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Video Game Offers



  • Where there's a VPN, there's a way.
    Funny story about that - a friend of mine wanted to get Skyrim early, so he prepurchased it and jacked an Australian VPN to download it early. Brilliant move, IMO.
  • They'll die everywhere else in time. We're just ahead of the curve. ;^)
    Maybe, maybe. But then again, you're a few hundred years older than us as a nation, we probably have a good century or two left before we start to suck. :P

  • They'll die everywhere else in time. We're just ahead of the curve. ;^)
    Maybe, maybe. But then again, you're a few hundred years older than us as a nation, we probably have a good century or two left before we start to suck. :P

    Actually, just over a hundred years, if you count it as being from the time the six colonies unified into Australia (1901).
  • Actually, just over a hundred years, if you count it as being from the time the six colonies unified into Australia (1901).
    Oh yeah, I suppose you did your thing in 1776, so that would be about right. Still, a century! I can deal with a good century.

  • It's a shame arcades In the US are dead.
    We've covered this already.
    They'll die everywhere else in time. We're just ahead of the curve. ;^)
    Arcades are alive and kicking in Asia. They're just full of PCs now.

  • In F1 and Forza, the cars are generally able to be driven with a controller if you have assists on. Traction control is the main assist I need. I have noticed that I need to brake earlier than the suggested driving line sometimes, though.
  • See, in F1, unless you are going fast enough, you will spin out. If you wanna stop yourself from spinning out, you'll probably have to go faster through those corners.
    That's ridiculous. Even if they are going for realism, they fucked up. F1 cars can drive very slowly. Also, the brakes are so powerful that if you even began to spin out at going at such a slow speed, you could stop instantly.

    The only thing is that you do need to warm up the tires and brakes during the pace lap or they won't be as effective. I don't know if the game takes that into account.
    F1 cars are weird like that, Scott. Their brakes don't work well unless they're heated. Watch this. Hammond can't get the car fast enough to actually make it corner well.

  • edited November 2011
    F1 cars are weird like that, Scott. Their brakes don't work well unless they're heated. Watch this. Hammond can't get the car fast enough to actually make it corner well.
    Yes, but it can still fucking stop, just not well. It won't go flying off the track if you try to corner at 60mph.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited November 2011
    Fuck, I wish I wasn't on my phone right now, I was watching a video on YouTube earlier from the recent f1 race in...India, I think? Where a guy did exactly that - spun off the track going about 60 mph, maybe a hair above or below, but it can't have been much more - he just slid out wide and lost it. Slid a pretty fair distance, too, but by the time he was backwards, He was in the gravel. So less brake effectiveness there.

    Edit- I mean, less brake effectiveness once he's in the gravel, but he was sliding with no massive speed loss while on the Tarmac, digging in on the gravel slowed him appreciably more.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Ah, here it is -
  • Humble Introversion Bundle. Get on that shit, son!
    I have every single one of those games. Instead, get Cave Story+.
  • Also, no Midweek Madness. This makes me worry that the Winter Sale is going to start soon.
  • Also, no Midweek Madness. This makes me worry that the Winter Sale is going to start soon.
    It will start by Friday. If we're unlucky, it will start tomorrow.
  • Last year, there was a Thanksgiving/Black Friday sale that started Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. Valve tends to be very consistent with these things. You can probably expect a sale to come up sometime around noon EST. The actual Winter sale happens around Christmas time - could start as early as the 22nd or 22rd of December.
  • Oh no. I simply cant afford a sale, any sale, this time. Although, truth be told, I'm not really looking forward to any games. I've got Dirt 3. I've got Arkham City. What else is there?
  • What else is there?
    get Cave Story+.
  • Shit's up, yo. Nothing screams an instant purchase except for Mass Effect 2, which I stupidly bought from Amazon for the same price. Portal 2's ten bucks, so now nobody has an excuse.
  • edited November 2011
    Nothing I care about that I don't already have. I can't even think of a game that could go on sale that I would buy.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I'm thinking about Men of War or Orcs must die.

  • This is pretty much what sold me on Orcs Must Die.
  • Terraria is back on sale! Sweet! I'm gonna buy at least 2 copies for friends.
  • Terraria is back on sale! Sweet! I'm gonna buy at least 2 copies for friends.
    Wait for a daily deal! Especially if you're buying multiple copies. I bet you'll see it drop down to $2.50.
  • Too late! The deed is done.
  • Breath of Death VII and Cthulu Saves the World Double Pack's a buck now, too. They're worth about that, IMO.
  • Cthulu saves the world was pretty fun, if simplistic.
  • New Vargas five bucks. VVVVVV a dollar twenty-five.
  • *Sees steam sales*

    Saving for kindle fire saving for kindle fire saving for kindle fire saving for kindle fire...
  • eeh, I don't know if I'd buy a kindle fire now...
  • Yea you can get all of New Vegas and ALL the dc for 16 bucks I was waiting for game of the year edition but.. this is the same thing for sooo cheap.
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