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WTF of Your Day



  • Eh, it's a Gaijin game, they're all the same, right?
  • I'm probably going to make a day trip (with friends) to New Hampshire this week to buy 110 GALLONS of mead.

    For $400.

    For those who are curious, that's 550 wine bottles of mead. 46 cases.

    For $400.

    Holy shit.
  • edited April 2012
    That's a lot of mead. I think you need a mead hall if you're going to possess that much mead.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • That's a lot of mead. I think you need a mead hall if you're going to possess that much mead.
    I'm pretty sure that showing up somewhere with a case of mead turns that place into a meadhall by default.

  • That's a lot of mead. I think you need a mead hall if you're going to possess that much mead.
    I'm pretty sure that showing up somewhere with a case of mead turns that place into a meadhall by default.

    I like this idea.
  • I'm probably going to make a day trip (with friends) to New Hampshire this week to buy 110 GALLONS of mead.

    For $400.

    For those who are curious, that's 550 wine bottles of mead. 46 cases.

    For $400.

    Holy shit.
    Jesus, I hope you've got a big wine cellar. And why is that shit so cheap?

  • I have this odd suspicion that you need to fill out some kind of form to possess that much alcohol. Though, as it is mead, it would be more along the lines of a minor sacrifice.
  • I have this odd suspicion that you need to fill out some kind of form to possess that much alcohol. Though, as it is mead, it would be more along the lines of a minor sacrifice.
    Hmmmmm...didn't think about that.

    The meadery closed down in 2010, but the couple has been unable to sell the remainder of their product - it takes a year to age properly, and their lisence lapsed by then. So...they're trying to get rid of it.

  • Don't get pulled over coming back. Also, be on the downlow or you'll get killed on use tax for the value of the goods.

    But seriously, don't get pulled over at or near the state borders.
  • Don't get pulled over coming back. Also, be on the downlow or you'll get killed on use tax for the value of the goods.

    But seriously, don't get pulled over at or near the state borders.
    Oh right. New Hampshire. Generous tax laws.

    I suppose it does depend on how they calculate the tax, though. Fair market value (about $8,000), or the actual price paid?

    I don't know about a prohibition against transporting large volumes of alcohol. I'll need to look at that.

  • I just checked New York's ABC laws, and we have the same restrictions. It's flatly not allowed.

    So, don't get pulled over.
  • edited April 2012
    Don't get pulled over coming back. Also, be on the downlow or you'll get killed on use tax for the value of the goods.

    But seriously, don't get pulled over at or near the state borders.
    Oh right. New Hampshire. Generous tax laws.

    I suppose it does depend on how they calculate the tax, though. Fair market value (about $8,000), or the actual price paid?

    I don't know about a prohibition against transporting large volumes of alcohol. I'll need to look at that.
    How is it going to be packaged and what are you using to get it back to NY?

    I'm not sure if this applies to MA only:

    AND ninja'ed by Rym
    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • Even if pulled over, have a blanket over it. ;^)
  • Look, 55 gallon drums are noticable. This ain't a subtle operation. :)

    Right now, we're looking at renting a trailer, because we may be looking to get bottles as well - they have most of a palette of wine bottles that they're also looking to offload. No price yet.

    However, I can tell you that 277 wine bottles, with shipping, would cost us around 300 bucks. We need twice that for 110 gallons. So virtually any bottle price would be a substabtial savings, even with renting a trailer.
  • This is gonna be really, really, REALLY entertaining to read about.
  • Longboat, log rollers. Half the mead will be gone by the time you get it back so it will make pulling easier.
  • Longboat, log rollers. Half the mead will be gone by the time you get it back so it will make pulling easier.
    Obviously this is the best choice. Welp, guess I better get a-tree-fellin'!

  • Then, as I have heard, the work of constructing a building
    Was proclaimed to many a tribe throughout this middle earth.
    In time – quickly, as such things happen among men –
    It was all ready, the biggest of halls.
    He whose word was law
    Far and wide gave it the name ‘Petehöll’.

    The men did not dally; they strode inland in a group
    Until they were able to discern the timbered hall,
    Splendid and ornamented with gold.
    The building in which that powerful man held court
    Was the foremost of halls under heaven;
    Its radiance shone over many lands.
  • ^ I made it to 1:11, couldn't take it anymore.
  • I really don't know why I watched the whole thing.
  • edited April 2012
    The mirror effect is stupid, the music sounds like it's a preset, the vocals are too dry, and worst of all, THEY CAN'T SING. They're not even trying. They're just talking.
    This is actually better, though I wish I could give him a better audio setup.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Yeah, you know when I heard it I thought it almost could be just a normal shitty pop song but they just do everything wrong.

    And that cover sounds almost like an Andrew Jackson Jihad version.
  • edited April 2012
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • Are you sure "hot problems" is not a parody song? I think it could totally be satirical, that they are doing this all on purpose. Rym's assertion strikes again.
    I mean seriously.
    "Hot girls: we have problems too. We're just like you. Except we're hot."
  • Are you sure "hot problems" is not a parody song? I think it could totally be satirical, that they are doing this all on purpose. Rym's assertion strikes again.
    I mean seriously.
    "Hot girls: we have problems too. We're just like you. Except we're hot."
    Yeah, it seems like they're being satirical to me as well.
  • edited April 2012
    Are you sure "hot problems" is not a parody song? I think it could totally be satirical, that they are doing this all on purpose. Rym's assertion strikes again.
    I mean seriously.
    "Hot girls: we have problems too. We're just like you. Except we're hot."
    Don't be too quick to think it's something clever. Remember this gem?
    "It’s Friday, Friday
    Gotta get down on Friday
    Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
    Friday, Friday
    Gettin’ down on Friday
    Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend

    Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
    Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
    Fun, fun, fun, fun
    Lookin’ forward to the weekend"

    I rest my case.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited April 2012
    There would be more to it, a satirical comment/description, a clever title, even some "funny" video tags, if it were a joke. Nope, looks like another case of spoiled girls who came up with an idea for a song over lunch and had daddy whip out the wallet to get this made.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • This is so bad, but I like it so much because it became a gag for a podcast host.

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