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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • Dexter, why did you turn so awful after Season 4?
  • Finished watching the second season of Boss. If this show had been on HBO or Showtime, or even Netflix instead of Starz, people would be talking about this show the way they do with House of Cards, the Sopranos, etc. Kelsey Grammer is amazing as the corrupt and power-hungry mayor of Chicago.

    Highly, highly recommended.
  • When I looked for it, it was sort of eclipsed by MOUNTAINS AND MOUNTAINS OF PORN.

  • edited September 2013
    I finally got around to watching Firefly. As far as I can tell it's just live-action Bebop minus bounty hunting.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited September 2013
    Tonight I'm goin' down to South Park, gonna have myself a time.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • They announced the Stick of Truth release date as well which I'm stoked on. There's talk that some of the script cut from that will be worked into this season.
  • Finished up Vikings. Probably one of the few good things the History Channel has done in a long time.
  • Downton Abbey! I only see bad things happening for Edith in regards to her love life. Girl can't cut a break.
  • I'm also keeping up with Downton Abbey; I still find it highly entertaining.

    Right now I'm also watching the Bartender J-Drama; my friend has already seen it and he likes it, even though I'm the one who found it first.
  • Continuum is future-y and has really really good gunfights!

  • The Nick Fury cameo at the end of the latest episode of Agents of SHIELD was pretty funny. And damn, does Samuel L. Jackson ever dominate a scene.

    The series is pretty good so far.
  • I'm so-so On Agent of Shield, only because if it was anything else it would be pretty good, but because it's in the Marvel universe I sorta expect it to be a bit more grounded in that universe so far it just feels like the Marvel Universe is tacked on. I could be watching warehouse 13 or Eureka for all it maters. I'm enjoying it but I want a little more "Marvel" if I'm going to watch a show based in the marvel universe.
  • I'm so-so On Agent of Shield, only because if it was anything else it would be pretty good, but because it's in the Marvel universe I sorta expect it to be a bit more grounded in that universe so far it just feels like the Marvel Universe is tacked on. I could be watching warehouse 13 or Eureka for all it maters. I'm enjoying it but I want a little more "Marvel" if I'm going to watch a show based in the marvel universe.
    I can see that. I'm still somewhat disappointed that the guy from the first episode didn't turn out to be anybody of actual note (despite a ton of speculation after the trailer was released), but the nod of that story tying in to Iron Man 3 was pretty nice.

    The series does have potential. For now I will wait and see what's to come and whether it just remains pretty good or becomes something better.
  • Agents of Shield being set in Marvel universe gives it a reason for there to be secret government agency with super high level tech and superheores running around. Original setting doing same thing would probably have to explain those things a lot more where Shield can just use Marvel universe as a excuse. And that's fine with me.

    In the end what matters is, is the show actually good. For now at least it has been ok for me and I'll happily keep watching it.
  • So it is Heroes but set in the Marvel verse?
  • I hated the first two episodes of Sleepy Hollow, but the third was OK.

    I hope AoS has the same turn around.
  • No it's more like Warehouse 13 or Eureka. It's definitely not like Heroes.
  • I'm super late to this show but I just blitzed through the entire first season of "House of Cards". I found it go from enjoyable to engrossing. It came to the point where I stopped reading and playing games.

    What a freaking cliffhanger of a last episode!
    So it is Heroes but set in the Marvel verse?
    No it's more about the agents who don't have any powers.

    I unfortunately think it is trash after watching the first 2 episodes, predictable and disgustingly contrived.
  • Inspired by clip responses to the government shutdown, I started watching The West Wing a week ago. I've been watching it when I should be sleeping, when I should be eating, and when I really should be doing homework. I'm already halfway through season 2.

    Holy shit that show is good, but it's destroying me.
  • As far as currently-running sitcoms go, New Girl is hands down the best thing airing right now.
  • Tonight I'm goin' down to South Park, gonna have myself a time.
  • Downton Abbey broke my heart. Man. I know they need conflict, but that conflict just hurts me.
  • I hated the first two episodes of Sleepy Hollow, but the third was OK.

    I hope AoS has the same turn around.
    Two episodes in. Things-a not look so good.

  • Third Eps of AoS was a big improvement.
  • Third Eps of AoS was a big improvement.
    So you mean it's only unbearable, as opposed to fucking painful?

  • Third Eps of AoS was a big improvement.
    So you mean it's only unbearable, as opposed to fucking painful?
    Man, I really want to like this show, but after episode two I am thinking Airwolf would be a nice palette cleanser. If three is better, I might keep watching.

  • edited October 2013
    Nah, I'd say it's a big step in the right direction in terms of plot. They hit some theme's that I figured they would go with early on. A corporation working outside of Shield jurisdiction. A new element that may or may not have created a super being. It felt a bit more like it should be. But the show is still being crippled by a cast that isn't that likeable. Coulson and the scientists are the only people I care about. The other people still annoy the crap out of me for some reason.

    I mean I understand why they have the hacker chick in, she's pretty much there to make sure people explain stuff about shield to you, but I feel like it would be better if she wasn't there :-p
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I think our biggest issue is the dialogue & writing. It's just coming off very forced. VERY forced.
  • edited October 2013
    ah I have a bigger problem with the acting...

    but again, the third eps is way less forced feeling.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I've only seen 2 so far, maybe Hulu gets them late.

    Anyway I don't think it's horrible. It's better than standard TV quality, for what that's worth. I have higher standards since Breaking Bad, though.

    I've never been a huge fan of the Firefly thing, though, and the cool-young-hip humor irritates rather than entertains me. I do like the few anti-trope scenes so far, but it could be overdone.
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