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Video Game Offers



  • I love Saints Row 3 because it's basically GTA that understands its player base. Like many others, play GTA4 and just want to fuck around, but it just isn't nearly as fun as fucking around in Saints Row.
  • I beat the average and was given seperate codes for Saints Row III and all the other stuff. I already have Saints Row III. Is the code for Saints Row III also the code for anything they will add for people who beat the average? In other words, If I give away my Saints Row III code, will I miss out on games added for those who beat the average?
  • When I added Saints Row 3, it just showed up as "Saints Row 3 retail" so it should be a separate code for the other games.
  • Funny think is that I have no interest in ether series for just general fucking around. I just like to do missions, story or side and progress in the game. Even in just that Saints Row feels superior.
  • For those now having SR3, I am game for a co-op campaign. Me and Omar and game to back to the row.
  • The only part of SR3 I could not stand was the driving. You can basically go straight while drifting sideways and that bugged the shit out of me. It was not tight at all.
  • I would play SR3 co-op, but you should be aware that I consider the only viable strategy for every mission, "Aim fighter jet at the ground as giant missile, eject, parachute down while firing automatic missile launcher at thugs."

  • RymRym
    edited November 2012
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Didn't Yahtzee give Saints Row 3 a not-scathing review? That alone means it's pretty good.
  • Someone sent me NS2 as a gift in Steam. I'm not sure who. I already own NS2. Anyone who hasn't bought it yet want it for free?
  • @Rym: I can find no fault in your arguement.
  • I'll take NS2
  • Accept my friend request and it's yours.
  • Never forget that CounterStrike has many of the same problems. ;^)

    It just has a better analogy for the skills relevant to actual victory and shorter atoms coupled with a lack of global rankings allowing for easier casual play with people less skilled than oneself. These factors alone have a huge influence on the community around a game.
  • Oh I know. Nevertheless I suspect that you would be singing a different tune had you just enrolled in RIT. I talked with a few RIT kids on Turkey Day and it's all LoL all the time.

    I see CS as more of a reaction/perception game with less meta behind it. High level LoL play is 90% meta game and 10% physical dextarity.

    A global ranking system is a tricky topic in every game. Let take Street Fighter v. Star Craft.

    Now in SF I'm a C/B ranked player. With a random online match I went up against a few oppenets on my level, a few WAY above my level and too many below my level. This can be discouraging to new players but it exposes them to higher levels of play. I'd get beaten one match and try to learn how to use it to my advantage in the next one.

    To the best of my understanding cuz I don't play this game, SC breaks you into Silver/Gold/Platnium/Dimond and you only play on your level. A new player has no business in a high level match up. Now the new players won't get to see higher levels of play until they break into a new level at which point they'll get owned by the folks at the higher end of the level and thus the cycle of learning begins again.

    So it's basically everyone in the pool v. designated swimming areas. They both have pros and cons. We can argue about which one is better later. Most likely at MAGfest. Probably over drinks.
  • It just has a better analogy for the skills relevant to actual victory and shorter atoms coupled with a lack of global rankings allowing for easier casual play with people less skilled than oneself. These factors alone have a huge influence on the community around a game.
    But there is global ranking in Counter Strike. At least in Global Offensive there is.

  • But there wasn't until GO came out, and that ranking is itself neither emphasized nor used for anything other than talking shit. The implementation promotes a different sort of community than the rankings of most MOBAs.
  • edited November 2012
    So it's basically everyone in the pool v. designated swimming areas. They both have pros and cons. We can argue about which one is better later. Most likely at MAGfest. Probably over drinks.
    One of the main things about Starcraft is that the games can take more than an hour, and even the average game can take 20-30 minutes. Do you really want a Bronze vs Diamond match, or even a Silver vs. Diamond that drags on for 30 minutes? I don't think it's near as fun to queue for matches in Starcraft and have absolutely no hope of winning. Maybe in SF you can learn things by watching your opponent, but in SC, you have to think about a million things, have super good hotkey skills, know build orders, etc. You just simply can't put someone that's not on the same level in a game with Diamond/Master players, you're going to learn way more by watching mistakes that people on your level make, not the perfect or absurdly good play of top level players.

    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • I believe that in any competitive game optimal fun is had when players or teams are of equal skill level.
  • @Vhdblood: Yup. Rank in the case of SC has real meaning.

    @Apsup: I disagree. I enjoy a challenge. Optimal fun for me can be just shy of a mental or physical break down. This isn't for everyone. It all depends on the individual.
  • Far Cry 2 for $2.50 if anyone cares.

    I might give it another shot. I rented it when it first game out and I wasn't really down with it at the time.
  • Yeah, SR3 has probably my favorite story of any recent video game, just because it's so fucking ridiculous.
    It was made even better by my character being a beautiful, mustachioed Asian women with the gravely voice of an Australian man.
  • I modeled my character on Jason Statham's in "Lock, Stock..." and made my melee weapon a purple dildo. It was pretty phenomenal.
  • Yeah, SR3 has probably my favorite story of any recent video game, just because it's so fucking ridiculous.
    It was made even better by my character being a beautiful, mustachioed Asian women with the gravely voice of an Australian man.
    That guy is British.

  • edited December 2012
    Female Voice 1 or you guys are playing the wrong game.
    Post edited by Dave on
  • far cry is also not redeemable on steam.
  • Russian accent girl is the correct voice yes.
  • Zombie voice or you guys are playing the wrong game.
    As I said, yes, the russian accent girl voice is the OBVIOUS right choice.

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