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  • Rudeboys never go out of style because even if you aren't skanking and you just want to go to Starbucks or get some groceries you still look good. Damn good.
    Yes! Pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up!

    Since you're going around posting a lot, how about the ska thread.
  • Rudeboys never go out of style because even if you aren't skanking and you just want to go to Starbucks or get some groceries you still look good. Damn good.
    Yes! Pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up!

    Since you're going around posting a lot, how about the ska thread.
    I'd post in it
  • I've come to the realization that I'm a gaming hipster.
  • Was that The Cake Shop?
  • Man that dude with the brick-hat is totally awesome! He takes the stones they throw and turns it into art
  • It is because of this that the Egyptian people will be free.
  • image
    Oh my god! They're breeding!!!
  • That kid is too young to have been into Winnie the Pooh when he was underground. I have Winnie the Pooh VHS tapes around here somewhere. What a poser.
  • edited February 2011
    That kid is too young to have been into Winnie the Pooh when he was underground. I have Winnie the Pooh VHS tapes around here somewhere. What a poser.
    VHS tapes? Poser. I was into Pooh before he was animated. Fuck, I INTRODUCED A.A. Milne to E.H. Shepard. I stopped hanging around those two sellouts when they published and stopped doing their shit on napkins that they sold for saltines. Also, sunglasses beekeeper unicorn.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Also, sunglasses beekeeper unicorn.
    That band was so much better before they made any music, back when they were theoretical musicians and I could only dream of their music.
  • Dressing like a SHARP never goes out of style.
  • That band was so much better before they made any music, back when they were theoretical musicians and I could only dream of their music.
    Sellout. I remember when music was a theoretical concept.
  • edited February 2011
    Dressing like a sharp never goes out of style.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Dressinglike asharp never goes out of style.
    Dressing sharp and dressing like a S.H.A.R.P. are way difficult buddy.
  • edited February 2011
    Man, I'd really like to read Hipster Runoff (it's brilliant satire), but I can't get more than a paragraph in before wanting to kill the author. Even though I know it's not real, I can't suspend my disbelief. Damn you, Poe's Law.

    Which 1 of these bros seems like he has the most alt helmet?
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Also, sunglasses beekeeper unicorn.
    That band was so much better before they made any music, back when they were theoretical musicians and I could only dream of their music.
    Their first album is so much better than their FIRST album, you know?
  • Pff, you guys are so part of the system listening to organized bands. I listen to the world around me, that is my music. Not bound by your rules of what is and isn't a band.
  • RymRym
    edited February 2011
    I listen to the world around me, that is my music. Not bound by your rules of what is and isn't a band.
    Pssch. The world around you is so passé. I listen to the world around a particular homeless man in the subway around Inwood. You've probably never heard of him. He's underground.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I listen to the world around me, that is my music. Not bound by your rules of what is and isn't a band.
    Pssch. The world aroundyouis so passé. I listen to the world around a particular homeless man in the subway around Inwood. You've probably never heard of him. He's underground.
    Man, the homeless guy I listen to is so underground, he's dead.
  • Pff homeless are so common, everyone has got one. I hangout with a sick group of troglodytes, they are pushing the boundaries on experimental rock shaping.
  • My hipsterness is so that retro that it goes back to the time before hipsters existed.

    Hey, I like this band. They're pretty popular. You've probably heard of them. Want to go to the supermarket and buy some conventional produce?
  • I study history because I like to take inspiration from those that were truly original.
  • I'm such a fucking hipster I've reverted into a beatnik
  • My hipsterness is so that retro that it goes back to the time before hipsters existed.

    Hey, I like this band. They're pretty popular. You've probably heard of them. Want to go to the supermarket and buy some conventional produce?
    Apples are totally deck now.
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