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Video Game Offers



  • Games are, at best, a curiosity these days. Don't pay full price.

    (It's left as an exercise to the reader if I'm being serious or not)
  • Some of these games (JSR) are worth playing to get hooked on the soundtrack.
  • For real; if you don't have serious nostalgia for either Tony Hawk or Jet Set Radio, they are clunky and weak.
  • Did Neito end up claiming that NS2 code? If not, hook a sister up!
  • If he did, I still have one.
  • I would appreciate a code greatly, if someone wanted to give me theirs. Due to me sucking at FPSes, I probably wouldn't buy NS2 otherwise.
  • Eh. Give it to someone else. I can't dig up my mouse, and don't want to run the risk of getting an invite and having it run like shit. I'll pick up a copy later, myself.
  • Yesss. I've always wanted to play that too but never got a chance, same with Jet Set Radio.
    JSR is, at best, a curiosity these days. Don't pay full price.

    These days? It was always just a curiosity.
  • If he did, I still have one.
  • I wouldn't mind an invite to check it out if people have extra. I only played NS1 once though so maybe it should go to someone more worthy :P
  • edited October 2012
    Ro/Linkigi/Others, jump onto the "GeekNights" group chat or friend me on steam (user name is the same there as here). For either I'll be on and conscious for probably only a couple more hours, otherwise try tomorrow after noon central time.
    Post edited by Shiam on
  • If he did, I still have one.
  • Alright Linkigi grabbed the one I had.
  • I got Churba's.
  • No worries. I have more than enough games to take up my time.
  • edited October 2012
    It looks like LOC and Sail might still have one.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited October 2012
    I got Churba's.
    Along with a stupid message, as is my tradition, I might add. I think I've only ever gifted one game without adding a goofy message.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited October 2012
    I got Churba's.
    Along with a stupid message, as is my tradition, I might add. I think I've only ever gifted one game without adding a goofy message.
    That was a nice touch. Thanks again.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Steam "Software"?
  • So, Ro doesn't have one at the moment? If so, I'd be happy to send mine over; perhaps I can even get a goofy message from Churba to go with it!
  • edited October 2012
    Sure! Thanks Mr. No Cheese! I would appreciate it.

    Steam name: Rosaka
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • So, Ro doesn't have one at the moment? If so, I'd be happy to send mine over; perhaps I can even get a goofy message from Churba to go with it!
    My method is simple - I tend to send a message in the general theme of the game, renaming the recipient and myself within the theme. For example, in Pegu's message, it was a case of calling him to another bug hunt, aliens style. WUB's dota 2 invite was in the style of the leader of an ancient warband, and so on.
  • Okay, I've added you to my friends. It seems I have to wait for you to accept the invitation before I can send you a gift.
  • Toys R Us is selling the PC version of Skyrim for 10$ today only. Best Buy or anyplace that price matches will give you the same price if you show them the deal on your phone.
  • The cashier at Best Buy was utterly bewildered by this, so he called his manager over... who took half a glance at the ad and said "Ring him up." Managed to snag the only two copies they had with my roommate, thanks for the heads up!
  • We ended up with 5. The store had more but we decided not to push it.
  • WTF are you people going to do with so many copies?
  • Me, Aimee, John A., maybe Pete and Adam
  • I though about it but I'll just wait and get the GOTY edition for like $20 on steam in a year or so.
  • I only bought one myself - the other went to my friend who went with me, so one copy apiece.
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