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  • You stole the body fat of 100 hipsters? That's where they store their terrible power. YOU ARE NOW THE HIGHLANDER.
    The thought of a hipster highlander is fucking horrifying. First, he chops your head off with an obscure old katana, and then bitches about it on his tumblr blog, including posting photos he took of your beheaded corpse with his polaroid camera.
  • edited August 2010
    The thought of a hipster highlander is fucking horrifying. First, he chops your head off with an obscure old wakizashi, and then bitches about it on his tumblr blog, including posting black and white photos he took of your beheaded corpse with his polaroid camera.
    Please, you don't think a hipster would be into anything mainstream as a katana?
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • You stole the body fat of 100 hipsters? That's where they store their terrible power. YOU ARE NOW THE HIGHLANDER.
    I call bollocks on that - everyone knows that hipsters have next to no body fat so they can continue to fit into their skinny jeans and leggings. :D
  • edited August 2010
    Despite my food and anime snobbery, a gothic version of a club kid, dressing strange and being an art student, I am not a hipster. Why? I have the body fat of 100 hipster girls.
    100 times -10 is -1000. Does not compute.

    Hey, is there a forum on the Internet where hipsters congregate? We should find it. Better yet, let's sick 4chan on it.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Despite my food and anime snobbery, a gothic version of a club kid, dressing strange and being an art student, I am not a hipster. Why? I have the body fat of 100 hipster girls.
    100 times -10 is -1000. Does not compute.

    Hey, is there a forum on the Internet where hipsters congregate? We should find it. Better yet, let's sick 4chan on it.
    Oh, it exists, but it's a very obscure site, and when it gets more than 1 member, it closes because it turned main stream.
  • Better yet, let's sick 4chan on it.
    You'll doom yourself with that comment.
  • You'll doom yourself with that comment.
  • edited August 2010
    Hey, is there a forum on the Internet where hipsters congregate? We should find it. Better yet, let's sick 4chan on it.
    Hipinions, Fangs & Arrows, and Collected Animals. I know this because they're great sources for leaked music and rips of limited edition releases.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Hey, is there a forum on the Internet where hipsters congregate? We should find it. Better yet, let's sick 4chan on it.
    Hipinions, Fangs & Arrows, and Collected Animals. I know this because they're great sources for leaked music and rips of limited edition releases.
    I just checked hipinions. Probably too many sports threads to be hipsters. The other ones are good candidates, especially the collected animals one.
  • edited August 2010
    Since you have the suspicion that you are a hipster, will you take steps to not being one in the future?
    Since you admitted your penchant for missing things, I'll try to make it as clear as possible: I don't have any suspicions that I'm a hipster, nor do I think anyone would be likely to mistake me for one. I was trying to make a joke about the fact that the picture that Ninjarabbi posted depicted a guy whose "look" could describe a very wide cross-section of people apart from hipsters.

    However, if I were a hipster, it'd be cool, because that's how I'd want to be. Contrary to the impressions in this thread, there are at least some hipsters that are pretty cool people. I have a friend who lives in a hipstery part of Brooklyn and is in a goddamn moped gang, but he's one of the coolest guys I know.
    I call bollocks on that - everyone knows that hipsters have next to no body fat so they can continue to fit into their skinny jeans and leggings. :D
    I don't know -- I've known a lot of fairly pudgy hipsters. They're not that big, but they're "skinny-fat" -- no muscle, just a thin layer of pudge over their whole bodies.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Funfetus, let me tell you something. People on these forums are on average too dense to get a joke and will just flail their arms in stupidity onto their keyboards in response. Often they hit "Add your comments" after said flailing.

    Abandon all fun, ye who enter the FRC forums.
  • Tumblr. The closest thing to a hipster forum/lj type thing.

    ...I have a tumblr ;_;
  • ...I have a tumblr ;_;
    Shun! Shun! Shun!
  • ...I have a tumblr ;_;
    Shun! Shun!Shun!
    I like that last Shun!
  • I was trying to make a joke about the fact that the picture that Ninjarabbi posted depicted a guy whose "look" could describe a very wide cross-section of people apart from hipsters.
    They're so ironic they take it literally again.

    And actually he more than looks like a hipster. I've known for a long time and I think he's finally accepted it himself. He....he even has a mac.
  • Tumblr. The closest thing to a hipster forum/lj type thing.
    S'alright, possum. I've got a typewriter, and It's not ornamental, either. And not just because you'd have to be pretty mental to use that feckin' bakelite monstrosity as an ornament.
  • unfetus, let me tell you something. People on these forums are on average too dense to get a joke and will just flail their arms in stupidity onto their keyboards in response. Often they hit "Add your comments" after said flailing.

    Abandon all fun, ye who enter the FRC forums.
    Um, have you ever considered that sometimes your "jokes" are the dense bits, not our heads?
  • Um, have you ever considered that sometimes your "jokes" are the dense bits, not our heads?
    He was refering to my and Funfetus' jokes actually.
  • Um, have you ever considered that sometimes your "jokes" are the dense bits, not our heads?
    Initially I did. But then it became clear that it wasn't the jokes and that people really are that dense, failing to comprehend their native language left and right regardless of what comment was made by whomever. Case in point, your post. I was talking about jokes in general, specifically Funfetus' joke in this case if you so care, not just my jokes.
  • edited August 2010
    I saw that on my friend's Facebook earlier this evening. I assume he wants it ironically.
    Post edited by Admiral Hotcakes on
  • Wouldn't Ordinaries be more steampunk than hipster?
  • Wouldn't Ordinaries be more steampunk than hipster?
    PLEASE! Let this be. I would love to ride one of those once because it'll be an utterly bizarre ride.
  • PLEASE! Let this be. I would love to ride one of those once because it'll be an utterly bizarre ride.
    It's also incredibly dangerous.
  • It's also incredibly dangerous.
    That only makes it more awesome. LOOK MA! NO CHAIN! LOOK MA! NO BRAIN!
  • Not only do you have a penny farthing bicycle, I think the image on that iMac is a man on a unicycle on a tightrope. I have ridden both types of cycle, and own a unicycle, and also an iPhone and Macbook. I guess hipster might overlap with juggler at some points.
  • Not only do you have a penny farthing bicycle, I think the image on that iMac is a man on a unicycle on a tightrope. I have ridden both types of cycle, and own a unicycle, and also an iPhone and Macbook. I guess hipster might overlap with juggler at some points.
    But do you ride those because they're more "authentic", or because it's fun?
  • I guess hipster might overlap with juggler at some points.
    I think that the difference is that those things are the tools of the trade for the juggler, while they are the every day fashion for the hipster.
  • Wouldn't Ordinaries be more steampunk than hipster?
    PLEASE! Let this be. I would love to ride one of those once because it'll be an utterly bizarre ride.
    To me a hipster would be riding an old schwinn or late 70s/early 80s style road bike.

    Also a tophat is a required accoutrement for Ordinary/Penny Farthings
  • To me a hipster would be riding an old schwinn or late 70s/early 80s style road bike.
    Here they ride track bikes with no brakes. I don't care what style of bike people ride, but I can't tolerate not having brakes.
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