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WTF of Your Day



  • >???< uysg?
  • edited May 2012
    Upon further examination, Ken Park probably qualifies as bad. It's worth noting, though, that Harmony Korine had nothing to do with the production of it; Larry Clark used his script, but they had long since gone their separate ways.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • On the one hand, I want to make fun of this crazy lady for a few minutes. On the other hand, I have a policy of not mocking people I think are mentally distressed. And boy do I think she does.

    I'm pretty sure (It's really hard to follow her thought process) she thinks gay sex kills literally instantly, and that gays want to kill everybody? It's odd.
  • On the one hand, I want to make fun of this crazy lady for a few minutes. On the other hand, I have a policy of not mocking people I think are mentally distressed. And boy do I think she does.

    I'm pretty sure (It's really hard to follow her thought process) she thinks gay sex kills literally instantly, and that gays want to kill everybody? It's odd.
    Wow, that's a gigantic boatload of crazy.

    It almost has a poetic quality to it in the beginning. Some kind of surrealist stream-of-consciousness anti-gay beat shit.
  • On the one hand, I want to make fun of this crazy lady for a few minutes. On the other hand, I have a policy of not mocking people I think are mentally distressed. And boy do I think she does.

    I'm pretty sure (It's really hard to follow her thought process) she thinks gay sex kills literally instantly, and that gays want to kill everybody? It's odd.
    Wow, that's a gigantic boatload of crazy.

    It almost has a poetic quality to it in the beginning. Some kind of surrealist stream-of-consciousness anti-gay beat shit.
    Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out that beginning there. She just kinda says a lot of words that kinda form sentences.

    This is clearly someone who's lived a fairly sheltered life (one of those "I've lived my entire life on 123 main street, going to the same shop and the same salon every week of my life" types) who's heavily influanced by Fox News and evangelical TV shows and never really had to say her thoughts out loud until she felt compelled to at this meeting.
  • While I'd like to say "this is what Republicans actually believe," the vast majority of crazy birthers can form more coherent arguments than this lady. Glen Beck is more coherent.
  • edited May 2012
    That guy in the background, though, I want to meet that guy. He seems like a cool dude.
    The fun thing is that, at about 3:40, you seem him talking to the old lady next to him, and she gives a "the fuck should I know what that crazy lady is goin on about" look.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on

  • There is an entire movie like this.

  • There is an entire movie like this.
    And it's shown at high schools.

  • I knew I was at a good school when my English class preferred the play to the movie.
  • Probably wouldn't be the worst thing I'd have had to watch in school.


    I found this funny until I saw the comment chain has several "hah yeah, I do this too" responses.

    WTF. This can't be a thing.
  • I want to send those people copies of Everybody Poops.

  • There is an entire movie like this.
    And it's shown at high schools.

  • There is an entire movie like this.
    And it's shown at high schools.
    Wow... I watched that in high school and I did not remember it being that... flamboyant.
  • I want to send those people copies of Everybody Poops.
    Truly one of the most memorable books I ever read as a child; no lie.

  • There is an entire movie like this.
    And it's shown at high schools.
    Wow... I watched that in high school and I did not remember it being that... flamboyant.
    All that being said, next time someone slights me, the first words out of my mouth will likely be "Do you bite your thumb at me, sir?" To which they'll probably reply, "What?"
    Then I'll yell, "Do you bite your thumb at ME, sir?"

    Confuse the ever living fuck out of them.

  • edited May 2012
    There is an entire movie like this.
    It's fucking awful, too. It's not bad because of the content, which is pretty much exactly what a romance-obsessed teenage girl who hasn't read Romeo and Juliet thinks that Romeo and Juliet is about, but because it's a movie that has a clever gimmick, for about the thirty seconds grace period it gives you before it completely disappears up it's own arse, and spends another two hours firmly lodged there, with a big, glaring neon sign telling you about exactly how clever they think they are.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Holy shit. I've not seen that movie for something like 15 years. I remember almost nothing about it, except how much it annoyed me at the time. I don't think I could sit through it again. It's waaaaaaay worse than I recall.

    That said, I do have the soundtrack album in my iTunes library (probably due to an ex-girlfriend) and it's actually a good listen. I recognize the music from that clip above, and now I'm sad that it'll be associated with such crap in my mind from now on.
  • I'll admit, that is certainly a point in it's favor - certainly a pretty good soundtrack, and they used music very appropriately more often than not.
  • Looks like I lucked out on that, while I was at school we watched The Shawshank Redemption.
  • I never got to see that - my class watched the 1968 period-set Romeo & Juliet, which is decent. We did, however, get to watch an incredibly awful "modernized" version of Othello, called O.
  • We watched both.
  • Okay, which of you did this?
  • Someone using your computer, judging by that Chrome history icon. ~_^
  • While I'm normally rather squemish (I had a small cellulitus thingy in my right middle finger, and couldn't even watch them drain it because I thought it was "too gross"), this is almost fascinating.
  • That is horrifying, but in retrospect I don't know why I never wondered about that before.
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