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WTF of Your Day



  • Yeah, your lower jaw is one of the bones in your body that never "sets". Compared to the rest of your skeleton, its basically got the consistency of wet mud forever. That's why a lot of people, myself included, have permanent dental work in there, to prevent stuff from shifting. There is some serious upsides to this, though; for example, surgery on your lower jaw can be seriously hardcore and it'll bounce back no problem. How hardcore? Well, if you have a problem with your teeth, one of the solutions is to cut your fucking jaw in half.
  • Why don't keyboards have an 'unsee' button?
  • Ever wondered what your adult teeth looked like while your baby teeth were out? Do so no more.
    A friend of mine was born with an extra set of teeth. I wonder where those were hanging out.
  • edited May 2012
    The song at the end of the video is too funny/awesome.

    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • ...So I'm looking over an old hard drive. Then I found this picture. I don't know the context of why I made it, but it's from 2008 or 7.

    It's scary.
  • edited May 2012
    Haha, I remember that.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I just had a dream where a sloth with Stitch-fur farted on me for 20 seconds. The fart discolored me and then felt like liquid! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU BRAIN.
  • Too much Brazilian fart porn.
  • You might want to spread flower across your floor to make sure no one is farting on you in the middle of the night.
  • You might want to spread flower across your floor to make sure no one is farting on you in the middle of the night.

  • There is an entire movie like this.
    And it's shown at high schools.

    ...And sitting through it is fucking intolerable.
  • edited May 2012
    Just show up to class high, suddenly it is a masterpiece. Also what is that guy in the background on the preview photo for the clip doing with that phone. It looks like he is trying to negotiate with it.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I just got a "new" text from 12/31/2008, from a number I don't recognise. Is it possible to spoof timestamps on SMS or something, or is Virgin Mobile just that bad?
  • Virgin is probably just that bad. I'm on Verizon, but I've gotten texts from landlines. I also once got a text from an unknown number that said "whenever I hear peanut butter, I think of you, prince ;)" but further research almost explained that one.
  • edited May 2012
    I am also on Virgin and did not get a bad time I am going to guess rouge SMS.
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • Bwahahaha, their cell phone carriers take positive time to transmit messages. Over here I get messages before they are send! We're just that awesome. Oh yeah~
  • Fuck the Netherlands and their tachyon-based cellular services. T_T
  • edited May 2012
    More pictures from inside at the link.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.
  • edited May 2012
    And then Japanese variety shows interviewed the guy who made this.
    I'm guessing liberal amounts of isopropanol were involved.

    After watching this a couple of times to try and catch more of the Japanese, this guys seems like an ok sorta dude. I'm not sure why it had to be doorknobs but everyone involved seemed to be cool with it.

    My original WTF still remains though, that this is a printed book and not just a web-page.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Well, when webpages get popular, they make a book sometimes.
    Still, the doorknob licking? I still don't get it. I suppose it is the licking that is hot? But doorknobs are so gross! Don't do that.
    Does this count as porn?
  • Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.
  • edited May 2012
    Not real...But I wouldn't be surprised if someone was figuring out how to DIY one. If there is one universal constant, people will fuck goddamn near anything.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Not real...But I wouldn't be surprised if someone was figuring out how to DIY one. If there is one universal constant, people will fuck goddamn near anything.
  • edited May 2012
    And now I have to live with the knowledge that there are most certainly bronies who have their own personal MLP fuckpuppets. Fuppets. Fappets? Whatever, you've got your cock in a soft toy, your opinion on nomenclature isn't relevant.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I believe the correct term is "smuppet".
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