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Video Game Offers



  • >Rym, is Amazon really your best bet for buying board games? If you've got prime and the games are sold by Amazon, I can understand the desire, but if every re-seller on there is a sham like you were speculating on the podcast a few episodes back, it's time to move on.

    There are plenty of great online shops for board games. seems to have great prices and a few other board game people I converse with on Twitter have given the shop a thumbs up. I've personally ordered from Thought Hammer and Sci-Fi City, positive experiences with both.
    Amazon's pretty-much always cheaper, and I get the games eventually. ;^) It's also much more convenient to just throw a board game order in with my regular periodic orders.
    I may hit up the Strat for a few obscure games I'm looking for, though.
  • Anyone know where I can buy Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 for cheap? I know it's only been a month and a half, but I'll search my ass for some sales!
  • Payday: The heist is on steam for 10 bucks, and it's still a steal at twice the price.
  • Batman Sequel City is 50% off already. hmmmm...
  • Batman Sequel City is 50% off already. hmmmm...
    If you liked Island Batman at all go ahead and grab it. It's the same but better and more.
  • Oh I want that game I loved Island Batman it was my favorite game of 2009. I am just not sure with my backlog that I will play it before it's even cheaper ^_^
  • The Arkham City DLCs (except for the fucking skin pack) are worth it at their current (50% off) price. They're definitely not worth it for full price, though.
  • edited December 2011
    They're also a huge hint at the next game if you want to engage in such ponderings.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Today's Best Buy deal is two of Nintendo's 3DS launch games. Steel Diver and Pilotwings Resort for $5 each.
  • The Arkham City DLCs (except for the fucking skin pack) are worth it at their current (50% off) price. They're definitely not worth it for full price, though.
    Do you mean the Robin and Nightwing pack?
  • edited December 2011
    They're neat. I really like how Nightwing fights. Catwoman is the most worth it though since it makes getting all the Riddler stuff 10% easier.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • The Arkham City DLCs (except for the fucking skin pack) are worth it at their current (50% off) price. They're definitely not worth it for full price, though.
    Do you mean the Robin and Nightwing pack?
    There's also a challenge map pack, which I bought but haven't played yet, but it looks worth it at $1.24.

    Too late now anyway :(
  • Bought and finished Mass Effect 2 during one the last Steam sales, now I can get ME1 for $5. Was the first one as good as the second?
  • Bought and finished Mass Effect 2 during one the last Steam sales, now I can get ME1 for $5. Was the first one as good as the second?
    As someone who has a crippling defect that causes him to not be able to play series games out of order, I don't even know how to process that sentence.

    From what I hear the second one was an improvement. I have only played ME1 though and I enjoyed it. ME2 will happen someday.

  • I've played ME1 and am working my way through ME2, and I am of the opinion that ME1 is worth playing. Plus, it was only like a 15 hour game for me, which is pretty short compared ME2. I definitely like the characters more from ME1 and I actually prefer the ME1 combat too, but I'm probably in the minority on that second one.
  • ME1 is not quite as good as ME2 due to more inventory-management stuff, slower combat, and the Mako. However, it is still better than 99% of other games. And it's five bucks. You should buy it right now.
  • I played ME2 first and moved to ME1 then. After I had played second, the first was pain for me. The story stuff is pretty good, but I had to go and drive around every planet in the galaxy in that awful car-thingy. First Mass Effect is worth playing, but it's not as good as the second.
  • I'm still amused that people bitched about the Mako, I found that the easiest thing to control ever. What were you guys using...
  • I'm still amused that people bitched about the Mako, I found that the easiest thing to control ever. What were you guys using...
    Three year old laptop that thought it would be good idea to render those scenes about 15 frames per second.

  • edited December 2011
    ME1 is not quite as good as ME2 due to more inventory-management stuff, slower combat, and the Mako. However, it is still better than 99% of other games. And it's five bucks. You should buy it right now.
    I liked the Mako, I felt like it was just as easy as the Halo warthog to control.
    Post edited by highdefinition on
  • DiRT 3 $16.99

  • Train Simulator 2012 for $3.50
  • edited December 2011
    Train Simulator 2012 for $3.50
    Watch the Giant Bomb video about that game unless you are really into trains

    Post edited by Hitman Hart on
  • edited December 2011
    Crud I am one coal away from a coal to gift trade...say anyone want to trade coal for coal?
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • Crud I am one coal away from a coal to gift trade...say anyone want to trade coal for coal?
    I'll trade you

  • RAGE is 14.99. I already own Borderlands and Fallout 3 New Vegas. Do I really need another post apocalypse FPS?
  • Crud I am one coal away from a coal to gift trade...say anyone want to trade coal for coal?
    I'll trade you

    Check your messages.
  • I will trade coal for coal. Or better, useless hats for coal.
  • How do I get coal?
  • Because of these contests my Steam Wish List is always going to be dishonest. It will always be full of the newest most expensive games I want to get for free, but would never pay for under any circumstances.
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