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  • Most "hipsters" I know are pretty cool. The ones I find irritating are the stupid and shallow ones, but then again you can find those in nearly every social group. I would think that hipsters seem so... annoying because it is the popular thing to be at the moment, so many people with "no personality" flock to it.
    I'm not quite sure though if what you guys call hipsters is the same over here.

    The only social group I really cannot get along with are petit bourgeois (which probably has a very different meaning than in German), some of which you can find in every other social group.
  • So, uhhh...

    Hipster fight.
  • Hipster fight.
    OMG, the commentary about West Side Story made me lose it. XD

    That's actually better than cyclist fight.
  • Hipster fight.
    With my tiny arms, there are not many full grown people on earth whom I can best in fisticuffs. However, those hipsters clearly rank among the few I can easily send to the hospital.
  • AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, keep dreaming Apreche.
  • With my tiny arms, there are not many full grown people on earth whom I can best in fisticuffs. However, those hipsters clearly rank among the few I can easily send to the hospital.
    Scott could tear those kids' arms off.
  • With my tiny arms, there are not many full grown people on earth whom I can best in fisticuffs. However, those hipsters clearly rank among the few I can easily send to the hospital.
    Scott could tear those kids' arms off.
    But isn't he a beanbag full of antlers?
  • I'm guessing his nerd fury would count for something. One of those hipsters plugs a VGA source into an Ultrasharp and it's all over.
  • With my tiny arms, there are not many full grown people on earth whom I can best in fisticuffs. However, those hipsters clearly rank among the few I can easily send to the hospital.
    Scott could tear those kids' arms off.
    As much as I'm down on Scott for being a soft city boy, I'd rate him against that raggedy lot.
  • I'm guessing his nerd fury would count for something. One of those hipsters plugs a VGA source into an Ultrasharp and it's all over.
    Everyone knows you only use a USB-based VGA source for an Ultrasharp. It's the only way to get that low-def authenticity!
  • Scott may be weak, but he's scrappy. Anything to avoid the appearance of shit-talking. :3
  • I'm guessing his nerd fury would count for something. One of those hipsters plugs a VGA source into an Ultrasharp and it's all over.
    Everyone knows you only use a USB-based VGA source for an Ultrasharp. It's the only way to get that low-def authenticity!
    Usb? Pfft, Please. I use ONLY Cirrus Logic cards with CRTs. And then I put a lenticular lens made from old coke bottles on it for maximum authentic fuzziness.
  • edited September 2010
    And then I put a lenticular lens made from old coke bottles on it for maximum authentic fuzziness.
    A glass lens? Yeah, okay. Glass totally sold out when it got processed into bottles. I put an ant farm in front of my screen and fill it with sea glass exclusively purchased from nomadic beachcombers in New South Wales. It's a statement.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited September 2010
    Hello I am an adult and I stopped giving a fuck about cliques/what other people think ever since I left high school.

    Young people have always been and will always be obnoxious as fuck, they're desperately trying to grasp for a unique identity in a world that necessarily makes this impossible while swimming through a sea of hormones and self hatred. Basically what I'm saying is stop caring about these people, because thats exactly what they want you to do. Anyways I'm off to go bang some super hot chicks on my motorcycle on my way to the sunglasses store.

    Peace out bros.
    Post edited by DrSissypantsPHd on
  • That's pretty much how I feel, but I'm also an adult and don't need to be a dick about it. :)
  • "Hipster" is the new "emo" in the sense that it's a term used by people who are largely unaware of its original context and instead use it with a wholly negative connotation to disparage others until the inevitable day that the over-saturation of the word causes those clinging to it to be seen as even sadder than the group they were trying to put down in the first place.
  • Hello I am an adult and I stopped giving a fuck about cliques/what other people think ever since I left high school.
    Humans form into groups by attaching themselves to people they feel share traits and interests. You're in a Forum full of Geeks, and most likely self identify as one, for a start. So, Yes, You are an adult, and Yes, a large fuck is probably not given on your part, but don't piss in my pocket - You care about those groups just as much as ever, you just exercise more control over which groups you associate with, and you behave in a less drama-tastic manner(Apart from melodramatic interjections, I suppose), and any rejection from a group, or trying hard to get into groups isn't part of what really has an effect on you any more, because you recognise the sheer number of groups you can attach yourself to, unlike high school where there were usually singular general cliques, with their own sub-groups beneath that.
  • Gee, the hipper members of this community where only hurt a little.
  • I'm too apathetic to get hurt.
  • Gee, the hipper members of this community where only hurt a little.
    Hurt? I'm bored, and I just read about that on Wikipedia. Welcome to a crash course in how I talk most of the time. You just wait till we get to intonation and body language, that's a tricky one.
  • The video above is potentially NSFW, just for anyone unawares.
  • That would have been better if she had just made a can of soup and left.
  • That would have been better if she had just made a can of soup and left.
    I think that's too ironic even for hipsters.
  • That would have been better if she had just made a can of soup and left.
    I think that's too ironic even for hipsters.
    For me a video like that would cross the line from hipster bullshit to hilarious and surreal.
  • For the athletic hipster:

  • @Joe: What in the fuck was that?
  • @Joe: What in thefuckwas that?
    He has no clue. I asked him the same fucking thing, and he has no clue. So we are all clueless here. I think that's for our own good, we shouldn't attempt to understand so disgusting and incompetent. I MEAN, just look at how long it took her to open a can. Hell, it wasn't even opened properly.
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