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Video Game Offers



  • Sonic CD. Lets you switch to Japanese musics! Has Sonic Boom if you choose US musics! Get it on teh XBox.
    How much money is that Sonic CD game you speak of? Based on that I'm interested or not.

  • Sonic CD. Lets you switch to Japanese musics! Has Sonic Boom if you choose US musics! Get it on teh XBox.
    How much money is that Sonic CD game you speak of? Based on that I'm interested or not.

    400 Microsoft Points = $5 US
  • Sonic CD. Lets you switch to Japanese musics! Has Sonic Boom if you choose US musics! Get it on teh XBox.
    How much money is that Sonic CD game you speak of? Based on that I'm interested or not.
    400 Microsoft Points = $5 US
    If that price is true here too, I am interested. That's not a bad price even for a Sonic game.

  • If that price is true here too, I am interested. That's not a bad price for one of the greatest Sonic games ever.

    Fixed that for you.
  • It's better to be one of the greatest Sonic games ever, considering that in my opinion the 2D Sonics I've played have been just mediocre platformers at best.
  • It's better to be one of the greatest Sonic games ever, considering that in my opinion the 2D Sonics I've played have been just mediocre platformers at best.
    Sonic CD is considered by many to be the best Sonic game ever. It's also considered one of the best Sega CD games ever (not that this is saying much as most of the Sega CD software was pretty bad, but its gems were true gems like Sonic CD, the Lunar games, Snatcher, and so forth).
  • It's better to be one of the greatest Sonic games ever, considering that in my opinion the 2D Sonics I've played have been just mediocre platformers at best.
    Sonic CD is considered by many to be the best Sonic game ever. It's also considered one of the best Sega CD games ever (not that this is saying much as most of the Sega CD software was pretty bad, but its gems were true gems like Sonic CD, the Lunar games, Snatcher, and so forth).
    I already bought and played it and it was a 2D Sonic game. I will probably pay it to the end at least once.

  • Supposedly, a Steam version is coming out "soon". I'm waiting for that, personally.
  • Supposedly, a Steam version is coming out "soon". I'm waiting for that, personally.

  • I had Sonic CD for PC way back in the day. It might have been the first or second real video game my family owned. That game was the business.
  • Supposedly, a Steam version is coming out "soon". I'm waiting for that, personally.

    Before we get to the "not on my system" posts, this port is coming to the PC, but there is no release date as of yet.
  • I still own my copy of Sonic CD from when I had a Sega CD. I just turn on the emulator, put the disc in my drive and play.
  • Sega Emulation made simple: Get Kega, download the BIOS to the Sega CD, insert game into CD rom, open game from CD Rom, done. Just remember to be careful with those safe states, can screw up your disc.
  • How could they screw up the disc? An emulator shouldn't be able to operate the write function of your drive.
  • It's not the emulator, it's Doctor Robotnik you have to worry about.
  • Actually it will jump from one section of the disc to another and can cause the laser to rapidly jump from place to place. If the disc is in poor condition it can scratch, granted this only happened to me on one game, but a trip to play n trade and a disc buff later it was good to go. Always like to warn people about it just in case, plus it beats playing the Sega CD game on a modded console that supports best video on it, PC kicks its ass by a LONG shot.
  • Steam Holiday Sale just started.
  • Steam Holiday Sale just started.
  • I feel sorry for Steam's servers.
  • Every single game on Steam.


  • edited December 2011
    Every single game on Steam.


    If someone were actually able to play each of these to completion, I'd give them a dollar.

    EDIT: Steam's servers seem to be down. I wonder why...?
    Post edited by ColombianShadow on
  • What if I already almost own all the games of steam... (is a Steam Hoarder)
  • Which ever account ends up winning the top prize will probably be sold on.
  • I'm waiting for Skyrim to go on sale.
  • Imagine the steam calculator page of the winning account.
  • Does the prize get you all future Steam games?
  • Doubtful, Scott.

    Is anyone else having trouble getting in to their Steam inventory? I can't see what I got from Gaben Clause.
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