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Video Game Offers



  • Street Fighter X Mega Man available now!
  • Isn't there supposed to be some big official announcement today about Mega Man too?
  • edited December 2012
    Well, SquadronROE seems to have gone on a philanthropy spree again and landed Dungeons of Dredmor in my Steam account. Thanks, Squadron!
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Anytime! Enjoy the game, it's pretty good. It can be terribly difficult though.
  • Steam will now email you if an item on your wish list goes on sale. Make sure it's enabled in your Steam account email preferences. This way you can just add all the games you actually want to your wish list, and only have to check sales when you get an email.
  • When will they give you money back for buying a game right before it goes on sale?
  • When will they give you money back for buying a game right before it goes on sale?
    When will you learn to never buy anything until it goes on sale unless you want to reward the dev with more money?
  • When will they give you money back for buying a game right before it goes on sale?
    When will you learn to never buy anything until it goes on sale unless you want to reward the dev with more money?
    Birthdays happen.
  • edited December 2012
    You win some, you lose some. This should even out over the course of your life when balanced against times you decided to wait a day before buying a game and the *poof* wow now it's on sale!
    Post edited by Matt on
  • edited December 2012
    You win some, you lose some. This should even out over the course of your life when balanced against times you decided to wait a day before buying a game and the *poof* wow now it's on sale!
    True but it really burns when you buy something and less than 24 hours later it is 75% off.

    Which leads to the related problem of never paying more than the lowest price you have seen. There are games I want but will not buy until they hit their lowest historical price point.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • We've all been there man.
  • My new policy is basically "all games cost $20", or conversely "don't buy games that you wouldn't spend $20 on". Any game that is worth playing is worth $20, if you pay less, that's a bonus, if you pay more, that's your choice.

    I bought Deus Ex: Human Revolution for $50 sight unseen and I totally enjoyed it, even though I could have gotten it for $20 6 months later.
  • Shout out to SquadronROE for gifting me Wizorb! Probably going to fire it up on the HTPC in a couple hours for a study break.
  • There are certain games worth an up-front investment. Particularly multiplayer ones. Most everything else I can wait for a deal, unless I'm extremely invested in a series or genre.
  • Shout out to SquadronROE for gifting me Wizorb! Probably going to fire it up on the HTPC in a couple hours for a study break.
    It may or may not be terrible!
  • Anybody want Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP, Crayon Physics Deluxe, or Cogs? I got them in a past Humble Bundle but I already had them and I'm feeling generous.
  • I can confirm that Wizorb is pretty ok!
  • edited December 2012
    Is sight unseen like a FRCF thing or something? I'd maybe heard it once or twice before I came here where it's used any time it fits.

    Also thanks ROE for giving me a game as well even though I have no idea what it is besides a Rube Goldberg machine to kill a cat or something.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • RymRym
    edited December 2012
    Is sight unseen like a FRCF thing or something?
    Not particularly?

    Post edited by Rym on
  • It's a pretty common phrase in general use. I think you just happened to miss out on that one somehow.
  • Perhaps. Maybe I've heard it more than I think but have not noticed it as much until I see it in writing.
  • Shout out to SquadronROE for gifting me Wizorb! Probably going to fire it up on the HTPC in a couple hours for a study break.
    It may or may not be terrible!
    I approach these things like everything else. Shwatz first With an open mind.

  • Also thanks ROE for giving me a game as well even though I have no idea what it is besides a Rube Goldberg machine to kill a cat or something.
    That is absolutely what it is. Also it uses non-deterministic physics. Maybe the best way to describe it would be to call it a "fizziks" game. It's also pretty racist, so enjoy it!

  • New humble bundle, but I already own all the games that I am interested in from it :(
  • New humble bundle, but I already own all the games that I am interested in from it :(
    This has been true for almost every humble bundle.
  • Yeah... one day I hope to be pleasantly surprised by it though.
  • I want it but I already have Dungeon Defenders and I don't wanna spend extra just for Grimrock. Anybody planning on buying it that already has Grimrock that could hook me up?
  • Just bout all the Might and Magics in the mega-deal from
  • I hadn't even noticed the gog sales. Bought the platforming pack for La Mulana and Giana sisters.
  • edited December 2012

    YB79J-W87R2-DW47K - Binding of Isaac
    20BFQ-DBGTA-V3W8F - Closure
    IG40Q-TH5VE-KHZTE - Indie Game: The Movie
    VYK7R-TTFEB-7L5ZP - Shank 2
    ETZLN-LF6CW-AYE8L - Snapshot
    8P00M-MBKAA-WC4ZK - Dungeon Defenders

    Quote this message with what you take so others don't redeem.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
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