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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • I finally watch something on a television for the first time, in atleast 2 months. And what's the first thing to catch my eyes? Mythbusters. Awesome.

    Dexter Season 6 (Which I'm enjoying way more than Season 5)
    QI, up to Season 4 (Works really well in conjunction with Mythbusters)
    Boardwalk Empire, almost done...
  • edited January 2012
    I finally caved into Jeremy's many requests and have started watching Lost.

    While the show interests me, I really don't feel like watching 6 seasons to figure out what the fuck is going on with that stupid island.

    I'm very tempted to read what happens on Wikipedia so save myself the suspense.
    It's really quite disappointing.The fans guessed the twist, so the writers twisted the twist so that it made no sense, but basically:
    the island is purgatory.

    Also the smoke monster is trying to escape from the island, which sadly does not end in a hilarious sitcom called "Smoke On The Water" about the smoke monster trying to live a normal life in the city of angles.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • About a week ago I finally started watching Futurama from the beginning.

    I am a fool for not doing this sooner.
  • I'm very tempted to read what happens on Wikipedia so save myself the suspense.
    That is a very good idea. The show doesn't really have what one could be considered a coherent plot. It's basically all just a constant dangling carrot on a stick (namely the idea that the show will eventually have a payoff as so that sitting through all of it will actually pay off) followed by a bait-and-switch to keep you watching and keep the episode count rising.

  • About a week ago I finally started watching Futurama from the beginning.

    I am a fool for not doing this sooner.
    We will be with you when you get to Fry's dog episode.

  • It's really quite disappointing.The fans guessed the twist, so the writers twisted the twist so that it made no sense, but basically:
    the island is purgatory.
    Bzzt. Wrong.
    The island is real. Everything that happened on the island is real: Smoke Monster, time travel, magic light and all. The flash-sideways timeline is purgatory. It was created after all of the main characters' deaths as a place for them to meet up and go on to the afterlife together since they were all best friends or something.

    The conclusion that "they were dead all along" that some people came to at the end of the series was due to confusion based on the last episodes' end credits. In the original broadcast ABC added a shot of Oceanic 815's fuselage on the beach with nobody around it. This wasn't part of the original script; it was something ABC added themselves. Somehow this led some viewers to the conclusion that not only was the flash-sideways purgatory, but the island was too and they were all dead.

    Despite all its faults, LOST is one of my favorite TV shows.
  • I haven't read any spoilers, but I honestly have less desire to watch it now based on the whole carrot on a stick that turns to poop on a stick.

    That's a big fault. I want closure. If I wanted something that didn't give that sort of thing, I'd be reading Marvel and DC comics.
  • Bzzt. Wrong.
    Oh boy. Here it goes again. :P
  • I haven't read any spoilers, but I honestly have less desire to watch it now based on the whole carrot on a stick that turns to poop on a stick.

    That's a big fault. I want closure. If I wanted something that didn't give that sort of thing, I'd be reading Marvel and DC comics.
    The thing about LOST is that there is closure -- but only if you are invested in the main characters' personal story arcs. If you are more interested in the various mysteries of the island, you're going to be really disappointed because many, many things are going to be left unexplained or explained inadequately. There are several major plot points that are left dangling or explained inadequately. For example, the significance of the numbers is never explained in the series and is only found in some extraneous ARG nonsense.

    I'm probably not making a very good case for LOST right now. If it's not your thing, that's cool.
  • That's the thing; in any story with a lot of significant mysteries, you should tie up all the loose ends and not just create more and more enigmas for the sake of keeping your audience guessing. Urasawa ties up Monster nice and neatly; they should have done the same with LOST, especially given how long the show had been running and the tremendous sums of money poured into it.

    And that's why I never made it through season two.
  • I'm four episodes in and I don't find any of the characters that interesting. It wouldn't phase me if anyone of them died right now in the series.

    I think I will probably not continue watching.
  • You can actually literally skip season two.
  • Wow, how did the series even do well? It sounds absolutely like shit from what people are saying.
  • To me, LOST was the epitome of the debatable fan show.

    -Niche, but on Network (And lasted all the way through)
    -Fanlovers and haters.
    -Characters you love and hate
    -Opinions on Characters becoming switched
    -Heroes and Villains who change their motivation
    -Constant Bouncing Quality
    -Some of the best comic writers (Brian Kay Vaughn) and some of the worst (Jeph Loeb)
    -And the ending which still left people divided.
  • Wow, how did the series even do well? It sounds absolutely like shit from what people are saying.
    I watched a couple episodes, predicted it wouldn't go anywhere, didn't care about the characters, and never looked back.
  • I actually really enjoyed Season one, thought season two was crappy then I started to watch Season 3 and started to like it again but didn't really get back into it.
  • Watched Season 2 of Glee on Netflix, and found it to be a lot more enjoyable if I fast forward through the songs.

    As far as LOST goes, when it was on, it was my absolute favorite show due to the constant stringing along and the conversations among fans it would generate. I was given a Blu Ray box set of the entire series in 2010, and told myself I would go back and rewatch it from the beginning. I did not make it far (halfway through season 2 I believe.) The show, having lost (lol) its mystery seemed kind of pointless to me. Already knowing what's going to happen and which plot points end up going nowhere killed the fun of the show for me.

    I enjoyed the characters, and watched some key episodes, but overall looking back at LOST made me realize that while I personally think very highly of it, I can understand and now empathize all the criticisms made about it.

    I think I'll start watching Twin Peaks now.
  • Really? I've found the opposite with Glee, The songs and productions are great, the comedy is pretty good but the drama has gone SUPER downhill.
  • Guys, when does [Br]eaking [Ba]d start again?
  • edited January 2012
    Oh yeah, the drama is totally overdone, and I care not for any of those teenage tears. I mainly watch the show for anything Puck, Britney, or Kurt says.
    Guys, when does [Br]eaking [Ba]d start again?
    Not soon enough. Briefly googling the query "when does Breaking Bad start again" only reveals that it should start mid-2012.
    Post edited by ColombianShadow on
  • Wow, how did the series even do well? It sounds absolutely like shit from what people are saying.
    I watched a couple episodes, predicted it wouldn't go anywhere, didn't care about the characters, and never looked back.
    This is almost word for word what I chatted to her yesterday :D

  • edited January 2012
    I think I will probably not continue watching.
    Good call. The make or break episode is the fourth one (Walkabout) and if you're not still interested after that then there's no point in continuing.
    Looking back at LOST made me realize that while I personally think very highly of it, I can understand and now empathize all the criticisms made about it.
    More or less how I feel. There's a bunch of things I love about the show, but in retrospect it's plagued with problems. I suppose I just have a fondness for stories that are full of convoluted nonsense (see: Kingdom Hearts).

    I wonder how LOST would have turned out if it had been planned as, say, a two or three season series instead of a "keep going until funding forces us to move towards a conclusion" series. If season three hadn't been so negatively received in ratings, maybe LOST would still be on the air... I doubt I would still be watching it were that the case.
    Post edited by Diddgery on
  • Portlandia is now on streaming netflix and it's fucking hilarious.
  • edited January 2012
    I watched it all last night. S'good.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • You don't KNOW comedy, Sail. You just don't know! :'(

    (Still sad about the Arrested Development thread).
  • 30 Rock > Arrested Development

    Parks and Recreation > Arrested Development
  • NBC is the only network bothering to innovate in the world of sitcoms.

    Disclaimer: Modern Family (ABC) is pretty good and How I Met Your Mother (CBS) is a guilty pleasure.
  • edited January 2012
    As much as I really like 30 Rock, I don't think it's as good as Arrested Development, and Tracy Morgan really pisses me off sometimes. Parks and Recreation is EXCELLENT, so I can't compare the two. Sophie's choice, I guess.
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • edited January 2012
    30 Rock > Arrested Development

    Parks and Recreation > Arrested Development

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I just started watching American Horror Story. That is one messed up show
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