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Video Game Offers



  • Too bad most of us already have it from the most recent humble bundle.

  • Ooh. I will also need to get some.
  • Ace of Spades is on Steam as a $10 game instead of freeware. This version looks pretty sharp. Hopefully it still has that ubersatisfying rifle.

    Also, Street Fighter x Tekken is $12.50. I have no idea if its good, but I still need a good fighting game in my PC library to make my 360 completely obsolete
  • Grabbed Kirby Mass Attack for DS on Amazon for $12.
  • If you are a Playstation Plus member Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition is free.
  • edited December 2012
    If you are a Playstation Plus member Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition is free.
    Yeah I got it yesterday it finally became cost effective when they started giving out free Vita, PS3, and PSN games.

    Post edited by usrName on
  • edited December 2012
    I might get it and pay for like 3 month to just play through a couple games they offer on vita.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I might get it and pay for like 3 month to just play through a couple games they offer on vita.
    Just get a prepaid card and you will be set.
  • Free games is why i keep paying for PSN Plus. Soon my drive will be full.
  • Also, you can "purchase" the games and not download them so you can get them later.
  • Also, you can "purchase" the games and not download them so you can get them later.
    As long as your a Playstation Plus Member

  • It's almost that time of year again...
  • It seems like it's that time of year all the times of year.
  • edited December 2012
    Are they really about to start up another one after they ran the Autumn sale in late Nov and then ran another large sale to kick off the launch of Big Picture mode?

    I've managed to be good and not participate much this year and made good backlog progress. I did cave and order the THQ bundle and pre-order Monaco though.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • edited December 2012
    Yeah, they always run 2 big sales: Winter sale and Summer sale. The other seasons are simply smaller sales.

    I will probably try to pick up some of the stuff on my wishlist during the Winter sale though. Also Ace of Spades.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • XBox Live big sale starts Dec 18th. If you aren't already buying these games on Steam, ones worth picking up are:

    Mark of the Ninja
    Jet Set Radio
    Trials Evolution
    Walking Dead episodes

    If I recall correctly, Trials isn't out on PC yet but they are making a "Gold Edition" for early 2013.
  • I'm watching jet set radio very carefully. It was a must have back in the days of the Dreamcast.
  • I don't get why everyone wants jet set radio so badly. Is it just like nostalgia? The game was never that fantastic besides being a neat idea.
  • edited December 2012
    If you're judging it based on gameplay alone, also note that people fell in love with it's art style and soundtrack. Cel shading was very much controversial back then, and JSR made it beautiful.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Steam setup a market where you can sell your inventory shit. That is good because I get lots of stuff in my inventory that I don't want or need, and I would not complain about getting effectively free money.

    I am disappointed to find out that every item in my inventory is "not marketable."
  • Best deal 3DS XL yet - $160 free shipping and free Mario Kart pre-installed.
  • Hey Santa, if you can't think of anything to get me, that^^ would be a good choice. ;)
  • Just got my wife that 3DS XL combo with Maro Kart for $130 at Target. Price match best buy, $20 gift card back, $10 coupon you can find online
  • Is there anyway to do the price match online? I've never tried anything like that before.
  • While they're not publicly stating this, Best Buy is now matching Amazon's prices if you can show them the link on your phone or whatever.
  • Is there anyway to do the price match online? I've never tried anything like that before.
    Nah you gotta take the item to customer service.

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