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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • Apsup said:

    Episodes 2 and 3 are out?
    I watched episode 1 when it came out, but haven't payed attention for when the rest of them came.
    I think the main problem in the first episode of the season was that because there was so much of that "Sherlock is back" business, the actual mystery plot felt rushed and not very good.

    Episode 3 came out Sunday night. Now we wait another 2-odd years for another three episodes.
  • Anyone else catch the premier of "True Detective"?

    The show had a great opener. If they can keep this level of dry comedy, weird stuff and multilayered story throughout, the program will be great.
    It is one of the few dramas which has really grabbed me with a first episode.
  • Apsup said:

    Episodes 2 and 3 are out?
    I watched episode 1 when it came out, but haven't payed attention for when the rest of them came.
    I think the main problem in the first episode of the season was that because there was so much of that "Sherlock is back" business, the actual mystery plot felt rushed and not very good.

    Episode 3 came out Sunday night. Now we wait another 2-odd years for another three episodes.
    This series is going full Moffat it seems. There is a load of stuff in episode 3 that have people calling bullshit, and if I knew how to put the spoilers tag in I would go on about it. Sufficed to say Sherlock does some fucking unSherlock stuff.
  • Watched episodes 2 and 3 of the third Sherlock season.

    I'd say that the third episode was the strongest of the bunch. Like I said earlier episode 1 had so much "Sherlock is back" and other unrelated stuff in it, that the actual episode plot ended up more disappointing than actual Sherlock Holmes short story.

    Episode 2 was ok, but it felt like a light middle season breather episode and I don't think there's room for such things in three episode season.

    Episode 3 had focus, there was a story and the episode followed that story pretty much from beginning to the end. And whatever character stuff was the, it was there as a part of the story. Just the way I like it.
  • edited January 2014
    I think there's a strong current of commentary in the new series of Sherlock (specifically the portrayal of the fanclub and their relation to Sherlock), and the things that happen in episode 3 are a part of that.

    My working theory is that Moffat really wanted to explore the sociopathic, inhuman side of Sherlock, as a sort of direct dismissal of all the cuddly fan-feels the show generated. In episode 1 he basically showed the audience what the fanbase was like, and contrasted that (and their willingness to help Sherlock in subsequent episodes) with the harsh reminder that the whole sociopathy thing isn't just a lark. Sherlock is fully capable of stone-cold murdering a dude if he feels he's justified. That's inhuman and terrifying. He's not really the role model the fanbase makes him out to be.

    Also, I think the third episode was an exploration of what happens when he doesn't solve the case. For nearly the entire run of the show, he's been either one step ahead or could deduce the right course of action when the situation compelled him. In the last episode he's one step behind every time, and all his estimable intellect can only barely keep him from dying. If that's what Moffat was intending, then bravo.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Sherlock Se3Ep3 was great. I enjoyed a lot of the twists and turns. Also: such palace, very mind, wow.
  • The first new episode of Archer was...


    Just watch it.
  • I rather enjoyed it. That last montage was most excellent. Can't wait to watch more.

    Also Pam Poovey is still the best.
  • Continuing from the last two episodes of the previous season of Justified, seeing Boyd Crowder's world slowly falling apart is exciting. It also helps that Walter Goggins, who plays the character, keeps the character on a slow burn without over acting it.
  • jlawson70 said:

    Continuing from the last two episodes of the previous season of Justified, seeing Boyd Crowder's world slowly falling apart is exciting. It also helps that Walter Goggins, who plays the character, keeps the character on a slow burn without over acting it.

    One of my favourite characters on TV at the moment.

  • The second episode of "True Detective" did not disappoint.

    The pacing in this show is unlike anything I've recognised before but once an episode is finished, it feels perfectly right, satisfyingly long and not rushed. I can't quite pin what the editor has done to accomplish this as each scene has it's own weight and feels like it belongs. A proper amount of time is also allocated to the scene so you don't feel as if a bunch of story has just whizzed past you and it doesn't feel as if it every takes too long.

    An example of a show which I think takes way too much time for a story point would be "The Walking Dead".

    An example of a show which I think takes too little time for a story point would be "Game of Thrones", "Lost" "Breaking Bad" or "Justified" where I'm clamouring wanting the next episode immediately and feeling cheated that it has to stop (because these series are purposefully written for the long form or there is an excessive tease in the cliffhanger).

    Although "True Detective" is a long form show each of the first 2 episodes has had some great structure as if it is a well written chapter in a novel.

    I recommend viewers who likes cop method shows, X-files, character driven shows or even just good cinematography, give this series a try while it's coming out weekly or simply get to it once it is on Netflix.
  • Started watching Suits a few days ago on prime. Already into season 2. And damn it I can't stop.
  • Last night's episode of Almost Human was pretty great. The writers of the show did a bit of homage to Ghost in the Shell. The soilder android shared a lot of similarities to Major Kusanagi of Ghost in the Shell. There was even a scene of the mercenary android in black leotard.
  • I heard about the show before but I only saw some episodes of Phineas and Ferb last weekend with my niece and nephew, so I guess I'm now watching that show. It's actually really good.

    Also picked Gravity Falls back up and it's just as excellent as I left it.
  • Last night's episode of Almost Human was pretty great. The writers of the show did a bit of homage to Ghost in the Shell. The soilder android shared a lot of similarities to Major Kusanagi of Ghost in the Shell. There was even a scene of the mercenary android in black leotard.

    I think the combat was corny, John shouldn't have been able to fight that robot and the scene seemed forced up to the grenade and use of the prosthetic leg to kick her.

    Plus it was very obvious who was orchestrating the thing as soon as they introduced Dorian's maker.

  • chaosof99 said:

    I heard about the show before but I only saw some episodes of Phineas and Ferb last weekend with my niece and nephew, so I guess I'm now watching that show. It's actually really good.

    Phineas and Ferb quickly became one of those shows for me where I will watch it no matter when it is on. It just has this unabashed sense of fun and joy that is really infectious no matter how formulaic everything is. Plus, it has really good songs and characters as a whole.

    Also, I found myself marathoning through Rick & Morty as my friends have been suggesting it. So wickedly funny. It's as if Doctor Who was about horrible, horrible trauma and black comedy. So far, the spin-offs from Adventure Time people have been 3 out of 3.

    Bonus! Good news for Rym.
  • sK0pe said:

    Last night's episode of Almost Human was pretty great. The writers of the show did a bit of homage to Ghost in the Shell. The soilder android shared a lot of similarities to Major Kusanagi of Ghost in the Shell. There was even a scene of the mercenary android in black leotard.

    I think the combat was corny, John shouldn't have been able to fight that robot and the scene seemed forced up to the grenade and use of the prosthetic leg to kick her.

    Plus it was very obvious who was orchestrating the thing as soon as they introduced Dorian's maker.

    You are right John shouldn't have been able to go toe to toe with the miltary bot. The only explanation I can come up with was she held her punches against him for her own amusement or just had no intention of straight out murdering him because she was ordered not to.
  • sK0pe said:

    Last night's episode of Almost Human was pretty great. The writers of the show did a bit of homage to Ghost in the Shell. The soilder android shared a lot of similarities to Major Kusanagi of Ghost in the Shell. There was even a scene of the mercenary android in black leotard.

    I think the combat was corny, John shouldn't have been able to fight that robot and the scene seemed forced up to the grenade and use of the prosthetic leg to kick her.

    Plus it was very obvious who was orchestrating the thing as soon as they introduced Dorian's maker.

    You are right John shouldn't have been able to go toe to toe with the miltary bot. The only explanation I can come up with was she held her punches against him for her own amusement or just had no intention of straight out murdering him because she was ordered not to.
    I think it's best to ignore these points because it is totally unexplainable (seeing as she killed virtually everyone she came across in the episode). I'm just ignoring it and waiting for the next episode.

    Is the "wall" supposed to be in the middle of the city like east / west Berlin?

  • So I gave S.H.I.E.L.D. a second chance and now they have stopped putting episodes on Hulu???
  • HMTKSteve said:

    So I gave S.H.I.E.L.D. a second chance and now they have stopped putting episodes on Hulu???

    Might be related to Netflix developing series based on other Marvel properties and some contractual obligations therein. Or maybe I'm just talking out of my rear end.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    So I gave S.H.I.E.L.D. a second chance and now they have stopped putting episodes on Hulu???

    New shows online during their season usually only have the last 5 or so. Usually after the next season comes out they put the whole past season up. I find it to be really stupid. Especially with shows like Almost Human that I want to watch but tend to get to it when I feel like it.. Guess it's pirate time.

  • I understand only having the last five but the latest episode on Hulu is still "Seeds". They also are missing a few recent eps (they skipped two).
  • sK0pe said:

    sK0pe said:

    Last night's episode of Almost Human was pretty great. The writers of the show did a bit of homage to Ghost in the Shell. The soilder android shared a lot of similarities to Major Kusanagi of Ghost in the Shell. There was even a scene of the mercenary android in black leotard.

    I think the combat was corny, John shouldn't have been able to fight that robot and the scene seemed forced up to the grenade and use of the prosthetic leg to kick her.

    Plus it was very obvious who was orchestrating the thing as soon as they introduced Dorian's maker.

    You are right John shouldn't have been able to go toe to toe with the miltary bot. The only explanation I can come up with was she held her punches against him for her own amusement or just had no intention of straight out murdering him because she was ordered not to.
    I think it's best to ignore these points because it is totally unexplainable (seeing as she killed virtually everyone she came across in the episode). I'm just ignoring it and waiting for the next episode.

    Is the "wall" supposed to be in the middle of the city like east / west Berlin?

    Military bot did let the mother and daughter live. But only because the girl said she was pretty. I'm not sure what that was supposed to imply. That she was susceptible to flattery? That she has morals about not killing kids?

    I thought the introduction of the Wall kind came out of left field. Something that significant in the city should have been mentioned or shown in prior episodes I felt. I guess the wall divides the city? It could also be a wall like the border wall that divides the US from Mexico.
  • sK0pe said:

    sK0pe said:

    Last night's episode of Almost Human was pretty great. The writers of the show did a bit of homage to Ghost in the Shell. The soilder android shared a lot of similarities to Major Kusanagi of Ghost in the Shell. There was even a scene of the mercenary android in black leotard.

    I think the combat was corny, John shouldn't have been able to fight that robot and the scene seemed forced up to the grenade and use of the prosthetic leg to kick her.

    Plus it was very obvious who was orchestrating the thing as soon as they introduced Dorian's maker.

    You are right John shouldn't have been able to go toe to toe with the miltary bot. The only explanation I can come up with was she held her punches against him for her own amusement or just had no intention of straight out murdering him because she was ordered not to.
    I think it's best to ignore these points because it is totally unexplainable (seeing as she killed virtually everyone she came across in the episode). I'm just ignoring it and waiting for the next episode.

    Is the "wall" supposed to be in the middle of the city like east / west Berlin?

    Military bot did let the mother and daughter live. But only because the girl said she was pretty. I'm not sure what that was supposed to imply. That she was susceptible to flattery? That she has morals about not killing kids?

    I thought the introduction of the Wall kind came out of left field. Something that significant in the city should have been mentioned or shown in prior episodes I felt. I guess the wall divides the city? It could also be a wall like the border wall that divides the US from Mexico.
    That little girl scene was corny too, sometimes the writers are on point and other times they're not.

    Yeah the introduction of the wall seemed quite random.
    I assumed the wall was like the ones you see in Judge Dredd around Megacity 1 but in the show when they pull up a map of the city it seems to be dividing it rather than encompassing it.
    Cremlian said:

    Guess it's pirate time.

    It's always pirate time outside of the US. It's so weird when you see sites trying to region block content. I can freely access it via a VPN but I can download a torrent in the time it takes for the buffering to settle down.
  • The Watchlist as of late:
    • Sherlock series 3 (omgsogood...)
    • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (And I'm right there with you on them needing to keep the whole series available on Hulu, not just the last few eps. I've missed out on watching Almost Human because of this.)
    • Arrow (yes, I know it's not that good, but it's a guilty pleasure)
    • Brooklyn Nine-Nine (File this one under "mindless comedy")
    • Enlisted (Ditto)
    • Supernatural (I'm about ready to drop this one - I feel like I only keep watching out of momentum)
    • Grimm (a damn sight better than Supernatural, these days)
    • Sleepy Hollow (I'm giving this one to the end of the season, and if the plot doesn't pick up it's getting cut)
  • I just got to the X Files season without Mulder. Its disgusting.
  • Wohow there no need to qualify Arrow it's the definition of guilty pleasure, it's a lot of fun
  • I don't even feel any guild for liking Arrow. I just like it.
  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine (File this one under "mindless comedy")
    No way that comedy is my favourite current comedy on TV, I look forward to this show more than some dramas. I love the cast. It is not a guilty pleasure, I would totally wear a Jake Perolta T-shirt.
  • Yeah, Brooklyn Nine-Nine is incredible. The best new ensemble comedy at the moment. And that post superbowl episode was the pinnacle of that.

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