shit Otaku Say.
    I know, but somehow, the stories about the guys hating 3D women because they have big noses, or people who want to fuck hug pillows, don't piss me off quite as much as "Man, Eva sucks. Angel Beats ftw."
  • Shit otaku say is the site where I go if I want to hate humanity. Every time it makes me rage and still go back again and again.
  • Shit otaku say is the site where I go if I want to hate humanity.
    I prefer Reddit, I just can't get a good enough dose from Shit Otaku Say anymore.
  • There's always Stormfront.
  • This makes me lol and cry at the same time.
    I refuse to believe that's not a joke.
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