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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • Watching 'Orange Is The New Black' from Jenji Kohan, the creator of weeds. Pretty funny and interesting if you're into Black Comedy.
    I dunno looks more like WHITE comedy to me...
    I like the show, but for something called ORANGE Is The New Black, they only wear the orange for like the first 3 episodes which is kind of annoying.

  • Watching 'Orange Is The New Black' from Jenji Kohan, the creator of weeds. Pretty funny and interesting if you're into Black Comedy.
    I dunno looks more like WHITE comedy to me...
    I'm sure you understood the nature of my comment and chose to joke accordingly. Well-done.

  • Am I the only one that thinks the waitress outfits on 2 Broke Girls are based off of Misty from Pokemon?
  • edited July 2013
    Also checked out Orange is the New Black. Seems like a good show although it just didn't click for me enough to pull me through it past the first episode. Compared to the creator's last show, Weeds, it's less smug, has a clearer sense of tone, and has a much more sympathetic main character. Like Weeds, it does a good job subtly educating about the mechanics of a setting, but its sense of humor rarely does all that much for me.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • I'm really digging Orange is the New Black. The first episode is a bit too slow, but it really picks up in episode 2 onward. I will say the humor in the first two episodes was a little forced and ham-fisted - but they've figured it out since then.

    I don't approach it as a comedy - rather, I look at it is a character drama with just enough humor to lighten the mood.
  • I've watched too much Sons of Anarchy.
  • Picked up Orange is the New Black. I hate the main character, but Alex and Red keep me coming back.
  • Almost all the way through Orange is the New Black. I really like it, despite my initial feelings during the first episode. Also, It keeps giving me flashbacks to middle school.
  • One thing I noticed is that the sex and nudity in this show, by and large, actually serves a purpose. I find it underscoring the frustration and vulnerability that the show is portraying.

    I actually like Piper. She's flawed, no doubt - self-centered and self-absorbed - but she reflects that tendency in everyone. The scene where she tells her mother "You need to understand that I'm no different than anyone else in here" really drove the character home for me. She's fucking up, but she's also growing and learning.

  • I'm only on episode 5. I dislike her less each episode, but it hasn't gotten to the point where I like her yet. I did love the "I'm no different than anybody else in here" monologue.

    On an unrelated note, Vauss/Marilllo is my OTP.
    Also, It keeps giving me flashbacks to middle school.
    Interesting. The characters in the show compare it a lot to High School, but it gives me a lot more flashbacks to the hospital.
  • Finshed it. Jesus fucking Christ.
  • edited July 2013
    Also, It keeps giving me flashbacks to middle school.
    Interesting. The characters in the show compare it a lot to High School, but it gives me a lot more flashbacks to the hospital.
    Well for me middle school was a lot shittier than high school, so that's why. Really any sort of big institution like that is going to have a similar atmosphere.
    Finshed it. Jesus fucking Christ.
    Me too. I think I enjoyed the very end more than I should have.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Finished Season 3 and started Season 4 of Breaking Bad. Just ho-ly-shit. That series is so fucking good.
  • Is it bad that I would have become a stone-cold calculating dude far sooner than the main character of Breaking Bad? The series is good, but I feel like he wimped out a lot in the first few seasons. Maybe I'm just a terrible person.
  • edited July 2013
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • edited July 2013
    So yeah... just finished Orange is the New Black.


    I want season 2 now.
    P.S. the yoga lady is Patti Mayonnaise
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Definitely gonna check this show out when my comp is resurrected. BTN membership ftw.
  • Whelp, I finished Orange is the New Black. My "oh snap, shit just got cray cray" moments were actually all in ep 10-12 (especially the plot twist about the Christian girl). That last scene just left me laughing at how over the top it was.
  • That last scene just left me laughing at how over the top it was.
    Me too, though I was a little disappointed that she didn't do you know what with the thing to you know who.
  • That last scene just left me laughing at how over the top it was.
    Me too, though I was a little disappointed that she didn't do you know what with the thing to you know who.
    Do whatnow to Voldemort?

  • edited July 2013
    So yeah... just finished Orange is the New Black.


    I want season 2 now.
    P.S. the yoga lady is Patti Mayonnaise
    That was my face for like half the goddamn show. Every scene with Mendez made my fucking skin crawl.

    The other half was spent ogling Laura Prepon.

    EDIT: And wow, you were serious about the Patti Mayonnaise thing. Totally makes sense. Sounded right and everything.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • QI QI QI and more QI

    there's nothing else on

    When it's not on BBC iPlayer I go here

    Phoneshop series 3 isn't so great. Can't wait for Southpark to come back, Attack on Titan is making flip tables every week with their cliff hangers.

    IT Crowd and The Inbetweeners have dropped off the planet. Goku still hasn't returned from training with Shenron.

    TV is pretty much dead to me. I don't know what I'm missing to be honest.

    I started watching Game of Thrones a while back only because Sean Bean was in it, and the mother 'uckers killed him off...AGAIN. FGS

    but I continued watching it, I'm just waiting for the episode where Geoffrey gets his face cut off and fed to him.
  • Oh dang, the new episode of Breaking Bad is pretty good. I had kind of forgotten about this show, but there's a scene that involves making Star Trek (original series) fanfiction on the spot.
  • I've been watching season three of the US Wilfred. The show is kinda frustrating in that its difficult to tell what's real but at the same time it's genius in how it doesn't tip it's hand too fast like so many other shows. That is usually my problem with most current shows that have interesting twists. I lose interest as soon as you reveal and I enjoy that the show feeds you info but its hard to tell what you should consider legitimate info. I also like the analogous actions between Wilfred and the human character Ryan. I kinda want to watch the Australian version to see how close they line up as far as the overall show.
  • Been watching Elementary. Sherlock Holmes in New York solving crimes.
    It's not as good as Sherlock, but as the third season of that is still not here yet, it has sufficed as a replacement.
    Can't really say is it actually good show, but it keeps me entertained. Basically it's just another american detective/crime-solving series, but on the other hand the main character is somewhat eccentric man who solves crimes by spotting little details, drawing conclusions about those details and that's all I want from Sherlock story.
  • edited September 2013
    I never wanted to be an old, worn Sheriff/Cowboy; Longmire changed that.

    @Asup, I prefer Sherlock to Elementary in all aspects except one - its take on Moriarty.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited September 2013
    House of Cards.
    Holy shit I didn't expect Frank to kill Russo.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited September 2013
    Old ass SNL. Jesus Christ, I know they were actually shit but I wish it was the 70s. Prime time was still bitter, George Carlin was still alive and funny, the music charts could be trusted -- come back, Carter, all is forgiven.

    Go watch Dan Akroyd's "Final Days of Nixon" and tell me that could get made today with Obama. The materials all there, but whoever tried to make it would get fired faster than you can say PRISM.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Old ass SNL.
    They even had a comic book crossover with Spiderman as the "Prime Time Players"
  • edited September 2013
    Old ass SNL.
    They even had a comic book crossover with Spiderman as the "Prime Time Players"
    They even had a TV crossover with the "Prime Time Players" as Spiderman.

    Post edited by Greg on
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