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  • Tonight I saw such a stereotypical hipster I almost took a photo.
    You should have seen the two guys I passed on the way home today. They were walking their track bikes up the bridge.

    Here's a notice for everybody. I don't care what culture or subculture you are from. Track bikes are for bike tracks, and not for anywhere else. If you are biking in public, you need some fucking brakes other than rubbing your shoe on your rear tire. Technically this is illegal in NYC, but none of the laws against cyclists are ever enforced.
    We should have a forum hipster picture taking competition.
  • Tonight I saw such a stereotypical hipster I almost took a photo.
    You should have seen the two guys I passed on the way home today. They were walking their track bikes up the bridge.

    Here's a notice for everybody. I don't care what culture or subculture you are from. Track bikes are for bike tracks, and not for anywhere else. If you are biking in public, you need some fucking brakes other than rubbing your shoe on your rear tire. Technically this is illegal in NYC, but none of the laws against cyclists are ever enforced.
    We should have a forum hipster picture taking competition.
    Well, it looks like it's time to hang in Adams Morgan.
  • On a positive note, I find many hipster girls attractive. Can't comment on their personalities though.
  • Probably the same mixed bag you get anywhere, though counter cultures tend to attract people who want attention.
  • On a positive note, I find many hipster girls attractive. Can't comment on their personalities though.
    Fixed that for you.
  • Liking something ironically is sort of like the old game show Double Dare.
    I immediately stopped reading through the thread at this point, under the premise that anyone who can tie a Double Dare analogy into their argument automatically wins.
  • I immediately stopped reading through the thread at this point, under the premise that anyone who can tie a Double Dare analogy into their argument automatically wins.
    We'll take the physical challenge.
  • I immediately stopped reading through the thread at this point, under the premise that anyone who can tie a Double Dare analogy into their argument automatically wins.
    Note to self: next time make a Nick Arcade reference.
  • On a positive note, I find many hipster girls attractive. Can't comment on their personalities though.
    Just look at the American Apparel website. Practically hipster porn.
  • Because of the fact that I play and recommend lots of indie games to my friends, I've developed a somewhat satirical reputation of loving everything that's obscure and hating everything mainstream. It gets difficult trying to explain why portal is totally awesome while TF2 isn't.
  • image
    *sigh* My friend is a total hipster
  • *sigh* My friend is a total hipster
    Looks more like a slacker.
  • *sigh* My friend is a total hipster
    Looks more like a slacker.
    the two are not mutually exclusive.
  • *sigh* My friend is a total hipster
    Oh shit -- I have unkempt hair, scruffy chin and a hoodie too! I a hipster?
  • I have unkempt hair, scruffy chin
    Kate doesn't call me patches for nothing. Also, I wear flanel, maybe I'm a hipster.
  • *sigh* My friend is a total hipster
    Oh shit -- I have unkempt hair, scruffy chin and a hoodie too! I a hipster?
  • *sigh* My friend is a total hipster
    Oh shit -- I have unkempt hair, scruffy chin and a hoodie too! I a hipster?
    Well at least he cares enough to worry that he is displaying such behaviour. The question is, will you get rid of it or will you go on with your life the way it always has been?
  • Well at least he cares enough to worry that he is displaying such behaviour. The question is, will you get rid of it or will you go on with your life the way it always has been?
  • ...?
    Dude, it's geofino. Everything has to have a deeper meaning with him. >_>
  • GeoGeo
    edited August 2010
    Dude, it's geofino. Everything has to have a deeper meaning with him. >_>
    That's pretty much me in a single sentence. I miss just about everything that happens around me since I'm more often than not caught up in my own mind. That said, my statement was full of tangled syntax and I think I should clarify. Since you have the suspicion that you are a hipster, will you take steps to not being one in the future?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited August 2010
    Since you have the suspicion that you are a hipster, will you take steps to not being one in the future?
    I understood exactly what you meant, but I said that maybe I was a hipster as a joke. >_>
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Everything has to have a deeper meaning with him. >_>
    Isn't that basically 'hipsters' in a single sentence?
  • Oh shit -- I have unkempt hair, scruffy chin and a hoodie too! I a hipster?
    Naw. You are way too punk and hardcore to be a hipster. Also, you are not snooty about stuff.
    I have certain hipster symptoms, but I'm not a diagnosed case. I'm not picky enough about music and I have a job.
  • I have no hair, therefore can not be hipster.
    Also, I'm old.
  • Despite my food and anime snobbery, a gothic version of a club kid, dressing strange and being an art student, I am not a hipster. Why? I have the body fat of 100 hipster girls.
  • Despite my food and anime snobbery, a gothic version of a club kid, dressing strange and being an art student, I am not a hipster. Why? I have the body fat of 100 hipster girls.
    You stole the body fat of 100 hipsters? That's where they store their terrible power. YOU ARE NOW THE HIGHLANDER.
  • Despite my food and anime snobbery, a gothic version of a club kid, dressing strange and being an art student, I am not a hipster. Why? I have the body fat of 100 hipster girls.
    That is, before hipster girl body fat becomes mainstream.
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