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Video Game Offers



  • Castle Crashers 4-pack on Steam is $15, who's in?
  • Me! I'll gift you something for my share.
  • Hotline Miami is below $5. A must buy.
  • Castle Crashers 4-pack on Steam is $15, who's in?
    Damn, I bought Castle crashers before I saw this post, otherwise, I would have.
  • So has anyone heard of anything cool about Deadlight? I know it was a game on XBLA as well. It seems pretty cool.
  • hmmm.. retro city rampage...
  • hmmm.. retro city rampage...
    This Steam wish list email thing is clearly not working.
  • Are those Magic the Gathering video games good, like do I get to wander around beating up punk kids and stealing their dual lands or is that just something I have to do in real life?
  • edited December 2012
    Are those Magic the Gathering video games good, like do I get to wander around beating up punk kids and stealing their dual lands or is that just something I have to do in real life?
    Well, the latest one isn't so bad, if you're into that sort of thing. It's like playing Magic, but with a butler keeping track of everything for you. If you want full-on hardcore magic, there are better ways to go. If you're fine with just playing magic, without all the extra meta-nonsense, then they're worth a fiver, It's a more than acceptable level of enjoyment per dollar at that price.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • If you want full on (ante) MtG on PC find the original PC game from the 90's. Be warned the AI cheats and likes to pull your best rares as ante.
  • The 90s PC game was a pretty sweet dungeon crawler/RPG where you played Magic for the random battles.
  • Uh oh. Today is a bad day to be my wallet. Blowing $20 on Spec Ops: The Line + NS2.
  • Yeah, I'm not seeing anything I really want. NS2 looks neat, but the shooting aspect of it looks boring, like you're firing lasers at laser tag rather than guns with any recoil or heft to them. Playing as the aliens just looks frustrating too, as you need to constantly get into melee range and that would lead to hectic battles.
  • Yeah, I'm not seeing anything I really want. NS2 looks neat, but the shooting aspect of it looks boring, like you're firing lasers at laser tag rather than guns with any recoil or heft to them. Playing as the aliens just looks frustrating too, as you need to constantly get into melee range and that would lead to hectic battles.
    Again, why are people so obsessed with shooting games being realistic! Who wants a gun with recoil? That's the opposite of fun! Real war is not fun. Really shooting people is not fun. Bring on the space lasers! Also, aliens easily get close because they are small and fast. Marines can't hit shit even without recoil. Stop making excuses and man up.
  • Oh, I don't care about it being realistic. You're reading things there that I'm not saying. I like how the guns feel in BF3 or Planetside 2, as opposed to Call of Duty. It just doesn't feel satisfying to hose down an enemy as easily as I use the spray paint tool in MS Paint.

    If I wanted realistic I'd just play Ghost Recon all day long, but Ghost Recon was more boring than listening to Geeknights when that not-Rym comes on. Also, I might grab it when it gets a bit cheaper than $10. I think it's worth about $5 to me at this point, since no really compelling arguments are being made aside from "your opinions r dumb".
  • Depends on the game and what I want. I have no problems with how NS2 does shooting.
  • Oh, I don't care about it being realistic. You're reading things there that I'm not saying. I like how the guns feel in BF3 or Planetside 2, as opposed to Call of Duty. It just doesn't feel satisfying to hose down an enemy as easily as I use the spray paint tool in MS Paint.
    While it is true the guns have no recoil, you absolutely can not hose them down as easily as the spray can in MS Paint. They are moving so fast, and I don't think you are some kind of FPS god. Also, they have health. It's not CS or something where one, or just a few shots, kills something. Marines have armor that works. Aliens are tough motherfucking monsters. If you had recoil, aliens would almost never die.
  • That's fair, it sounds like that's the right direction to go for that game then. That doesn't change the fact that I, personally, dislike that type of shooting in games. Would I like NS2 if I were undecided about NS1? I felt like the pace of NS1 was too fast and the learning curve was pretty steep after I stopped playing it for several years. Everyone else was like a god, I would die so very quickly.
  • That's fair, it sounds like that's the right direction to go for that game then. That doesn't change the fact that I, personally, dislike that type of shooting in games. Would I like NS2 if I were undecided about NS1? I felt like the pace of NS1 was too fast and the learning curve was pretty steep after I stopped playing it for several years. Everyone else was like a god, I would die so very quickly.
    There are all newbs now in NS2 because of Steam sale. Learning curve is still steep. I will personally teach anyone to play who wants to.
  • Uh oh. Today is a bad day to be my wallet. Blowing $20 on Spec Ops: The Line + NS2.
    Dude, I have an extra copy of NS2, don't do that!
  • NS1 always felt, and still feels, very slow to me.

    Granted, I cut my teeth on Quake, which makes pretty-much every modern FPS seem like snail's first FPS.

    Interestingly, Quake 1 and Quake 2 had zero heft and zero recoil, yet most players today would still find it basically impossible to hose down anyone.
  • I cut my teeth on Q1, Q2 and then various HL mods as well. NS1 felt hectic when I came back to it after several years of not playing those games, so it feels hectic and slow compared to things like BF3 or other contemporary games. Even CoD's airsoftastic gameplay felt a little slower and more deliberate.

    Also I think the term "hose down" might have been an imprecise one to use, or maybe it's not being interpreted correctly. You can still wield a bullethose, but that doesn't mean you hit anything. It's just describing how it feels to fire the guns full auto. In PS2 it takes a couple fractions of a second to ready a weapon or pull up iron sights, and you have to burst fire to maintain accuracy because of the recoil. That makes the guns feel more hefty and maybe a tiny bit more realistic, being that they are space guns wielding by space soldiers fighting a space war. That makes it more fun to me.
  • edited December 2012
    So has anyone heard of anything cool about Deadlight? I know it was a game on XBLA as well. It seems pretty cool.
    No don't do it, It's not very good. The story is TERRIBLE and it seemed like the controls were an issue although I can't fully speak on that. Watched Dave stream it and it sounded like he didn't really care for it either.

    Plus they put a subway system in Seattle... wtf.

    Also I finally bought NS2 since it keeps staring me in the face.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • NS1 always felt, and still feels, very slow to me.

    Granted, I cut my teeth on Quake, which makes pretty-much every modern FPS seem like snail's first FPS.

    Interestingly, Quake 1 and Quake 2 had zero heft and zero recoil, yet most players today would still find it basically impossible to hose down anyone.
    You know, I don't see it that way. To me, it's less "This is the standard for slow, this is the standard for fast", so much as "This game has this tempo and beat, and that game has that tempo and beat" - much like music, really. I rarely think in terms of "This game is faster than that game", because it doesn't matter to me, all I think about is "This game is this speed, and I'm playing this game at this speed at this moment."

  • I feel that terms 'fast' and 'slow' in relation to fpses are quite problematic. Counter-Strike being the best example of game that is both fast and slow. Movement speed in Counter-Strike is nothing to write home about and I'd say that the general pace of the game is, if not slow, at least calm. Sure there are rushes and such, but still I'd say that generally outside of shooting situations Counter-Strike takes it's time and builds tension. But when a man sees another man of wrong side? Then things happen in instant, in Counter-Strike firefight that lasts seconds is a long one. When people shoot Counter-Strike can be the fastest game alive.

    So is Counter-Strike fast game, or slow?
  • RymRym
    edited December 2012
    So is Counter-Strike fast game, or slow?
    CS is a fast-aim, but primarily 2D slow-movement game.

    Quake 1 is fast aim and fast movement. Without the grappling hook, it's primarily 2D, but with, it's 3D.

    It's better to think along the lines of characteristics.

    Quake 2 Lithium Deathmatch:
    Fast aiming
    Fast movement
    3D movement
    No recoil
    No scatter
    Engagement at short, mid, and long range

    Counter Strike
    Fast aiming
    Slow movement
    2D movement
    Controllable Scatter
    Engagement at short and mid range.

    Team Fortress 2
    Slow aiming
    Slow movement
    Constrained 3D movement
    No recoil
    Uncontrollable Scatter
    Engagement at short and mid range

    Tribes 2
    Slow and Fast aiming
    Slow movement
    3D movement
    No recoil
    Variable scatter
    Engagement at shot, mid, long, and extreme range

    Post edited by Rym on
  • What about Doom 2 DM?
  • Doom 2 Deathmatch
    Fast aiming
    Fast movement
    2D movement
    No recoil
    No scatter
    Engagement at short, mid, and long range
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