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Video Game Offers



  • edited November 2012
    Chivalry is a damn good bit of fun. $12 is worth it.
    How does it play out? Is it basically a better verson of Mount and Blade?

    Edit; Also what was the final judgement on Civ 5. I've been on the fence about getting it for a while now.
    I dunno how to describe it. It's basically Elder Scrolls combat but done better. You have a wide swing, a thrust, and an overhead swing as far as I can tell. You can kick and whatnot. There is also feinting. There is probably more but I haven't played it that long. So in a sense it is similar to Mount and Blade but it's not as freeform (I've only barely played M&B so I'm not really familiar with it). You have to get really good at blocking and timing plays in a lot. There is a great deal of strategy to be had since a lot of winning in certain areas is based on flanking effectively. There's objective based events like take down the wall, then kill the king. Then there is team vs team or multi team versus. There may be more but that's all I've seen so far.

    Just watch some of that. The game is a bit rough in some parts, the server list is borderline broken which kinda blows. I've been apparently having more trouble with it than my friends. They're making free expansions for it and are updating it a lot to be better.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited November 2012
    The Sonic Generations version of Green Hill Zone is my favorite.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Oh, Chemical Plant Zone is also awesome. 1.3 million views does not lie.

  • Amazon has xcom for digital download for $25. Waiting for it on Steam for even lower honestly.
  • Amazon has xcom for digital download for $25. Waiting for it on Steam for even lower honestly.
    I wouldn't expect it to go cheaper on Steam until the next sale. However you can still buy it on Amazon and download it through Steam.

  • If I was sitting here right now really wanting to play a game, but not having a game to play, I would buy X-Com. Instead I'm sitting here actually playing NS2, CS:GO, and actually StarCraft 2 (which I paid full price for on release). So it's hard to get me to spend much on else.
  • edited November 2012
    I'm not saying I'm waiting because Steam will have it at a lower price (in some nearby future). I'm saying I'm waiting to buy it directly through Steam when it is even lower. Even if that's in years.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Yeah, I bought nothing this Steam sale. No regrets.
  • edited November 2012
    I really want xcom and dishonored but I'm hard pressed to get them for more than $15.

    I've been strangely obsessed with Hotline Miami since yesterday. The entire feel of the game reminds me a lot of Drive.

    The game is often compared to Nicolas Winding Refn's Drive. Was that a big inspiration to you, or was that purely coincidental?

    Wedin: No, that was a really big inspiration for the game. The music and feel to the story - not much dialogue and how the violence was portrayed in the movie - were a big inspiration. And we didn't try to hide it either.
    Nothing is expository, the gameplay is tight, the sense of style is phenomenal.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited November 2012
    Yeah, I bought nothing this Steam sale. No regrets.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Anecdotally people seem to be buying less and less each Steam sale. I know I used to shell out big time. I remember the first sale when I bought the complete Id pack. Oh yeah. They shut up and took my moneys. Not lately.

    Yet, I keep reading articles about it being the biggest Steam sale ever! OMG, we made so much money this Steam sale! Who are the people still dishing it out for games they aren't playing?
  • Civ V: 7,50 €. CS GO: 7,00 €. Castle Crashers: 4 €. All games I already own, but they are worth picking up if you don't have them yet.
  • edited November 2012
    I'm just at the point where I am absolutely saturated with games. My Steam account is filled with games I may never play, triple-A titles that I got for maybe $5. I've paid full retail for maybe three Steam games, and nowadays the games I want to play are either indie titles that I can get for 25% off at release (Hotline Miami), free-to-play (DotA2, PS2, LoL), or so massively huge it will take me years to dig through the content and sate myself in them (Skyrim, Fallout NV). The few exceptions (BF3, CS:GO) are usually easy to get on sale and have nigh-infinite replay value.

    I just don't see much reason to buy games anymore. I can spend that money on clothes, quality tools for my various hobbies, food, and nice whiskey. Even with a game budget of effectively zero dollars, I still have a new gaming experience every day for at least the next three years.

    I've run into similar issues with books, music movies, as well, though the dynamics of those situations are a bit different. I still buy spines and vinyl for works I really enjoy, but I'm inundated with media that costs me nearly nothing. It's a good problem to have.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Anecdotally people seem to be buying less and less each Steam sale. I know I used to shell out big time. I remember the first sale when I bought the complete Id pack. Oh yeah. They shut up and took my moneys. Not lately.

    Yet, I keep reading articles about it being the biggest Steam sale ever! OMG, we made so much money this Steam sale! Who are the people still dishing it out for games they aren't playing?
    People you know are buying fewer games because they already have the games that they want. I am also buying fewer games, that's because I pigged out in the Summer and have pretty much every game I wanted off of steam so far. I have also been playing the games I have bought (though not every single one of them, yet).

    The people who are buying them now are in a few categories:
    a) People who haven't had Steam before
    b) People who missed out on previous Steam sales due to laziness or stupidity
    c) People who got out of school or college and found work and thus money
  • edited November 2012
    The only time I get games anymore that I won't play are in bundles when you get like 3 you will play and 2 you ignore. Really they could get rid of those two other games I don't care. I get an indie bundle for two dollars to play Torchlight and it comes with a bunch of other random games.

    Also I have lots of disposable income and rarely spend money on any other sort of media. The only activity that costs me more than a bit of gas is skiing.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited November 2012
    Yeah, there are tons of people who have only gotten on Steam recently. It seems ridiculous to people like us, but there are is still a huge subsect that still buys PC games on CD for full price and are slowly realizing how stupid that is.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited November 2012
    Yeah, there are tons of people who have only gotten on Steam recently. It seems ridiculous to people like us, but there are is still a huge subsect that still buys PC games on CD for full price and are slowly realizing how stupid that is.
    Yeah there are also a lot of people who are migrating to PC gaming. My friend is a recent example, only really had an Xbox before but now has a gaming PC.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • imgur is down. Had to use minus.


  • edited November 2012
    Orly? I'd have had you as one of the people who'd have bitched about Half Life 2's DRM scheme.

    There is a thing on youtube of recreating Genesis game music using a SNES synth.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • HL2?

    Steam existed for ONE purpose in 2003: to download CounterStrike updates.
  • Toki Tori is $0.50. Fun puzzle platformer.
  • Toki Tori is $0.50. Fun puzzle platformer.
  • edited November 2012
    Castle Crashers worth a fiver?

    Also, Bastion for $3.74 and Just Cause 2 for $3.74 end in 18 hours. Do those. Arkham City is definitely worth $7.49 if you're even remotely into that sort of thing (I was happy paying full price for that game on release day).
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • edited November 2012
    Not unless you have other people to play with then it's still just sort of okay. It's one of those games that you need to play consistently with the same group. If you want to play it then yeah it's worth $5. If you're asking whether you should play it then I would say no.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited November 2012
    I have a Dota 2 key if anyone wants it. Not sure if it's worth anything (Says $22 on the Steam but I hear they're given out quite readily.).

    If someone wants to get me Tropico 4 ($6) from the flash deals, it's all yours!
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Nobody should pay for DotA2 because everyone I know has gotten it for free, including me.
  • Castle Crashers worth a fiver?

    Also, Bastion for $3.74 and Just Cause 2 for $3.74 end in 18 hours. Do those. Arkham City is definitely worth $7.49 if you're even remotely into that sort of thing (I was happy paying full price for that game on release day).
    Bastion and Just Cause 2 well worth the price. Bastion is just awesome and Just Cause 2 is one of my favorite sandbox-style games ever.

  • I'll probably buy Castle Crashers for the HTPC, but that'll likely be my only purchase. $5, whatever.
  • Orly? I'd have had you as one of the people who'd have bitched about Half Life 2's DRM scheme.
    Hell no. I was glad to get all those HL1 mods for free that I never played because of grandfathering. I was also super glad to finally be free of trying to download Counter-Strike updates. Also super glad to finally have a decent server browser. My biggest complaint was that I lost the proper gun names in Counter-Strike. That still pisses me off to this day. Is there some mod to get classic CS gun names that won't get me VAC banned for hacking?
  • Member since December 25, 2004
    Aww yeah. Grandma (who got me started playing videogames) bought be HL2 for Christmas. I think that might have been the last game I owned that had a GIANT box.
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