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Video Game Offers



  • Puzzle Agent 2.
  • I'm looking at Deus Ex:HR and Driver:San Fran today. My wallet is aching.
  • Super Meat boy: The Golden Gift! - Complete all levels in "The Kids Xmas" chapter in super meat world IN ONE PLAY SESSION.
    I can see this one causing more cursing than any other game available today.

    Also, Spacechem, worth it? Can someone give me an elevator pitch?
  • Spacechem is computer programming, the game.
  • That sounds suspiciously like work.
  • I put in for New Vegas ($5, I often spend more than that on lunch) and $16 on deus ex.
  • Guys, don't bother with the Meat Boy achievement until later. You'll get some SQL server errors and Meat World won't load. It'll be better later, I imagine.
  • That sounds suspiciously like work.
    It's more like "Think like a computer programmer, the game".
  • I would buy this New Vegas, but it's not GOTY. Try again.
  • Am getting Puzzle Agent 2. Puzzle Agent 1 was made of win. Played it all the way through.
  • edited December 2011
    All of you should buy Deus Ex Human Revolution. It is absolutely awesome sauce. Listen to the Fast Karate episodes about it if you don't believe me.
    Post edited by Hitman Hart on
  • edited December 2011
    Eehhhh...Ta for the advisory on spacechem, those games are not really my style, I'm not really that into them.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • That sounds suspiciously like work.
    It's more like "Think like a computer programmer, the game".
    So... go for the easiest solution until someone else complains? [/sarcasm]

  • I would buy this New Vegas, but it's not GOTY. Try again.
    Just a note, you could probably get all the DLC and New Vegas for like 15 dollars total... the Game of the year edition will be a long time before it is that cheap...

  • I would buy this New Vegas, but it's not GOTY. Try again.
    Just a note, you could probably get all the DLC and New Vegas for like 15 dollars total... the Game of the year edition will be a long time before it is that cheap...

    What's my rush?
  • Well for example my next game is going to be New Vegas :-p (other then some of the small indie stuff I'm playing) so it was worth it for 15 dollars.
  • Picked up Spacechem, as well as the achievement for puzzle agent 2, it will take you literally 2 minutes to get (fail to solve a puzzle 3 times).
  • I like the idea of Assasin's Creed, but put the first one down since it got boring and grindy. Do Ass Creed 2 or Bro-hood get rid of that? Which is the best one?
  • From what I heard the 2nd and brotherhood are NOTHING like the first game and many consider if far superior.
  • Kind of, but I felt dat grind at the end of Ass Creed 2 starting to creep up on you. Also the story gets more bonkers if you could believe such a thing can exist.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm definitely into playing more Binding of Issac BUT I was not going to put up with something that occurs pretty much randomly sooooo I may have edited a serial.txt file one digit and the achievement appeared!
    I tried that but accidentally got almost all the achievements. Slightly suspicous and now I won't have the fun of legitimately getting them :(

    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Is any of the Civ V dlc worth it?
  • They appear to have fixed the Binding of Issac hack. I did the edit, got the secret in game but not as a steam chievo.
  • DId you clear flash?
  • Clear flash?
  • Grr, Binding of Isaac, Why you no give me Steam Achievements? ;-;

    But for last day, $12.50 for LA Noire is really, REALLY tempting.
  • From the bit I played of LA Noire, I really liked it. It reminded me a lot of Dragnet, and so I enjoyed it as playing through Dragnet essentially. The face capture stuff is remarkable.
  • Can somebody explain "AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome" to me? I loaded it up and it tells me to use WASD or the arrow keys but they don't appear to be doing anything. The mouse lets me sort of look around but otherwise I have zero idea WTF I am doing in this game.

    A list of the less than descriptive Objectives and how to accomplish them would also be helpful.
  • If it's anything like Reckless Disregard, you jump off the platform and fall, trying to hit the things that give you points while not hitting buildings that kill you. I bought it, I'll install it and give it a shot to see if I can figure out what you're having trouble with.
  • By my recollection, 'w' and 's' serve to alter your speed as well as push you a bit forward/backward with respect to to the direction you are facing. 'a' and 'd' on the other hand move you slowly screen left and screen right. If it's like the previous game the whole point is to get score. You get score by being close to buildings with speed (hugging?), going near multiple buildings (kisses), hitting score plates, landing in the landing zone with minimal speed, hitting birds, and doing the right gestures to the right people.
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