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Video Game Offers



  • Anyone willing to give me a little coal for something?
  • I might be lucky for I have gotten just coal, and one Valve -50% ticket.
  • And here I thought I had a *bad* gift run.
  • wow, those coupons are ASS.
  • wow, those coupons are ASS.
    I'm still trying to figure out the point of the coupons. They give out coupons for 33% off. Then the actual discount without a coupon is 50%+, and you can't combine the coupon until the sale is over. But anyone who got the coupon was definitely using Steam during the sale. Therefore the coupon can only be for people who come in after the sale is over, between now and next year. Valve must be hoping that you give out the coupons to less active Steam users, or new Steam users sometime next year. That you will somehow become a Valve salesperson and get people to join Steam or buy Steam games they don't have.

    They must have figure on the number of Steam accounts, how often they login, and exactly what games they own. There are probably a lot of Steam accounts that don't own all the Valve games, and they are doing everything they can to squeeze out every last dollar like you squeeze juice from an orange.
  • yea, there is literally no more money I can give Valve at this point expect by buying hats in TF2 I think ^_^
  • Hurray for finally Skyrim! Now quitting SWTOR will be trivially easy!
  • How is Old Republic?
  • edited December 2011
    Train Simulator 2012 for $3.50

    Post edited by Sail on
  • I just got a coupon that says -50% with nothing beneath. When I click on it to see what games it applies to all I see is Hector: Badge of Carnage - Full Series
  • How is Old Republic?
    It's KOTOR, but with other people running around doing the same quests. It's all voice acted, which is cool, but I found myself really bored with it for the beta weekend I did.

    If you choose any class other than Sith Inquisitor, you are wasting your time.
  • They all seem to be games that only a tiny niche would want, which encourages trading and probably gives them a huge boost in sales from sheer exposure. Or valve bought to many codes for these games and are trying to recoup costs.
  • How is Old Republic?
    Fairly meh. It's an incremental improvement on WoW in terms of quests and compartmentalized character stories. I'm enjoying the PvP, but now that characters are hitting level 50 and getting geared out it's changing the name of the game to who has the best stats.

    Also the cool storyline dies in a bit of a slog as you get higher in level and have to continue to run more and more fetch quests and kill x things just to get leveled up enough to follow your class storyline.

    I'm not intending to continue playing past the free 30 days.
  • Also the cool storyline dies in a bit of a slog as you get higher in level and have to continue to run more and more fetch quests and kill x things just to get leveled up enough to follow your class storyline.
    HEURG. Wake me up when MMOs become fun.
  • All I care about in SWTOR is Bioware's dialog trees. If they are as good as any of the other Bioware titles, then I will play it regardless of any other aspects of the gameplay.
  • All I care about in SWTOR is Bioware's dialog trees. If they are as good as any of the other Bioware titles, then I will play it regardless of any other aspects of the gameplay.
    My only problem with that is that it still has monthly fees. I'm not paying monthly for a single player/ co-op game.
  • Playing Beat Hazzard reminded me why I hate Beat Hazzard. Ow my head....
  • My daughter created her steam account this weekend. I gifted her one game and she now has 3 coal to my one. WTF?
  • Today hurt. Sonic Generations, Bastion, Rock of Ages. Decided not to get Bulletstorm for $5 but it was still tempting.
  • My daughter created her steam account this weekend. I gifted her one game and she now has 3 coal to my one. WTF?
    There are a few "free" achievements that don't require games. Make a wishlist with 10+ items, join some Steam Community group, trade with someone, etc.
  • We have the same chievos done yet I keep getting coupons while she gets coal...
  • We have the same chievos done yet I keep getting coupons while she gets coal...
    It's random, it's luck. I've gotten mostly coal and I like it that way.
  • edited December 2011
    How easy is it in Windows to move a c: drive from one SSD to a larger (newer) SSD? I'm debating getting a larger one, because games take up WAY TOO MUCH SPACE. I basically can't be playing more than three non-indie games at a time on a 128 gig drive (my documents and such are on a 1TB HDD).

    EDIT: Also, raided SSD's? y/n
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • You could just move your whole steam folder onto another SSD, instead of Windows.
  • You just copy your Steam folder over, then point Steam to the new location. It's fairly easy.
  • edited December 2011
    I hadn't even thought of that. You just made my life 100% more awesome (or, possibly, 100% more antisocial).
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • X Com is on sale. I know I want UFO Defense, but do I want any of the other ones, ore are they ass?
  • edited December 2011
    X Com is on sale. I know I want UFO Defense, but do I want any of the other ones, ore are they ass?
    Terror from the deep needs, NEEDS a walk through to play it, as the research tree is bugged and if you don't do the research in a specific order, you are fucked, also, terror sites are ENDLESS they have like 3 sub stages in HUGE ASS SHIPS. Still a good game though.

    Apocalypse is decent, but I still like I and II better.*Almost forgot, in Apocalypse, the AI totally cheats, and the evil faction of the city is totally OP.

    Good luck installing and running Interceptor and Enforcer, they run in like 0.00000001% (with a 0.00000001% margin of error) of the computers out there.

    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • You really only need XCom 1. 2 is basically a remake with different guns (Terror from the deep) and apocalypse is uber hard. Also, you can check out UFO Alien Invasion for a more modern (and open source) remake.
  • What is better? Beat Hazard or Rock of Ages?
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