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Video Game Offers



  • Anyone for a Co-op Campaign? Me and Omar are always interested in joining with someone.
  • edited December 2012
    I picked Female Voice 1 because I thought that russian female voice would get annoying after a while.

    And I might be down for some multiplayer.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I picked Female Voice 1 because I thought that russian female voice would get annoying after a while.

    And I might be down for some multiplayer.
    I'd join you if you wanted to sometime, let me know what works best (me being on the east coast and time differences). Also for the voices Russian voice is awesome but trying out the zombie one for hilarious results.

  • I may join on as well, should be a laugh.
  • How does the co-op in Saints Row 3 actually work? I don't think I'm willing to go through the effort of playing the whole campaign in co-op, but I would love to try it out a little bit, sometime.
  • How does the co-op in Saints Row 3 actually work? I don't think I'm willing to go through the effort of playing the whole campaign in co-op, but I would love to try it out a little bit, sometime.
    you just join in and do the missions that the host has available, you can jump in and out at almost any moment.

  • I am hopping on now, Coldguy_steam is the username send me a message if you want to join.
  • More free stuff was just added to the Humble THQ Bundle. If you bought it, you got upgraded too.
  • If I buy Triple Town on Steam, do I get the whole thing without micro-transaction nonsense?
  • edited December 2012
    If I buy Triple Town on Steam, do I get the whole thing without micro-transaction nonsense?
    From the game description:
    This is the ultimate hardcore version of Triple Town. There are no in-app purchases of any kind in the game. There is no DLC. When you buy the game, you get everything it has to offer with that purchase.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • edited December 2012
    If I buy Triple Town on Steam, do I get the whole thing without micro-transaction nonsense?
    From the game description:
    This is the ultimate hardcore version of Triple Town. There are no in-app purchases of any kind in the game. There is no DLC. When you buy the game, you get everything it has to offer with that purchase.
    Buying! I wish more F2P games would do this. Have the F2P version, but also have a non-free ultimate version.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • FTL is 40% off this weekend on Steam... and is an absolute STEAL at $5.99 if you don't have it already.
  • edited December 2012
    I should probably beat that game. Once I got to the last boss and died I just sort of got bored of it.

    Hotline Miami is short, sweet, and very satisfying. The boss battles are a fucking pain in the ass. Once you know what you should be doing they're not as bad but they're kinda bullshit.

    Even the trailer gets me amped. So cool.

    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Hotline Miami is just fantastic game design. The pace that game sets deserves to be emulated. I just wish there was more of it.
  • If I buy Triple Town on Steam, do I get the whole thing without micro-transaction nonsense?
    From the game description:
    This is the ultimate hardcore version of Triple Town. There are no in-app purchases of any kind in the game. There is no DLC. When you buy the game, you get everything it has to offer with that purchase.
    Buying! I wish more F2P games would do this. Have the F2P version, but also have a non-free ultimate version.
    Triple Town on Android has a $4 in app purchase that removes the F2P nickel and diming. Is this not on the iOS version or something?
  • Hotline Miami is just fantastic game design. The pace that game sets deserves to be emulated. I just wish there was more of it.
    I want to note here that Scott Rubin will not play HLM because of the bugs it had when he bought it. Badger him accordingly on Twitter: @apreche.

  • FTL is 40% off this weekend on Steam... and is an absolute STEAL at $5.99 if you don't have it already.
    This is what I've been waiting for. Buying now.
  • Hotline Miami is just fantastic game design. The pace that game sets deserves to be emulated. I just wish there was more of it.
    I want to note here that Scott Rubin will not play HLM because of the bugs it had when he bought it. Badger him accordingly on Twitter: @apreche.

    Strangely I thought I was going to get all the way through without encountering any bugs but ran into a few in the epilogue levels. One where I got in somewhere when there was one guy left (or he respawned randomly) and killed me mid conversation locking up the game. Another where I got stuck in a stairwell when trying to exit the level, and another where somehow I knocked a guy outside the bounds of the level and couldn't kill him to complete the level. They were kinda annoying because they all happened in the last few moments of the level but it also gave me an excuse to play some more.
  • edited December 2012
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Half-Minute Hero is $5 on Steam
  • Hotline Miami is €4.24 this weekend, for those interested.
  • 3DS XL for $160 at Frys
    Man, if I had $160 to spare I would totally get that.
  • Anyone want a copy of Don't Starve?
  • edited December 2012
    Apparently there is a game called AirMech and it's basically Herzog Zwei. I'll buy that... at some point at a lower price. Oh wait, it's Free-to-play. On second thought... I won't play that? How does this work brain...
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Apparently there is a game called AirMech and it's basically Herzog Zwei. I'll buy that... at some point at a lower price. Oh wait, it's Free-to-play. On second thought... I won't play that? How does this work brain...
    I played it pre-alpha at PAX Prime two years ago. I got in the alpha. It was great. I've talked about it on the show. Then they made it not only free to play, but play to win. I immediately lost all interest. If they would have kept it real, or offered a competitive version, this would be one of my top games.

  • Anyone want a copy of Don't Starve?
    I can take that from your hands if you still have it.

  • Accept the friend request, and it shall be yours.
  • I played it pre-alpha at PAX Prime two years ago. I got in the alpha. It was great. I've talked about it on the show. Then they made it not only free to play, but play to win. I immediately lost all interest. If they would have kept it real, or offered a competitive version, this would be one of my top games.
    For once, I completely agree with you. They ruined this by monetizing it, unfortunately. In Alpha it was just fantastic.

  • Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War was added to the current Humble Bundle.
  • edited December 2012
    Now y'all will have to play it against me ^_~
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
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