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WTF of Your Day



  • I need translations of that. NOW.
  • Facial Flex
    Top rated YouTube comment: "Ya wanna know how I got these scars..?"
  • Flogging Molly released a new album yesterday entitled "Speed of Darkness". Between their last album and this one, they switched labels, from Side One Dummy to Borstal Beat Records. I had never heard about the later, and apparently the switch wasn't a good one. Not that their music suddenly sucks, because I really can't tell. Rather than the 12 tracks of the Flogging Molly album, the CD I bought has 23 tracks, all with some weird music ranging from church chants to latin guitar melodies to celtic melodies to what sounds to me like some songs sung in arabic or something. My music player doesn't even recognize the album when looking it up on the internet. All I could think of was "What the fuck" when I listened to it in my car stereo after I bought it.

    The CD was sealed in plastic, and the disc is definitely the one that was inserted as it has a front printing which matches the cover artwork, and it has the right copyright information. I have absolutely no clue. The only explanation I can think of is that the label or manufacturer fucked up with the pressing of the album.
  • You should email the label and report it to them.
  • You should email the label and report it to them.
    I did that just now. Also found out that Borstal Beat Records is a record company owned by the band.
  • edited June 2011
    Wow, less than 40 minutes after I sent the e-mail, I got a response from their german representative. Apparently they forwarded the mail I sent to him based on the location of the store I bought it from (I included a photograph of the CD and the receipt in my e-mail). Also mind that it is now 7:50 pm where I live. Anyway, they're sending me a replacement CD and a couple of goodies for my troubles. Apparently it in fact was a pressing problem.

    Also, I'm now downloading the album because they also sent me a code to get it from their website, in addition to the CD they're going to send me.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • WTF (stack overflow):

    "I am the developer of some family tree software (written in C++ and Qt). I had no problems until one of my customers mailed me a bug report. The problem is that he has two children with his own daughter, and he can't use my software because of errors.

    Those errors are the result of my various assertions and invariants about the family graph being processed (for example, after walking a cycle, the program states that X can't be both father and grandfather of Y).

    How can I resolve those errors without removing all data assertions?"
  • Oh. wow. Alright then.
  • "I am the developer of some family tree software (written in C++ and Qt). I had no problems until one of my customers mailed me a bug report. The problem is that he has two children with his own daughter, and he can't use my software because of errors.

    Those errors are the result of my various assertions and invariants about the family graph being processed (for example, after walking a cycle, the program states that X can't be both father and grandfather of Y).

    How can I resolve those errors without removing all data assertions?"
    I suggest that not fucking your kids would be a start.
  • How can I resolve those errors without removing all data assertions?
    By quitting your job because you're the biggest error in that program. Agenda-pushing lunatic.
  • Is it wrong that, after my initial surprise, I thought of two or three ways you could work around that problem?
  • No, it's not. The easiest, and imho best, solution is to kick out such rubbish assertions as "X can't be father and grandfather of Y". It's not beneficial at all. Hell, family tree software should be well aware that incest isn't that rare if you go back a few centuries.
  • No, it's not. The easiest, and imho best, solution is to kick out such rubbish assertions as "X can't be father and grandfather of Y". It's not beneficial at all. Hell, family tree software should be well aware that incest isn't that rare if you go back a few centuries.
    I think an easier - and better - solution would simply be to add a button to the "Herp can't be the Father and grandfather of Derp" dialog box that says "Continue anyway?" That way, you not only have a simple(I suppose, but is not within programming my areas of my expertise) solution, and also cater for the kinfuckers.
  • From the way it's worded, it sounds like the actual hierarchical way data is stored is set up to only allow basic relationships. One of the methods would be to be able to make two separate people who are somehow linked and then build special cases around that. Hardly elegant but it works for now.
  • add a button to the "Herp can't be the Father and grandfather of Derp" dialog box that says "Continue anyway?"
    I don't think that's possible. He asserts that that situation cannot happen, which means he utterly ignored reality when making his program and should be fired for doing a shitty job.
  • Guys, my WTF wasn't the bad coding.
  • Shush, too busy nerding.
  • Guys, my WTF wasn't the bad coding.
    Yes. The code probably implemented a bad spec. Whoever wrote that is to blame.
  • edited June 2011
    Depending on the representation, incest turns a family tree into a graph. Just identify any cycles and you've got a perfect incest detector. Determining the number of verticies in a cycle, just from mentally working the problem, should give you how far away the incest occurs in the family line (i.e. difference between father daughter, first cousins, and distant relatives).
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited June 2011
    In France, the word torrent is illegal. While it's still legal I'll say that Sarkozy's a batshit insane money-grubbing cunt that needs a good head chopping. That, or we could just go Balthasar Gérard on his arse.
    Guys, my WTF wasn't the bad coding.
    There's little to say about the man who fathered children with his daughter. It's the obvious one, the other part is also WTF-worthy though.
    Post edited by Zack Patate on
  • A friend told me to google "Define Kaster" and see what came up.
  • Oh algorithms.
  • edited June 2011
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Fuckin' tree barnacles!
  • But wait! Did you know that there was a super secret special twist ending (via Finally two of the three women come to accept human life exists inside them and less anxiously anticipate giving birth. But Staci still refuses to accept that the life inside her is anything more than a fetus. In her third trimester she attempts to injure herself and miscarry. It has unintended consequences.

    All three women deliver and finally the first of the plot's twists are revealed. Staci, most opposed to pregnancy, is blessed with two children - twins - while her fellow captives only give birth to one baby each.

    Later, Staci wakes up. The two new mothers are no longer captives, they've presumably ascended to heaven with their babies. It's revealed all along the women had been in Purgatory, after having died on the operating table of abortion clinics. But because Staci attempted to miscarry even after a second chance at motherhood, and because she never accepted the error of her ways until she experienced the physical joy of giving birth, of seeing her children for the first time, she will be doomed to eternity in Hell.

    Loggia is Satan and he informs Staci she will spend all eternity in a cycle of pregnancy and childbirth and Dr. Wise will forever be her doctor, as the movie's final twist plays out: Wise too will spend eternity in Hell. She was so weak she committed suicide when her marriage collapsed and must suffer the fate of forever bringing life into the world, endlessly having to appreciate what she did not value on Earth.
    Yep, that shit happened. Let me know if you want me to take off the spoiler text.
  • They made a full film out of that?!
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