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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • ah I have a bigger problem with the acting...

    but again, the third eps is way less forced feeling.
    Well, the acting combines with the writing to make the dialogue really bad. XD

  • the scientists
    I hate the fucking scientists. Flat flat flat flat characters whose "quirks" are so forced that I want to choke someone. "OH HA HA THEY ARE BOTH VERY SMART AND VERY AWKWARD! LULZ!"

    Coulson is, of course, my favorite.

    The badass lone wolf stereotype guy is irritating, but at least his character is almost completely irrelevant. Hacker chick is very meh.
  • "Ohnoes, Science Bro is having conflict with Jock Bro! This is so unexpected!"
    -Direct quote from me while watching Ep 2.

    Pete and I just realized we don't know any of the characters' names except Coulson, and that one we only know because of the movies.
  • It's a sin that they do not make a shield show where only Coulson is the main character and he leads squads of random shield agents on missions and half or more get killed by the random science/super villain/artifact each week. That would be way more awesome :-p
  • I would watch a show that consisted of nothing but Nick Fury being angry at things.
  • I would watch a show that consisted of nothing but Nick Fury being angry at things.
    That should be a one-act play. Or street theatre.

  • I would watch a show that consisted of nothing but Nick Fury being angry at things.
    That should be a one-act play. Or street theatre.

    Even so, it would be 300 times better than this drivel.

  • Downton Abbey broke my heart. Man. I know they need conflict, but that conflict just hurts me.
    I know right?
    I mean I can't believe they can go through so much drama in only 8 episodes per season.

  • Speaking of Downton, that scene on the stairs between Thomas and Edna was top notch.
  • OMG I cheered with Mrs. Hughes and Barrow.
  • A series which has disappointed me with its newest season is "Boardwalk Empire". Anyone else still following this series?

    I'm thinking of dropping it if the story doesn't start ramping up.
  • I plan to watch that show at some point.
  • I plan to watch that show at some point.
    "Downton Abbey" or "Boardwalk Empire"?
  • Boardwalk Empire.
  • The first 4 seasons are great and I enjoyed the continuity of what you think are minor characters in earlier seasons up to the current season where they are major players (I won't spoil).

    Just this 5th season does not seem to be in line with the others but I will give the show the benefit of the doubt because it feels like a breaking point should be occurring in the second half of the season.
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2013
    Because Season 3 of Girls is coming out in approximately 3 months and I want to be ready to see it, I'm rewatching Seasons 1 & 2 of it again. I am happy to say that it still holds up to a second viewing. I love the hell out of this show because it is laugh out loud hilarious, unbelievably raw, and incredibly well-written. I can't wait to see what happens in Season 3.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I also like Girls. I can admit that :-p
  • edited October 2013
    Yeah I really love that show. I rewatched most of season 2 as it was airing but I'll probably rewatch the whole series again anyway.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I heard about the series. I've heard described as a sex in the city type of show but better.
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2013
    I heard about the series. I've heard described as a sex in the city type of show but better.
    It is and it isn't. The only real similarity it has with it is that it centers around 4 women who live in NYC. Where it differs is that it doesn't focus on vain, wealthy stereotypes of people in contrived stories and relationships; it focuses on college graduates (albeit entitled ones, but they aren't off-putting) who struggle to maintain meaningful, realistic relationships as well as trying to actually afford to live in NYC.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Whether or not they're off-putting varies from person-to-person I think, because a lot of their personalities are critiques of the entitled 20-something Brooklynite artist whatever and aren't meant to be likable, but that's a pretty good and succinct description that Geo gave. You should definitely give the series a try, the nice part is that they're only half-hour episodes instead of the usual hour-long HBO format so if you aren't into it you won't waste much of your time, and if you are you can burn through the 10 eps each season pretty easily.
  • After sparing as much time as I can to rewatching Season 1 of Girls, I finally finished last night. I wish I could shake Lena Dunham's hand for making such a great show. I think the best moment in the season is when Hannah is sad and she shuffles to Robyn's Dancing on My Own and starts dancing all cute and happily in spite of her situation.
  • Just finished Arrow, it's a solid genre show with great fight scenes and likable characters as well as a pretty decent plot. I dare say the Arrow is a better Green Arrow representation than the actual Green Arrow comics.
  • Cremlian said:

    Just finished Arrow, it's a solid genre show with great fight scenes and likable characters as well as a pretty decent plot. I dare say the Arrow is a better Green Arrow
    representation than the actual Green Arrow comics.

    With the first season on Netflix instant and only four episodes into the new season, it's a great chance to catch up. Been watching it from the beginning and I'm impressed with the show.

  • I've been spamming my way through Key and Peele to watch the skits that don't make it onto Youtube. Some episodes are worth it, others aren't. I think they would do better to have a longer on stage standup routine between the video skits.

    Some skits are miss others are pure gold with the rest being super funny only the first time you see them.
  • Everybody go watch Black Mirror. Like right now.
  • edited November 2013
    As Breaking Bad finished, and people reported it stays good until the end, Juliane and I are catching up with it.

    Except we've just got to season two episode six. And it's not fun any more. It's interesting TV, but I don't find it fun or entertaining. Judging by what I've heard about the show, I'll probably enjoy it less and less as it goes on. So... well, I guess that's it.

    Time to look for something else Juliane and I can watch together, because while Castle is fun, I'm not really invested in it.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • House of Cards has yet to be beat in terms of recent live-action television drama that is in Rym's wheelhouse.
  • jlawson70 said:

    Cremlian said:

    Just finished Arrow, it's a solid genre show with great fight scenes and likable characters as well as a pretty decent plot. I dare say the Arrow is a better Green Arrow
    representation than the actual Green Arrow comics.

    With the first season on Netflix instant and only four episodes into the new season, it's a great chance to catch up. Been watching it from the beginning and I'm impressed with the show.

    I was watching it as well almost live. The second season is expanding the DC universe a bit - We have Black Canary introduced as a main character. The league of Assassins has appeared and Ra's al Ghul has been name dropped. I sort of seeing it as the Batman TV show we will never get for legal reasons.

    Compared to Agents of shield it is a lot more engaging to me since it is not witty dialogue nothing in any of the shield episodes I have watched was surprising.

    Everybody go watch Black Mirror. Like right now.

    I second this - Black Mirror is a series mostly 6 near-future stories they have no connection between them so you can watch them in any order. "Fifteen Million Merits" and "The Waldo Moment" are my personal favourites of them. They are written by Charlie Brooker a British satirist who you might know from this piece on mass shootings:

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