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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • edited December 2011
    She's got that special sort of focused, clear-minded insanity that makes someone amazingly dangerous. I'd be more afraid of her than any number of nukes pointed at me.
    While I loved BSG (even the ending) I've always hated religious revelation as a plot device when there can be no doubt that the revelation is real. From the first season on there are straight up magical events that pretty give you and the characters no reason to doubt that all the prophesies and religious mysticism is real.

    Yet, there are always skeptical characters who decry the believing characters' religious fanaticism. If they existed in the real world, those skeptics would be correct but in the context of the show they are just cynics or Doubting Thomas' which I've always read as the writers' view of actual skeptics and it's kind of insulting.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • If they existed in the real world, those skeptics would be correct
    Well, not really. It's like the "Feeling Pinky Keen" episode. It's one thing to doubt supernatural occurrences, but when the preponderance of evidence suggests that something is actually going on, it's irrational to continue denying it. The problem really is that nobody in the show is actually being a skeptic - there are simply deniers, just like we have people who deny the existence of global climate change.

    Keeping in mind that I'm only at the end of season 3 (the next two episodes in my queue are Baltar's trial), so far, the revelation mechanic hasn't been problematic. All it means is that their religious text is actually based on factual events - it has a secular origin. And they're discovering that secular origin as the show progresses.

    Granted, I think it's a bit inelegant to couch it in those religious terms. Then again, it does make sense if you think about the setup of the civilizations. They've been in these colonies for 4,000 years, and they've never ventured outside of them. So they know the stories of how they arose, but the actual markers of that journey became items of myth and legend, because nobody had ever found them before.
  • edited December 2011
    It's not on Netflix but Hulu has Peep Show. Which is an amazing British comedy.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Suhweet Jesus, Boardwalk Empire is amazing. HBO is worth every penny I spend for it considering the quality and quantity of their original content.
  • edited December 2011

    Keeping in mind that I'm only at the end of season 3 (the next two episodes in my queue are Baltar's trial), so far, the revelation mechanic hasn't been problematic.
    Baltar's trial is awesome. One of the (many) reasons why I want to be a lawyer.

    Oh, and about Once Upon A Time, while I'm enjoying the show, it's not bad, it's not great, it really suffers in my mind, albeit unfairly, for just not being Fables.

    Post edited by jabrams007 on
  • Wait, Jason is running out of stuff on netflix? If you want, dude, I can suggest you a bunch of damned good shows you can pick up online that I think you'll absolutely love.
    Not really so much running out. There's a lot of content there to mine. I've just run out of first-tier shows because my weekends consist of sitting on a couch, holding an infant, and sticking bottles in its maw every hour. That makes for massive TV consumption. You can't go a lot of places or do very much physical activity with a newborn, which is why I've gained weight.
  • You can of course do lots of weight lifting with the baby ;-p
  • Wait, Jason is running out of stuff on netflix? If you want, dude, I can suggest you a bunch of damned good shows you can pick up online that I think you'll absolutely love.
    Not really so much running out. There's a lot of content there to mine. I've just run out of first-tier shows because my weekends consist of sitting on a couch, holding an infant, and sticking bottles in its maw every hour. That makes for massive TV consumption. You can't go a lot of places or do very much physical activity with a newborn, which is why I've gained weight.
    Dude, just watch every series of Underbelly, it's fucking great.

  • Finished season 3.

    Did I say "fuck you, show?" Just in case, I'll say it again: fuck you, show.

    I have this feeling that things are going to get really weird shortly.
  • Wait, Jason is running out of stuff on netflix? If you want, dude, I can suggest you a bunch of damned good shows you can pick up online that I think you'll absolutely love.
    Not really so much running out. There's a lot of content there to mine. I've just run out of first-tier shows because my weekends consist of sitting on a couch, holding an infant, and sticking bottles in its maw every hour. That makes for massive TV consumption. You can't go a lot of places or do very much physical activity with a newborn, which is why I've gained weight.
    Check out Slayers, if you haven't already. There's like 6 series of it on streaming.
  • However the first three are really the only good ones.
  • However the first three are really the only good ones.
    I trust you. Never got into it myself, but there's so much of it and enough people like it that I thought it was worth mentioning.
  • As long as we're giving unwanted TV suggestions to Jason, Breaking Bad.
  • I'm watching the West Wing. I'm watching the 9/11 episode now. I've not seen a lot of shows that dealt with that immediately after the fact, and it's very interesting.
  • I'm mad as hell, I've been watching QI thanks to I think Churba or WindupBird posting here, and the account which had ALL the QI episodes just got terminated by the BBC. Damn-it.

    On the other hand, can catch up on Boardwalk Empire, Treme, and my Men of a Certain Age DVD.
  • I'm mad as hell, I've been watching QI thanks to I think Churba or WindupBird posting here, and the account which had ALL the QI episodes just got terminated by the BBC. Damn-it.
    There's still loads up, just not all under one roof. And you could always proxy into BBC's iPlayer and watch it there as it comes out.
  • After weeks of nightmares, I have been compelled to do the worst possible thing.

    I started downloading 24. I'm on Season 1, episode 8. I watched the last three seasons as they aired due to Dave and Joel, but I decided to go back and watch it all.

    Season one is really goodso far. I guess it rode the goodwill from that to keep going through it's later seasons.
  • I watched the last three seasons as they aired due to Dave and Joel, but I decided to go back and watch it all.

  • I never found 24 to be nearly as interesting as Dave and Joel led me to believe it is.
  • I never found 24 to be nearly as interesting as Dave and Joel led me to believe it is.
    Yo dawg, you been hitting that E-man's Donut Water again?
  • Due to rampant insomnia, I have watched 12 episodes in a row. Season 1 thus far has been kind of totally sweet in an unironic way. What the eff?
    I never found 24 to be nearly as interesting as Dave and Joel led me to believe it is.
    Clearly you just fail at watching 24. That show is dead entertaining for all the wrong reasons. Also, because Jack Bauer is a one man terrorist pureeing machine.

  • My knowledge of 24 comes entirely from Fast Karate and these Japanese commercials.
  • The only show I see on TV is Dead Like Me. I just love its cynic, morbid humor.

    Otherwise, all I see are sports news and fútbol matches.
  • The season finale of Homeland was excellent. The entire season was just top-notch, and this show is going right up there with A Game of Thrones as the best new show of the year.
  • I am marathoning Community for Christmas. Hulu has all the episodes up. :D
  • I only know about 24 from Dave and Joel. I once tried to watch it and turned it off after 5 mins. They make it much better. President Senator Mayor yo.
  • I watched episode one of Earth2 on Netflix this morning. It was like BSG meets Land of the Lost for network TV. It had potential. Looking on Wikipedia, there was all kinds of Emmy talk but it got canceled after one season. In my book, that means it's too bad for TV audiences or too good for TV audiences.

    Because the last shot was a close-up on Tim Curry suddenly and sinisterly appearing on the horizon, I am inclined to watch episode two.

    Otherwise, I've zapped a few episodes of Justice League Unlimited today while the wife and kid are out shopping. I got seasons one and two for xmas.
  • I finally caved into Jeremy's many requests and have started watching Lost.

    While the show interests me, I really don't feel like watching 6 seasons to figure out what the fuck is going on with that stupid island.

    I'm very tempted to read what happens on Wikipedia so save myself the suspense.
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