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Minecraft - First Person Dwarf Fortress.... Kinda



  • No. No, it was not.
  • I angered a zombie pigman and now it kills me every time I try using the portal near my house :(
  • Is the new version out yet or not?
  • It's out. Go play.
  • Wow. I forgot how bad the original textures look.
  • edited October 2010
    Presumably due to the new light/spawning mechanics, I couldn't disable a spider dungeon by lighting it up. I was forced to access the chests from outside without going into the dungeon ^_~
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • So, how does it work now? Can you box up the spawner?
  • edited October 2010
    I tried boxing up the spawner and it didn't work.

    Also, pumpkins are quite rare.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited October 2010
    Thought I'd share my adventures with my first legit world, and in the Halloween update of all things!

    I spawned at the edge of a beach, with trees in front of me. Not thick, but not thin. First mission: coal. So I go looking around, and I find this:

    I was amazed. I've only seen thing like this in pictures of other people's worlds! So, abandoning my first mission, I decide to go check it out.

    But, I soon remember my first mission, and go back to a cave system I found along the way to mine the coal at the mouth of it. On the way back, I decided this time I'd start off with an actual house, so I gather some cobblestone on the way back, and created this:

    It's not much, but there is loads of sand I can get, so I have a feeling there will be many glass-tunnel networks.
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • Be careful. There is currently a bug that makes it so your stuff doesn't drop when you die, but instead vanishes forever.
  • Be careful. There is currently a bug that makes it so your stuff doesn't drop when you die, but instead vanishes forever.
    I was so pissed when I figured that out.
  • Be careful. There is currently a bug that makes it so your stuff doesn't drop when you die, but instead vanishes forever.
    I was so pissed when I figured that out.
    So that's what happened. After I ran back to where I died, dodging skeletons, whacking creepers, and outrunning spiders, everything was gone.
  • edited October 2010
    Be careful. There is currently a bug that makes it so your stuff doesn't drop when you die, but instead vanishes forever.
    I was so pissed when I figured that out.
    Tell me about it. I lost a diamond pick. I don't like to use inventory editors/cheats but I think reclaiming items I shouldn't have lost is ok.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • I know that normally there's a time limit of 5 minutes after which you lose your stuff, and cacti, lava, and explosions can destroy gear (e.g. if a creeper explodes next to you after your death it can destroy your stuff), but it really sucks if the gear never drops in the first place.
  • Is that bug going to be fixed sometime soon?
  • Tell me about it. I lost a diamond pick. I don't like to use inventory editors/cheats but I think reclaiming items I shouldn't have lost is ok.
    I condone it. I lost a diamond pick and diamond sword when four skeletons mysteriously appeared at the top of a well-lit stairway. Arrows and corridors do not mix well. I had to pull a lava dump to get rid of them.
  • I have a plan.

    Everyone else is making really big fancy places and such. I really don't have the time or the patience to do that with all the hacks and tricks necessary for things like boat lifts or rail car boosters.

    Instead, I'm going to go for quantity. I'll fill my map with lots of smaller things instead of one really big fancy thing. Every time I start something new, I'll just take what I can carry and leave everything else behind. Repeating this whenever I feel like it.

    I think that this will make a much better multiplayer map, don't you think?
  • You're going for the city concept, or the trail o' hermitages concept? I wish there were a persistent multiplayer survival mode.

    In other news, there is finally a use for gold: It's used to craft a watch.
  • And to make golden pimp thrones out of gold blocks.
  • You're going for the city concept, or the trail o' hermitages concept? I wish there were a persistent multiplayer survival mode.
    I'm going for the world concept. A village here, a castle there, a dungeon here, a farm there, a beach resort, mix it up.

    Also, the game just crashed on me.
  • I have a plan.

    Everyone else is making really big fancy places and such. I really don't have the time or the patience to do that with all the hacks and tricks necessary for things like boat lifts or rail car boosters.

    Instead, I'm going to go for quantity. I'll fill my map with lots of smaller things instead of one really big fancy thing. Every time I start something new, I'll just take what I can carry and leave everything else behind. Repeating this whenever I feel like it.

    I think that this will make a much better multiplayer map, don't you think?
    That's sort of how I've played so far. Starting building a caslte, then expanded out into different areas as I explored. Building smaller forts or mansions as a new base of operations for the area. I tried to connect them all by rail so that I can quickly move between them if I want to, or need something from one of the previous places.
  • I prefer not to connect them by rail. That way if someone visits, they have to explore.
  • Acccckkk! Cartograph doesn't know how to handle hell. It superimposes it over the rest of the map.
  • How exactly are the hell gates made?
  • edited October 2010
    4x5 obsidian rectangle, leave out the corners to save obsidian.
    Then use flint and steel to light up the middle
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Be careful. There is currently a bug that makes it so your stuff doesn't drop when you die, but instead vanishes forever.
    It looks like it's been fixed.
    Small emergency Sunday update; You drop your stuff when dying now.
  • Game is way crashy. Unplayable.
  • Game is way crashy. Unplayable.
    I've had no crashes.

    The hellgates are strange. I think if you build more than one, it will throw everything off re: distance traveled in hell vs. the real world and exit point. I did get flung one time what seemed like several miles away, right next to a cave system teeming with coal and iron; when I tried to make another journey there, the exit dropped me elsewhere.
  • Game is way crashy. Unplayable.
    Never had a single crash, so I dunno what you're doing.

    Also, I was on the Minecraft Forums, and I'm really tired of people complaining about things. No one is in any way rational about their comments. Everyone is either part of the "Notch Circlejerk," or the "Butthurt Army." Either "Notch is God," or "Notch is the Devil."

    I think everyone's getting their money's worth. It was a little over $14 for me, and I just got it. I'm exploring The Slip, I'm building houses, and I'm crafting and mining. This is so much more fun than I could have ever imagined an Alpha could be, let alone indie, let alone just a java game on my computer.

    And yes, there are bugs, but this is also a public alpha. And yes, we don't have lanterns, but he's human and dealing with a lot. I just wish that everyone could understand this.

    Not saying that people have to enjoy the game. I understand that. I've bought many a game (before Gamefly) that I wish I hadn't. But, with the points boiling down to "it's buggy and not enough features," it makes me wonder if they know what Alpha in this sense means before they bought the game.

    /rant, sorry.
  • Game is way crashy. Unplayable.
    Don't do anything until the immediate world around you has been generated. My game crashes every time if I turn too fast after a loading screen.
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